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Computer issues - help please!

Started by Mitosis, April 01, 2005, 02:47 PM

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Hey guys, I've started to notice that this past week my computer has been running very slowely. When I go to start up applications such as FireFox or games or anything in general it is taking so long to load. I have defraged and all that stuff and my computer is just not running the way it used to be. I have checked for spyware and viruses, nothing really there. Also when I reboot I get an error saying "cli.exe can't load properly" or something like that. Any suggestions would be great!

Thanks in advance!


A quick google turned up that cli.exe is part of ATI's Catalyst. Try reinstalling the Graphics drivers.


I can't modify my post for some reason, but here is a screen shot of the error.

Thanks Meh, I'll try that.


Yes, I had that problem when I was first installing windows on my computer, might have something to do with the installer crashing without it finishing. It also happened once when I used the wrong drivers. (had two cds that looked the same) Reinstalling should do the trick.
Mitosis: Haha, Im great arent I!
hismajesty[yL]: No


Considering that the google turned it up as cli.exe as a catalyst and you having the Catalyst control panel od you DT I would say it is mostley like bad drivers. Just got to ATI support and redownload the latest ones.


Ah thanks guys, don't get the error anymore and everything loads really fast now!