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[Python] Decode Cdkey

Started by Yegg, April 17, 2005, 09:43 AM

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I finally finished my decode starcraft cdkey function in Python. However, I want to know if it is returning the correct data, here is the function and below it is what it returns (if the key equals '1234567890123'):
def starkey(self, key):
    arrayKey = list(key)
    is_valid = [False]
    v = 3
    for i in range(12):
        c = arrayKey[i]
        n = int(c)
        n2 = v * 2
        n = n ^ n2
        v = v + n
    v = v % 10
    if hex(v) == arrayKey[12]:
        is_valid[0] = True
    v = 194
    for i in range(11, 0, -1):
        if v < 7:
            v2 = 0x13AC9741
            for i in range(11, 0, -1):
                c = arrayKey[i]
                if ord(c) <= ord('7'):
                    v = v2
                    c2 = v and 0xFF
                    c2 = c2 and 7
                    c2 = c2 ^ c
                    v = int(v) >> 3
                    arrayKey[i] = c2
                    v2 = v
                elif ord(c) < 65:
                    c2 = int(i)
                    c2 = c2 and 1
                    c2 = c2 ^ c
                    arrayKey[i] = c2
        c = arrayKey[i]
        n = int(v/12)
        n2 = v % 12
        v = v - 17
        c2 = arrayKey[n2]
        arrayKey[i] = c2
        arrayKey[n2] = c
        decode_starcraft_key = ''.join(arrayKey)
        return decode_starcraft_key

It returns (if the key equals '1234567890123'):

Can anyone tell me if it is returning the correct data or if something is wrong with my function?


I got 5263531935083 when I tried it using my function.

Public Function DecodeStarcraftKey(ByVal sKey As String)

    Dim r As Double, n As Double, n2 As Double, v As Double, _
    v2 As Double, keyvalue As Double, c1 As Byte, c2 As Byte, c As Byte, _
    bValid As Boolean, i As Integer, aryKey(0 To 12) As String
    For i = 1 To 13
        aryKey(i - 1) = Mid$(sKey, i, 1)
    Next i
    v = 3
    For i = 0 To 11
        c = aryKey(i)
        n = Val(c)
        n2 = v * 2
        n = n Xor n2
        v = v + n
    Next i
    v = v Mod 10
    If hex(v) = aryKey(12) Then
        bValid = True
    End If
    v = 194
    For i = 11 To 0 Step -1
        If v < 7 Then GoTo continue
        c = aryKey(i)
        n = CInt(v / 12)
        n2 = v Mod 12
        v = v - 17
        c2 = aryKey(n2)
        aryKey(i) = c2
        aryKey(n2) = c
    Next i

    v2 = &H13AC9741
    For i = 11 To 0 Step -1
        c = UCase$(aryKey(i))
        aryKey(i) = c
        If Asc(c) <= Asc("7") Then
            v = v2
            c2 = v And &HFF
            c2 = c2 And 7
            c2 = c2 Xor c
            v = RShift(CLng(v), 3)
            aryKey(i) = c2
            v2 = v
        ElseIf Asc(c) < 65 Then
            c2 = CByte(i)
            c2 = c2 And 1
            c2 = c2 Xor c
            aryKey(i) = c2
        End If
    Next i
    DecodeStarcraftKey = Join(aryKey, "")
    Erase aryKey()
End Function


My code in Python is (I think) identical to that. I don't see how they both return different values.

Banana fanna fo fanna

If you're trying to use bitwise operations, you want:
& instead of and
| instead of or
^ instead of xor

If you want ^ to raise something to a power (not xor), use the pow(base, exponent) function.


Ok, this is getting weird, I changed my code to:
def starkey(key):
    arrayKey = list(key)
    is_valid = [False]
    v = 3
    for i in range(12):
        c = arrayKey[i]
        n = int(c)
        n2 = v * 2
        n ^= n2
        v += n
    v = v % 10
    if hex(v) == arrayKey[12]:
        is_valid[0] = True
    v = 194
    for i in range(11, 0, -1):
        if v > 7:
            v2 = 0x13AC9741
            for i in range(11, 0, -1):
                c = arrayKey[i]
                if ord(c) <= ord('7'):
                    v = v2
                    c2 = v & 0xFF
                    c2 &= 7
                    c2 ^= int(c)
                    v = int(v) >> 3
                    arrayKey[i] = c2
                    v2 = v
                elif ord(c) < 65:
                    c2 = int(i)
                    c2 &= 1
                    c2 ^= int(c)
                    arrayKey[i] = c2
        c = arrayKey[i]
        n = int(v/12)
        n2 = v % 12
        v -= 17
        c2 = arrayKey[n2]
        arrayKey[i] = c2
        arrayKey[n2] = c
        decode_starcraft_key = ''.join(str(arrayKey))
        return decode_starcraft_key

Pretty much everything is the same, but where I have
if v > 7:
It used to be:
if v < 7:
I switched the sign. Instead of receiving '1224567890133', I now receive:
"[3, '3', 2, 6, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 8, '6']"
I can't for the life of me figure out what is wrong with my code. I tried getting my function to receive 5263531935083 like laurion's did. But it just wont seem to do that. Any ideas?



        decode_starcraft_key = ''.join(str(arrayKey))


        decode_starcraft_key = ''.join(map(str, arrayKey))

