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[C++.NET] Using a .DLL

Started by Sorc.Polgara, February 11, 2005, 03:21 AM

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Um I'm trying to use BnetAuth.dll in my program but I can't seem to figure out how.

I've tried using google, but it doesn't bring up much help because they require these other files with it i.e. ".obj", ".lib"

How the heck am I suppose to use the DLL?


I don't know how to do that but because bnetauth.dll is in C++ you could just stick the code in your program. Give credit though if you do.


// ret_type (* calling_conv pfFunc) (arg_list)
typedef int (*_stdcall pfDllFunc)(int arg1, char* arg2);

HMODULE h = LoadLibrary("mydll.dll");
if (!h)
   // error: dll couldn't be loaded or not found.

pfDllFunc func = (pfDllFunc)GetProcAddress(h, "FunctionName");
if (!func)
   // error: address of function not found in dll

int return_value = func(12, "hello");


Quote from: K on February 11, 2005, 01:07 PM

// ret_type (* calling_conv pfFunc) (arg_list)
typedef int (*_stdcall pfDllFunc)(int arg1, char* arg2);

HMODULE h = LoadLibrary("mydll.dll");
if (!h)
   // error: dll couldn't be loaded or not found.

pfDllFunc func = (pfDllFunc)GetProcAddress(h, "FunctionName");
if (!func)
   // error: address of function not found in dll

int return_value = func(12, "hello");

okie, it loads the dll fine, but it can't find the address of the function.

this is the function that it can't address, its directly from the header file that declares it:

BOOL _stdcall PasswordHash(char *OutBuf, DWORD encryptvalue, char *password);

Here is what I did to address it:

typedef BOOL (*_stdcall PasswordHash)(char *OutBuf, DWORD encryptvalue, char *password);
HMODULE h = LoadLibrary("BnetAuth.dll");

if (!h){
printf("[Error] DLL couldn't be loaded or not found.\n");
PasswordHash passhash = (PasswordHash)GetProcAddress(h, "PasswordHash");
if (!passhash){
printf("[Error] Address of function not found in DLL.\n");


is "PasswordHash" the exact name of the function? Did you get the capitalization right? You can check it out using dependancy walker or some other tool.