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Your website was stolen o.O

Started by WinSocks, April 14, 2003, 01:02 PM

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http://www.0nezer0.net Clan ]ZeR0[ stole your site layout..... just to let you guys know ;)

Hey look... - Thursday, April 10 2003

Hey look, we stole vL's layout. What can they do about it? Absolutly nothing. Ok now that we got that out of the way, yes the site looks like crap right now and its going to be fixed when pr0 and myself get off our ass and do something, when that will happen is up to us, if you got a problem with it tell kore hes gay.   (NeTWorKz]ZeR0[)

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Not our fault that they can't design their own web page. And I don't recall ever copyrighting the page, so why should I give a rat's ass if someone else "steals" it?


Well now that I know who registered that domain and all their info I will have to call Jeff Ledoux' mother and tell her to spank him for taking our layout.

I can give a call to their host and tell them that I will plan to take legal action for having copyright content on their servers.


Isn't it nice that you guys are so loved, that people want to immitate you in every way, shape, or form?
Macintosh programmer and enthusiast.
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I can write programs. Can you right them?



WinSocks, Why are you even telling them this?


Yeh well let's see them add news articles that automatically update the page, including the headlines navigation.  Our page is ASP+ADO+XML driven.  Their copycat page is probably "Save As..." and edited with vi.

While immitation is a form of flattery, sometimes its just a cheap illusion.

Too bad they're not even first stealing from us.  Back in early 2000, our entire clan structure and rules were copied within 4 months of our creation.  Clans sprang up that copied our tag, [vL], or started using the lower-upper tags which nobody had done before.  There was vX, vK, vT, vM .. and even 'Valhalla Legends' groups that go by [vL] on other games like DAoC.

Given a choice, Valhalla Legends members would probably rather be known for creating things.  Creating something takes much more character, skill, motivation, and perseverance.  Anybody can destroy or copy someone else's work.  Even those guys.


Sadly, even their 'Enter' page is not valid HTML 4.01 Strict.  How hard can it be to write a valid 1-word web page?


NeTDeviL stfu u flood kiddie, no on elikes you -.-....
BTW i have your IP don't make me molest your connection :P

Grok i know that the news artitacl has many scripts that they can't use cause  i looked at vL's site src and it was nicely scripted.