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[c#.net] converting from dec to hex [solved]

Started by mentalCo., February 03, 2005, 02:59 PM

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This is a simple and dumb question.  I can't get a dec value to display hex in a rich text box. 


solved it using '.ToString("x")'  im a retard.


Just a side note, you can use "x2" or the like to specify the number of left-padded 0s to include.  For example, if you have the number 0xe0543, and you call .ToString("x8"), it will format 000e0543.  Capitalizing the X results in capital letters in the number.  ;)

The same rules can be applied to String.Format -- if you use the command:

Console.WriteLine("Number 1: {0:x2}\nNumber 1: {0:X8}", 0x9e);

the console output would be:


:)  cheers
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After 3 years, it's on the horizon.  The new JinxBot, and BN#, the managed Battle.net Client library.

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You've just located global warming.