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Re: New tool for bot developers: BnFTP

Started by NetNX, February 18, 2005, 09:41 AM

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Isnt there another open source FTP program in vb/c++ (darkminion made it i belive) what is the diffrence between your program and his? i have no idea what im talking about so ugh :P

BNCS stands for what.... ? I figure i might as well ask because i might just be completely off subject here...

Soul Taker

Why is this sticky again?  Split gone awry? :P


Yes.  I split it off the main BnFTP thread, and didn't notice it inherited the sticky.
[19:20:23] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Any idiot can make a bot with CSB, and many do!


BNCS stands for Battle.Net Chat Server.

I have no idea what DarkMinion's code does or doesn't do.

BnFTP's -h switch should give you a good idea of what it does:


BnFTP 1.2 - Copyright (c) 2003 Arta ([email protected])
This utility is part of the TestBNCS utilities suite

Usage: bnftp [options] [CD key] <server> <file_1 file_2 ... file_n>
   -p <platform>   Specify platform (Default: IX86).
   -g <product>    Specify platform (Default: DRTL).
   -i <banner id>  Specify banner id.
   -e <banner ext> Specify banner extension.
   -d <directory>  Specify directory for downloaded files.
   -a              For use with patch files. When used, BnFTP will autodetect the correct platform and produ
   -1              User BnFTP version 1 (default).
   -2              User BnFTP version 2.
                   A CD key must be supplied to use BnFTP version 2.
   -r              Resume a broken download.
                   BnFTP looks for the incomplete file in the current directory.
   -v              Verbose output.
   -h              Display more help.

Valid platform IDs:

   IX86: x86 (PC)
   PMAC: Apple Macintosh (OS 9 and lower)
   XMAC: Apple Macintosh (OS X)

Valid product IDs:

   DSHR: Diablo Shareware
   DRTL: Diablo
   W2BN: Warcraft II: BNE
   SSHR: Starcraft Shareware
   SSHR: Starcraft Japanese
   STAR: Starcraft
   SEXP: Starcraft: Brood War
   D2DV: Diablo II
   D2XP: Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
   WAR3: Warcraft III
   W3XP: Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne

When requesting an ad banner, the extension and id of the banner should be specified, eg:

  bnftp -i 100 -e png [other arguments]

When downloading game patches, the product & platform IDs must match the patch being downloaded. This will not work:

   bnftp -g D2DV -p XMAC useast.battle.net SEXP_IX86_1xx_111b.mpq

The correct arguments would be:

   bnftp -g SEXP -p IX86 useast.battle.net SEXP_IX86_1xx_111b.mpq

When downloading Warcraft III files, it may be necessary to use version 2 of the protocol:

   bnftp -2 -g WAR3 -p IX86 <Warcraft III cd key> useast.battle.net [some Warcraft III file]

If you discover any bugs in this software, or have any suggestions, please email me at [email protected]