Banana fanna fo fanna



:D, why thank you Yoni. Here is my new function, only I am not receiving what laurion received, could his code be wrong?
def starkey(key):
    arrayKey = list(key)
    is_valid = [False]
    v = 3
    for i in range(12):
        c = arrayKey[i]
        n = int(c)
        n2 = v * 2
        n ^= n2
        v += n
    v = v % 10
    if hex(v) == arrayKey[12]:
        is_valid[0] = True
    v = 194
    for i in range(11, 0, -1):
        if v > 7:
            v2 = 0x13AC9741
            for i in range(11, 0, -1):
                c = arrayKey[i]
                if ord(c) <= ord('7'):
                    v = v2
                    c2 = v & 0xFF
                    c2 &= 7
                    c2 ^= int(c)
                    v = int(v) >> 3
                    arrayKey[i] = c2
                    v2 = v
                elif ord(c) < 65:
                    c2 = int(i)
                    c2 &= 1
                    c2 ^= int(c)
                    arrayKey[i] = c2
        c = arrayKey[i]
        n = int(v/12)
        n2 = v % 12
        v -= 17
        c2 = arrayKey[n2]
        arrayKey[i] = c2
        arrayKey[n2] = c
        decode_starcraft_key = ''.join(map(str, arrayKey))
        return decode_starcraft_key

I now receive '1617474995133'. Is this correct if the cdkey is '1234567890123'?


I assure you my code is not wrong. However, I know no python, so I can't help you, sorry.

Banana fanna fo fanna

Are you doing any division that might require decimal points? If so, wrap the numbers in float().


I don't seem to be receiving any decimal points in any of my numbers. I re did my function and did the last lines like Yoni said, and I now receive
I'm guessing this is wrong because laurion got something different. I'll try using float() any ways. Here is my function for now:
def starkey(key):
    arrayKey = list(key)
    v = 3
    for i in range(0, 11):
        c = arrayKey[i]
        n = int(c)
        n2 = v * 2
        n ^= n2
        v += n
    v %= 10
    if(hex(v) == arrayKey[12]):
        valid = [True]
    v = 194
    for i in range(11, 0, -1):
        if(v < 7):
            v2 = 0x13AC9741
            for i in range(11, 0, -1):
                c = arrayKey[i].upper()
                arrayKey[i] = c
                if(ord(c) <= ord('7')):
                    v = v2
                    c2 = v & 0xFF
                    c2 &= 7
                    c2 ^= c
                    v = int(v) >> 3
                    arrayKey[i] = c2
                    v2 = v
                elif(ord(c) < 65):
                    c2 = int(i)
                    c2 &= 1
                    c2 ^= c
                    arrayKey[i] = c2
        c = arrayKey[i]
        n = int(v/12)
        n2 = v % 12
        v -= 17
        c2 = arrayKey[n2]
        arrayKey[i] = c2
        arrayKey[n2] = c
    decode_starcraft_key = ''.join(map(str, arrayKey))
    return decode_starcraft_key

Banana fanna fo fanna

I fixed your code. Let me explain what I did

def starkey(key):
    arrayKey = list(key)
    v = 3
    for i in range(0, 12):
        c = arrayKey[i]
        n = int(c)
        n2 = v * 2
        n ^= n2
        v += n
    v %= 10
    if(hex(v) == arrayKey[12]):
        valid = [True]
    v = 194
    for i in range(11, -1, -1):
        if(v < 7):
        c = arrayKey[i]
        n = int(v/12)
        n2 = v % 12
        v -= 17
        c2 = arrayKey[n2]
        arrayKey[i] = c2
        arrayKey[n2] = c

    v2 = 0x13AC9741
    for i in range(11, -1, -1):
        c = arrayKey[i].upper()
        arrayKey[i] = c
        if(ord(c) <= ord('7')):
            v = v2
            c2 = v & 0xFF
            c2 &= 7
            c2 ^= int(c)
            v = int(v) >> 3
            arrayKey[i] = c2
            v2 = v
        elif(ord(c) < 65):
            c2 = int(i)
            c2 &= 1
            c2 ^= int(c)
            arrayKey[i] = c2
    decode_starcraft_key = ''.join(map(str, arrayKey))
    return decode_starcraft_key

# 5263531935083

print starkey("1234567890123")

First, all of your loops were off-by-one. range(0, 11) counts from 0 to 10, not 11. You have to add or subtract one, based on your step value.

Second, your inner loop was messed up. Instead of having if v < 7 and then putting the code, I entered a break and put the code after the loop. This is because it had to execute whenever the loop exited, whether or not v < 7. Finally, you needed to coerce c to int in order for the xor to work at the bottom.

Examine the differences in the code and compare it to the VB code; it will help you learn.


Thanks banana fanna fo fanna. I'll look over your code. I re did my function too, I just didn't think anything was off at all. Thanks again. Ok, I tried the code and it works just fine.


your python looks like c...

def decodekey(cdkey):
    """ decodes a cdkey into public value, private value and product
        in: cdkey(string)
        out: product (int)
        out: public value (int)
        out: private value (int)
    if len(cdkey)!=13:
        print "decodekey(): key needs length 13\n"
        return 0,0,0
    key=map(int, cdkey)
    # verification
    for n in range(0, 12):
    if (accum%10)!=key[12]:
        print "decodekey(): verification failed\n"
        return 0,0,0
    for n in range(0xc2, 6, -0x11):
        key[pos],key[n%0x0c] = key[n%0x0c], key[pos]
    #final value
    for n in range(11, -1, -1):
        if key[n]<=7:
            key[n]^= (hash & 7)
            key[n]^= (n&1)
    values="".join(map(str, key))
    return product, public, private