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Started by lord_sammy, February 04, 2005, 09:52 PM

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Hey, I am lord_sammy.  I am not really qualifed at anything .. go figure, another one of those kids!

Yay, hope we all enjoy my stay here haha


Do you program? Where are you from? What games do you play? What is the square root of 10002? What is your sex? If you program, what language do you code in? Do you have a website? Do you feel as though I am molesting you with frivioulus (spelling?) questions? What is the meaning of life?


Welcome to the forums :)


Welcome to the forum.



I'm pretty much a nobody, however I do enjoy talking (in this case typing).


If your a nobody, why not make  yourself NOT a nobody, you know, get to know people, post your ideas, get friendly. Then im 100% sure you wont be a nobody.

For example: Look at UserLoser. I was reading posts way back in 2002 and he was getting whacked around the ear by some of the people here, but now hes A well known decent programmer. See how he went from a nobody to a well known person? Maybe you could do that too ? :P


* j0k3r pokes userloser
[hush]I think he likes you[/hush].
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo



Well, I don't really know userloser, but I can only imagine he's pretty arrogant? haha

Actually I do know him, and everyone loves him :)


You still havent answered any of my questoins....  >:(

But I was serious about the coding/gaming parts. Anyway, welcome to the forums.


Shout is mean, making him answer hes questions  :P

But yeah, answer the questions, or else shout will get you!

JK M8 (If you didnt guess already and had a fit :P )


I will shout at you.


Fine, let's try some simpler questions, shall we?

1. What is your name?
2. What is your quest?
3. What is your favorite color?
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Omfg too hard! ;)

Also answer these:

   1.) What language do you program?
   2.) Have  you programmed ANYTHING at all?
   3.) Do you love me and iago?