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InstallShield 10.5

Started by OnlyMeat, February 17, 2005, 03:06 PM

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I have been trying to use installshield 10.5 as apposed to the built in visual studio.net installer simply because it's more functional.

I'm using custom merge modules that i built to encapsulate common components my applications share. Unfortunately when i run the installer it copies the custom merge module components to the c:\ root even though the destination is set to the default  [TARGETDIR] MSI variable.

Has anyone else had problems with this?

Note: using the visual studio.net installer with the custom merge module works fine.


Shouldn't you be using [INSTALLDIR] ? I thought [TARGETDIR] was for administrative installations only.


Quote from: Adron on February 17, 2005, 06:43 PM
Shouldn't you be using [INSTALLDIR] ? I thought [TARGETDIR] was for administrative installations only.

Hmm i just double checked and by default it's set to module retargetable folder = [TARGETDIR] when i select my custom merge module.

I've kinda of put the installshield thing on hold and im using the normal visual studio.net installer at the moment till i figure out why this problem is happening. The .net one seems to work fine you just include the custom merge module the same as any other and it installs correctly.

Maybe one of the service packs will correct it, which version you are using adron?


I'm using some old one... Maybe 7.04 or 6.04.


TARGETDIR Property [Windows Installer]
TARGETDIR must be the name of one root in the Directory table. It is used as the location to copy the Installer installation package during an administrative installation.

Where would you like the merge modules to be copied prior to install?  On my system, .msm files are in several locations.  One is %Program Files%\Common Files\Merge Modules.  Perhaps you can use the CSIDL for Program Files and add that path, or maybe there is a CSIDL for Merge Modules.  Knowing that, you can update the DIRECTORIES table in the Installer package database to reflect the destination for copy.


Quote from: Grok on February 18, 2005, 09:55 AM
TARGETDIR Property [Windows Installer]
TARGETDIR must be the name of one root in the Directory table. It is used as the location to copy the Installer installation package during an administrative installation.

Where would you like the merge modules to be copied prior to install?  On my system, .msm files are in several locations.  One is %Program Files%\Common Files\Merge Modules.  Perhaps you can use the CSIDL for Program Files and add that path, or maybe there is a CSIDL for Merge Modules.  Knowing that, you can update the DIRECTORIES table in the Installer package database to reflect the destination for copy.

The merge module was just a couple of dll's i made and i wanted them to be installed into the application directory. The pre-built modules install fine into the app dir but any custom merge modules i build dont.

I've tested the custom merge modules using a basic visual studio.net installer and the installshield one the only problems that occur are with installshield i guess it's to buggy to use i have also found it hard adding custom actions compared to the visual studio.net one which is easy and works everytime :(

Ill stick to what works for now, thanks for the help anyways all.