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Re: Why isn't this working

Started by Michael, February 19, 2005, 09:55 PM

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i am having problems again

        Case &H54
            Select Case GetWORD(Mid(data, 5, 2))
            Case &H0
                rtbAdd "BNET: Logon Passed!" & vbNewLine, vbGreen
                    InsertNTString MyUserName
                    InsertBYTE 0
                    SendPacket &HA
                    InsertNonNTString MyProduct
                    SendPacket &HB
                    InsertDWORD 1
                    InsertNTString "L"
                    SendPacket &HC
            Case &HE 'Here you can to register eMail with account!
            jjemail = InputBox("Please enter your email to reg this account to your email! so you can login to battle.net.")
            InsertNTString jjemail
            SendPacket &H59
                                   InsertDWORD GetDWORD(Mid(PacketData, 5, 4))
                                   InsertDWORD GetDWORD(Mid(PacketData, 9, 4))
                                   InsertDWORD GetDWORD(Mid(PacketData, 13, 4))
                                   InsertDWORD GetDWORD(Mid(PacketData, 17, 4))
                                   InsertDWORD GetDWORD(Mid(PacketData, 21, 4))
                                   SendBNLSPacket (&HA)

    rtbAdd "Account reg activated,war3 sending email as " & jjemail & vbNewLine, vbGreen
    rtbAdd "Now reconnecting to bnet to login!" & vbNewLine, vbGreen
    wsBnls.Connect BNET.BNLSServer, 9367

            Case &H2
                rtbAdd "BNET: Logon Failed!" & vbNewLine, vbRed
                If AttemptedC = False Then

                    InsertNTString MyUserName
                    InsertNTString MyPW
                    SendBNLSPacket &H4

                AttemptedC = True
                End If
            End Select

why dosent it work? it just keeps looping throw the connection

[21:55:24] BNLS: Connecting to BNLS.valhallalegends.com...
[21:55:24] BNLS: Connected!
[21:55:24] BNET: Connected!
[21:55:25] BNET: Version and CDKeys Passed.
[21:55:30] Account reg activated,war3 sending email as [email protected]
[21:55:30] Now reconnecting to bnet to login!
[21:55:30] BNLS: Connected!
[21:55:30] BNET: Connected!
[21:55:31] BNET: Version and CDKeys Passed.
[21:55:35] Account reg activated,war3 sending email as [email protected]
[21:55:35] Now reconnecting to bnet to login!
[21:55:35] BNLS: Connected!
[21:55:35] BNET: Connected!
[21:55:36] BNET: Version and CDKeys Passed.
[21:55:41] Account reg activated,war3 sending email as [email protected]
[21:55:41] Now reconnecting to bnet to login!
[21:55:41] Unhandled Packet: 0x075
[21:55:41]  FF 75 0A 00 00 00 00 57 44 04
[21:55:41] BNLS: Connected!
[21:55:41] BNET: Connected!
[21:55:42] BNET: Version and CDKeys Passed.
[21:55:43] Account reg activated,war3 sending email as
[21:55:43] Now reconnecting to bnet to login!
[21:55:43] BNLS: Connected!
[21:55:43] BNET: Connected!
[21:55:44] BNET: Closed Connection.


Quote from: -MichaeL- on February 19, 2005, 09:55 PM[21:55:43] Account reg activated,war3 sending email as
Make sure you're not sending an email registration packet with an empty email address. Battle.net most definitely would not like that. If you're not going to register an email address (eg, or register it to "no" address), then simply ignore Battle.net's request for an email address, and move on to the next step in the connection process.

Also, you do NOT need to reconnect after registering your email address to the account. That is most likely your problem.
Macintosh programmer and enthusiast.
Battle.net Bot Programming: http://www.bash.org/?240059
I can write programs. Can you right them?



i am not sending a void email it is sending [email protected]


Bleh, didn't expect you to reply so fast; see my edit.
Macintosh programmer and enthusiast.
Battle.net Bot Programming: http://www.bash.org/?240059
I can write programs. Can you right them?



ya that was the problem! thx kane!

Soul Taker

Quote from: tA-Kane on February 19, 2005, 11:39 PM
Quote from: -MichaeL- on February 19, 2005, 09:55 PM[21:55:43] Account reg activated,war3 sending email as
Make sure you're not sending an email registration packet with an empty email address. Battle.net most definitely would not like that. If you're not going to register an email address (eg, or register it to "no" address), then simply ignore Battle.net's request for an email address, and move on to the next step in the connection process.

Also, you do NOT need to reconnect after registering your email address to the account. That is most likely your problem.
If you log a real client, when you choose to not register an e-mail address, it sends an empty address.  That's why you're prevented from registering in the future with real clients.


Ahh, I see. My mistake.

I wonder what Michael did then to solve his problem if it wasn't that? Heh...
Macintosh programmer and enthusiast.
Battle.net Bot Programming: http://www.bash.org/?240059
I can write programs. Can you right them?



Quote from: tA-Kane on February 21, 2005, 02:22 AM
Ahh, I see. My mistake.

I wonder what Michael did then to solve his problem if it wasn't that? Heh...

I had my bot auto reconnect as soon as it sent email but i needed a delay.