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StarCraft Patch 1.12 Coming Soon

Started by Deception, January 21, 2005, 02:06 AM

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Quote taken from news posted on http://battle.net:

We have been working on a new patch for StarCraft, and it includes a host of new features to streamline and enhance multiplayer competition. You can expect the update to be available for download in the next few weeks, but we wanted to give you a taste of what's in store for you when the patch does arrive.

The multiplayer chat screen will now show a preview of the map you will play on.
The creator of a private Battle.net game can now make the game public under the creator's name in the multiplayer chat screen.
A Friends List will be added to the game to keep track of your friends on Battle.net.
Friend mail will be added to the game to let you email members of your Friends List.
A password-recovery and email-registration function will be added to allow you to recover your password via email.
A minimap ping will be added to the game to allow you to ping a location on the map.
It will now be easier to set building rally points.
We will include updated versions of three of the most popular ladder maps – Lost Temple, Dire Straits, and Rivalry – in order to better suit the newer style of ladder play.

Finally StarCraft gets fully functional friend list support and email registration!

The new version byte will most likely be 0xCB right?
- Deception of Dark Council


Maybe it'll start using the full SID_AUTH_* logon procedure like War3?


Hm, the only relavent thing in the patch the helps us is perhaps the ability to email reg now on Starcraft as well. Friendslist isn't really that new, you can request it already on Starcraft anyway. Good stuff for people that actually get on the client nowadays.


Quote from: dxoigmn on January 21, 2005, 10:21 AM
Maybe it'll start using the full SID_AUTH_* logon procedure like War3?

I was thinking that too.  I dunno if they'd bother switching Starcraft to NLS though :/
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:



Goddammit that's so annoying.


Quote from: Arta[vL] on January 21, 2005, 01:34 PM

Goddammit that's so annoying.

Yes, don't we all hate when that happens?


The only features I think that should get added were the minimap ping, and the preview of the map.. Poor Arta. :(
Mitosis: Haha, Im great arent I!
hismajesty[yL]: No


By the sounds of the patch they want to make sc have the look of wc3, it could be interesting.


Personally, I hate having to implement more than 1 logon routine for the cdkeyed clients.


Quote from: dxoigmn on January 21, 2005, 03:00 PM
Personally, I hate having to implement more than 1 logon routine for the cdkeyed clients.

Are you checking the actual product & from there deciding what to do?  That can't be a good idea

BinaryProducts->add(new BattleNet::BinaryClient('STAR', 'IX86', "Starcraft", VERSION_STAR,
BattleNet::EnterChatAccountName | BattleNet::EnterChatStatstring, BattleNet::CDKeyNumeric,
BattleNet::LogonAny, BattleNet::IconsBNI | BattleNet::IconsSTAR, false, true, 1, true, 'STAR', false, false,
"RATS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RATS", "Starcraft.exe", "Battle.snp", "Storm.dll"));

BinaryProducts->add(new BattleNet::BinaryClient('D2XP', 'IX86', "Diablo II: Lord of Destruction", VERSION_D2XP,
BattleNet::EnterChatAccountName | BattleNet::EnterChatRealmName | BattleNet::EnterChatCharacterName,
BattleNet::CDKeyAlphaNumeric, BattleNet::LogonAny, BattleNet::IconsNone, true, true, 2, false, 'D2XP',
false, false, NULL, "Game.exe", "D2Client.dll", "Bnclient.dll"));
BinaryProducts->add(new BattleNet::BinaryClient('WAR3', 'IX86', "Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos", VERSION_WAR3,
BattleNet::EnterChatNone, BattleNet::CDkeyLongAlphaNumeric, BattleNet::LogonNew, BattleNet::IconsWAR3,
false, true, 1, false, NULL, true, true, NULL, "War3.exe", "Game.dll", "Storm.dll"));


explicit BinaryClient(const unsigned long _ProductId, const unsigned long _PlatformId,
const char* _ProductName, const unsigned long _VersionCode,
const unsigned int _EnterChat, const unsigned int _CDKey,
const unsigned int _Logon, const unsigned int _Icons, const bool _SupportsRealms,
const bool _CDKeyEncrypted, const unsigned int _CDKeyCount, const bool _SupportsUDP,
const unsigned long _GetChannelListProductId, const bool _SupportsClans,
const bool _SupportsServerSignature, const char* _Statstring, const char* _Executable,
const char* _NetworkProvider, const char* _GeneralLibrary)

This way i can do:

switch(currentproduct->LogonSupported) {
    case BattleNet::LogonAny:
      /* check logon version server asked us to use, either use SID_LOGONRESPONSE2 or  SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTLOGON */
    case BattleNet::LogonNew:
    case BattleNet::LogonOld:
      /* use SID_LOGONRESPONSE */


if(currentproduct->CDKeyEncrypted) {
    /* check logon method & either send SID_AUTH_CHECK or SID_CDKEY2 */
} else {
    /* we send SID_CDKEY */


// after entering chat
if(currentproduct->SupportsClans) {
    /* request clan info for self & member list */

And so on...


Quote from: UserLoser on January 21, 2005, 03:20 PM
Quote from: dxoigmn on January 21, 2005, 03:00 PM
Personally, I hate having to implement more than 1 logon routine for the cdkeyed clients.

Are you checking the actual product & from there deciding what to do?  That can't be a good idea

No, I actually allow the user to select the logon sequence via a generic game profile that has a field for "LogonType".  I just don't like having to implement all those packets and would much rather have it a single sequence that was standard for all clients.  But the way I do it now is essentially how you do it.


Quote from: Arta[vL] on January 21, 2005, 01:34 PM

Goddammit that's so annoying.

So much for your hack!  :)


For different login sequences, why don't you just look at the LoginType field of SID_AUTH_INFO?  0 = old login, 1/2 = nls login.  All I'm going to have to change is the version byte and stuf.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: iago on January 21, 2005, 06:45 PM
For different login sequences, why don't you just look at the LoginType field of SID_AUTH_INFO?  0 = old login, 1/2 = nls login.  All I'm going to have to change is the version byte and stuf.

Does War 2 support SID_AUTH_INFO?  And you have to know what logon type to send initially in SID_AUTH_INFO.


Warcraft II itself (that is, the game client) does not support SID_AUTH_INFO. However, Battle.net has no problem allowing a War2 emulator to use it to log on.
Quote from: iago on February 02, 2005, 03:07 PM
Yes, you can't have everybody...contributing to the main source repository.  That would be stupid and create chaos.

Opensource projects...would be dumb.