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Invalid CDKey.

Started by gentoolinux, April 23, 2005, 07:02 PM

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If that's really Feanor's TCP Connection Class (I havn't seem it in a while) I suggest that you do stop using it. A much more (I hate to say this) better bot to copy from (or to learn from, start out making a bot from) is FloodBot by LordZero. It has a pretty basic connection that uses the clients hash files. It can connect to star, sexp, w2bn, and d2dv. I think that the code is a bit messy (Visual Basic 6 is like that...) but I think you can figure out how to make it work. I would suggest using that rather than Feanor's code.


Quote from: gentoolinux on April 26, 2005, 04:28 PM
Quote from: UserLoser on April 26, 2005, 04:21 PM
Try removing the "Call InitNLS", don't ever have that.  It's bad

I replaced what i had with the code u pasted and it still isnt working... It still gives me an invalid CDKey.

Userloser the removing InitNLS didnt work either

Well, it's not related to your cdkey issue, sort of, but it's just something you don't need.  Feel free to delete all the "Declare Functions" for "NLS.dll", too


I'm beginning to think that the source he is using came from a bot where the creator had no clue what they were doing. Declaring NLS functions with Feanor's TCP Connecting Class...


Properly written code in Visual Basic if properly maintained won't become messy. Why don't we see if he actually wants to persue this and if so give him the required steps to create his own bot from scratch? I mean with the wide selection of utilities availible to bot developers (BnetDocs, BNLS, etc..) after he knows some fundemental functions in Visual Basic then the rest is just trial and error.
Quote from: effect on March 09, 2006, 11:52 PM
Islam is a steaming pile of fucking dog shit. Everything about it is flawed, anybody who believes in it is a terrorist, if you disagree with me, then im sorry your wrong.

Quote from: Rule on May 07, 2006, 01:30 PM
Why don't you stop being American and start acting like a decent human?



Me using Feanors TCP Connection is the same as people using bnls....

and has anyone heard of gosuhost.com? anyone know if its good or not?

(sorry about that)


Quote from: gentoolinux on April 27, 2005, 09:02 PM
Me using Feanors TCP Connection is the same as people using bnls....

and has anyone heard of gosuhost.com? anyone know if its good or not?

(sorry about that)

I disagree.  Using BNLS, you still have to learn how to implement a binary protocol -- two, in fact.  The only thing that you're not learning is how to implement X-SHA-1, SRP, and/or CD key decoding.

Re: gosuhost.com: I automatically deduct credibility from anyone who would name a brand by something "elite," so this host would already rank as high in my opinion as someone who made "uberhost," "leethost," "1337host," or an equivalent.  The guy on the front ("Michael, manager") is not depicted in the "About Us" picture, which tells me that they're just using some random pictures of people (not necessarily bad -- the software company I worked for did it too -- just not lending credibility).  Hosting page: grammar issues.  IMO if you're a respectable company, you'll hire someone to check over your advertising media.  Order page: different color scheme, not the same branding as the rest of the site.  Leads me to believe that they are using a third party; yet again, not necessarily bad, but it's not going to make me want to throw money at them; there is also no way to navigate back aside from the "Back" button of my browser.  The "Legal Statement" and "Privacy Policy" links aren't actually links.  There is absolutely no information about what platform the servers use.

The biggest problems I see, though, are that 1.) the page talks about game servers, but I see no game servers offered.  I see web servers offered, but not talked about; and 2.) There is this "GosuHost GDX Technology" that isn't explained anywhere.  I Google'd it, because if it's that powerful it must be talked about SOMEWHERE, but my search turned up with nothing.  Beyond that, I know little about the company, but the owner used to be a forum member here who was banned for being an asshole.

I've been using WebStrike solutions (www.webstrikesolutions.com) forever; their prices for web hosting are reasonable IMO, and they're very good about getting support within a couple hours.
QuoteEvery generation of humans believed it had all the answers it needed, except for a few mysteries they assumed would be solved at any moment. And they all believed their ancestors were simplistic and deluded. What are the odds that you are the first generation of humans who will understand reality?

