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TO Skywing

Started by Jimmyrules712, December 17, 2002, 06:05 PM

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hey im on of the leaders in elite, i got a request.

some of us use your live chanel viewing thing a lot, we even have a shortcut link to it, www.ourchannel.cjb.net

i was wondering if itd be possible to make it so it has the list of whos in the channel, like the viewer for clan [vl]


Yes!  You can use these links:

You should use %5b and %5d instead of [ and ] because some browsers don't handle those characters in URLs properly.  There shouldn't be spaces in those URLs, even if the forum is trying to format them with spaces.


im rusty with html, but i did manage to create a website useing frames and i put the chanel display on one and the list of players loged on on the other, similar to the VL binary chat, but how do i make it so the Chanel list auto refreshes?


also could you tell me the link to the clan elite binary chat vewier, i lost it


This will work: http://botdev.valhallalegends.com/webbot/webchannel.asp?BotName=%5bvL%5dSkywing&ChannelName=Clan%20Elite

You can look at the frames that creates to see how to integrate a layout like that into your site if that's what you want to do.

All of the available channels are listed here (which includes Clan Elite).