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Started by AnThRaX-SOI, April 23, 2003, 12:35 AM

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Yea yea I know this is a cheap way to make a bot but until I learn more I'm going to use it... I re-created my old BNLS bot and got everything going... I try to connect and it connects to bnls and then pops up an error msgbox and says "Invalid Version" and then it gives me this....
"[1:34:33 AM] Battle.net Logon Server Authorization Successful.
[1:34:33 AM] Connecting to Battle.net...
[1:34:33 AM] A Battle.net Error has occured: 10049 Address is not available from the local machine"

Can anyone explain this or has anyone had the same problem?


Read the documentation on what to set the Product property to.


Ok, I'll just post my code because it's all set correctly and since CleanSlateBot.OCX is posted for dl and use I will just show my code... I changed a few things and now it won't even try to connect... I'll just post the code for my entire Main.frm.

Private Sub BNLS_BnetConnected()
AddChat vbGreen, "Connected to Battle.net."
End Sub

Private Sub BNLS_BnetConnecting()
AddChat vbGreen, "Connecting to Battle.net..."
End Sub

Private Sub BNLS_BnetDisconnected()
AddChat vbRed, "Disconnected from Battle.net."
End Sub

Private Sub BNLS_BnetError(ErrorNumber As Integer, Description As String)
AddChat vbRed, "A Battle.net Error has occured: " & ErrorNumber & " " & Description
End Sub

Private Sub BNLS_BNLSAuthEvent(Success As Boolean)
If Success = True Then AddChat vbGreen, "Battle.net Logon Server Authorization Successful."
If Success = False Then AddChat vbRed, "Battle.net Logon Server BotID/Password was rejected!"
End Sub

Private Sub BNLS_BNLSConnected()
AddChat vbGreen, "Connected to Battle.net Logon Server."
End Sub

Private Sub BNLS_BNLSConnecting()
AddChat vbGreen, "Connecting to Battle.net Logon Server..."
End Sub

Private Sub BNLS_BNLSDataError(Message As Byte)
AddChat vbRed, Message
End Sub

Private Sub BNLS_BNLSDisconnected()
AddChat vbRed, "Disconnected from Battle.net Logon Server."
End Sub

Private Sub BNLS_BNLSError(ErrorNumber As Integer, Description As String)
AddChat vbRed, "A Battle.net Logon Server Error has occured: " & ErrorNumber & " " & Description
End Sub

Private Sub BNLS_JoinedChannel(ByVal ChannelName As String, ByVal Flags As Long, SimulatedEvent As Boolean)
AddChat vbBlue, "Joined channel " & ChannelName & " with the flag(s) of " & Flags
End Sub

Private Sub BNLS_LoggedOnAs(Username As String, Product As String)
AddChat vbYellow, "Logged on as " & Username & " with " & Product
End Sub

Private Sub BNLS_LogonEvent(Message As Byte)
If Message = 0 Then AddChat vbRed, "Logon Failed: Account doesn't exist."
If Message = 1 Then AddChat vbRed, "Logon Failed: Incorrect password."
If Message = 2 Then AddChat vbGreen, "Logon Successful."
If Message = 3 Then AddChat vbBlue, "Attempting to create the account."
If Message = 4 Then AddChat vbBlue, "Account Creation Successful."
End Sub

Private Sub BNLS_ServerError(ByVal Message As String, SimulatedEvent As Boolean)
AddChat vbRed, "A server error has occured: " & Message
End Sub

Private Sub BNLS_ServerInfo(ByVal Message As String, SimulatedEvent As Boolean)
AddChat vbYellow, "Server Info: " & Message
End Sub

Private Sub BNLS_UserEmote(ByVal Username As String, ByVal Flags As Long, ByVal Message As String, SimulatedEvent As Boolean)
AddChat vbYellow, "<" & Username & " " & Message & ">"
End Sub

Private Sub BNLS_UserInChannel(ByVal Username As String, ByVal Flags As Long, ByVal Message As String, ByVal Ping As Long, ByVal Product As String, StatUpdate As Boolean, SimulatedEvent As Boolean)
AddChat vbYellow, Username & " [" & Flags & "] " & "is in the channel with " & Product & "with a ping of [" & Ping & "]."
End Sub

Private Sub BNLS_UserJoins(ByVal Username As String, ByVal Flags As Long, ByVal Message As String, ByVal Ping As Long, ByVal Product As String, SimulatedEvent As Boolean)
AddChat vbGreen, Username & " has joined the channel using " & Product & " with a ping of [" & Ping & "]."
End Sub