After 3 years, it's on the horizon.  The new JinxBot, and BN#, the managed Battle.net Client library.

Quote from: chyea on January 16, 2009, 05:05 PM
You've just located global warming.


Quote from: MyndFyre on April 27, 2005, 10:23 PM
Quote from: gentoolinux on April 27, 2005, 09:02 PM
Me using Feanors TCP Connection is the same as people using bnls....

and has anyone heard of gosuhost.com? anyone know if its good or not?

(sorry about that)

I disagree.  Using BNLS, you still have to learn how to implement a binary protocol -- two, in fact.  The only thing that you're not learning is how to implement X-SHA-1, SRP, and/or CD key decoding.

Re: gosuhost.com: I automatically deduct credibility from anyone who would name a brand by something "elite," so this host would already rank as high in my opinion as someone who made "uberhost," "leethost," "1337host," or an equivalent.  The guy on the front ("Michael, manager") is not depicted in the "About Us" picture, which tells me that they're just using some random pictures of people (not necessarily bad -- the software company I worked for did it too -- just not lending credibility).  Hosting page: grammar issues.  IMO if you're a respectable company, you'll hire someone to check over your advertising media.  Order page: different color scheme, not the same branding as the rest of the site.  Leads me to believe that they are using a third party; yet again, not necessarily bad, but it's not going to make me want to throw money at them; there is also no way to navigate back aside from the "Back" button of my browser.  The "Legal Statement" and "Privacy Policy" links aren't actually links.  There is absolutely no information about what platform the servers use.

The biggest problems I see, though, are that 1.) the page talks about game servers, but I see no game servers offered.  I see web servers offered, but not talked about; and 2.) There is this "GosuHost GDX Technology" that isn't explained anywhere.  I Google'd it, because if it's that powerful it must be talked about SOMEWHERE, but my search turned up with nothing.  Beyond that, I know little about the company, but the owner used to be a forum member here who was banned for being an asshole.

I've been using WebStrike solutions (www.webstrikesolutions.com) forever; their prices for web hosting are reasonable IMO, and they're very good about getting support within a couple hours.

But no offense but I dont trust sending my information to an unknown server before battle.net.

I already bought that from gosuhost and the setup was less than 15 minutes, the domain worked about 20 minutes after i purchased it


Unknown server?

Do you have ANY clue what the hell you are doing? You don't even know what the code in the bot 'you wrote' with the 'help of a friend' does. BNLS is a KNOWN server that is maintained by the Valhallalegends. I wouldn't call that uknown, especially considering the insane amount of traffic it gets (don't know the numbers, perhaps someone can post them?).

I dont trust sending my information

You do know that there are a great many things you don't need to do with BNLS, correct? Although I myself have never implemented it, I do beleive that it is possible to request only the version byte. Correct me on that if I am mistaken.

If you want to learn to program a bot, I suggest you start from scratch. That way you know exactly what your code is doing, and can find out what, if anything, goes wrong.


Also, BNLS is in no way untrustworthy. I highly doubt that the two people who host BNLS, Yoni and Skywing, would ever have even a slightest interest in your accounts or other info.


I think I know the problem: His packet log shows he's connecting with W2BN, but there is no W2BN code in his code (sorry if there is, I kinda skimmed the topic).


Call DecodeCDKey(vCDkey, modDatabaselProdID, modDatabaselValue1, modDatabaselValue2)

If vCDkey is pointed at a W2BN cdkey then it does.

And gentoolinux just out of interest, how many W2BN cdkeys have you tryed?
Also is 'Servers' getting your server value before that code handles 0x51?


Quote from: raylu on April 29, 2005, 09:10 PM
I think I know the problem: His packet log shows he's connecting with W2BN, but there is no W2BN code in his code (sorry if there is, I kinda skimmed the topic).

Both Diablo II and WarCraft II use the same CD-Key decoding functions.