Private Sub BNLS_UserLeaves(ByVal Username As String, ByVal Flags As Long, SimulatedEvent As Boolean)
AddChat vbgreed, Username & " has left the channel."
End Sub

Private Sub BNLS_UserTalk(ByVal Username As String, ByVal Flags As Long, ByVal Message As String, ByVal Ping As Long, SimulatedEvent As Boolean)
AddChat vbWhite, "<", vbCyan, Username, vbWhite, ">" & Message
End Sub

Private Sub BNLS_WhisperFromUser(ByVal Username As String, ByVal Flags As Long, ByVal Message As String, SimulatedEvent As Boolean)
AddChat vbCyan, "<From:" & Username & "> ", vbGrey, Message
End Sub

Private Sub BNLS_WhisperToUser(ByVal Username As String, ByVal Flags As Long, ByVal Message As String, ByVal Ping As Long, SimulatedEvent As Boolean)
AddChat vbCyan, "<To:" & Username & "> ", vbGrey, Message
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
g_strUsername = ReadINI("SOIBBot Config", "Username", FixPath(App.Path) & "Config.ini")
g_strPassword = ReadINI("SOIBBot Config", "Password", FixPath(App.Path) & "Config.ini")
g_strHomeChannel = ReadINI("SOIBBot Config", "Home Channel", FixPath(App.Path) & "Config.ini")
g_strClient = ReadINI("SOIBBot Config", "Client", FixPath(App.Path) & "Config.ini")
g_strServer = ReadINI("SOIBBot Config", "Server", FixPath(App.Path) & "Config.ini")
g_strCDKey = ReadINI("SOIBBot Config", "CD-Key", FixPath(App.Path) & "Config.ini")
.BNLSBotID = "*****"
.BNLSBotPassword = "*****"
.UseUDP = True
.Username = g_strUsername
.Password = g_strPassword
.HomeChannel = g_strHomeChannel
.Product = g_strClient
.Server = g_strServer
.CDKey = g_strCDKey
End With

Load Config
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Unload Config
End Sub

Private Sub mnuFile_Click()
If BNLS.Connected Then
mnuConnect.Enabled = False
mnuDisconnect.Enabled = True
mnuReconnect.Enabled = True
mnuConnect.Enabled = True
mnuDisconnect.Enabled = False
mnuReconnect.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub

Private Sub mnuConnect_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub mnuDisconnect_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub mnuReconnect_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub mnuSetup_Click()
End Sub

Can anyone find what's wrong? I can't and I've messed with it for hours so that means it's just something simple I know it is!



Well I just realized that the newest OCX build is up for download but CupHead's readme is still linked to the old OCX's readme, it'd probably help if I had a link to the newest readme.

And I was under the impression that .Accept wasn't any longer needed because it's public.


Quote from: AnThRaX-SOI on April 23, 2003, 10:43 AMAnd I was under the impression that .Accept wasn't any longer needed because it's public.
It's still needed even though it's public. Someone other than me knows the value.


The documentation for the newer CSB can be found here. Enjoy.

Example: CleanSlateBot1.Accept = 579728


Ok thanks guys! But now there is something else wrong lol...

[11:54:19 AM] Connecting to Battle.net Logon Server...
[11:54:20 AM] Connected to Battle.net Logon Server.
[11:54:20 AM] Battle.net Logon Server Authorization Successful.
[11:54:20 AM] Connecting to Battle.net...
[11:54:20 AM] Connected to Battle.net.
[11:54:21 AM] Disconnected from Battle.net Logon Server.
[11:54:21 AM] Disconnected from Battle.net.

That's what I am getting now.



my guess is you supllied an invalid key.
<edit> and or you have a space after the cd-key. </edit>


Quote from: laurion on April 23, 2003, 11:07 AM
Bad logins is my guess

It's not a bad login, I use the account all the time.


You said " I changed a few things and now it won't even try to connect "

Well If it worked b4 you changed things... You found the problem. Next time change 1 word, then try, etc etc.


Quote from: UnBearAble on April 23, 2003, 11:18 AMChange 1 word, then try, etc etc.
Quote from: Grok on April 22, 2003, 12:15 PMIf it compiles and runs today, it's all they need or care about, right?
Macintosh programmer and enthusiast.
Battle.net Bot Programming: http://www.bash.org/?240059
I can write programs. Can you right them?


Banana fanna fo fanna

+1 to Kane for having a leet avatar.


Quote from: St0rm.iD on April 23, 2003, 06:25 PM+1 to Kane for having a leet avatar.
-1 to St0rm for not liking Karma.
Macintosh programmer and enthusiast.
Battle.net Bot Programming: http://www.bash.org/?240059
I can write programs. Can you right them?
