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Another semester is here!

Started by MyndFyre, January 17, 2005, 05:49 PM

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Yeah, I always start this topic :)

What's everybody taking this semester?  I'm excited; I'll be done with all the requirements for my B.A. in political science after this semester.  I'm not graduating because I'm still on the state's dime, but this is what I've got this semester:

PSY 290 -- Research Methods, 4 hours (Psychology core requirement)
SPA 314 -- Spanish Conversation and Composition, 3 hours (Spanish minor requirement)
PSY 330 -- Statistical Methods, Advanced, 3 hours (Psychology upper-div elective)
PGS 350 -- Social Psychology, 3 hours (Psychology core requirement)
POS 492 -- Honors Directed Study, 3 hours (Honors Thesis)

Over the next year or so, I plan on taking these classes:
Psychology degree requirements:
PGS 315 - Intro to Personality Theory, 3 hours
PSY 320 - Learning and Motivation, 3 hours
PSY 323 - Sensation and Perception, 3 hours
PSY 324 - Memory and Cognition, 3 hours
PSY 424 - Genetic Psychology, 3 hours
Shared political science and psychology requirements:
PSY 425 - Biological Basis for Behavior, 3 hours
Honors college requirements:
POS 493 - Honors Thesis, 3 hours (this is where I defend my thesis so I can graduate from the honors college)
Spanish minor requirements:
SPA 325 - Intro to Hispanic Literature, 3 hours
SPA 412 - Advanced Conversation and Composition, 3 hours (yawwwwwn)
SPA 471 - Civilization of the Spanish Southwest, 3 hours
SPA 473 - Spanish Civilization, 3 hours
Extra stuff:
POS 503 - Empirical Political Inquiry, 3 hours, graduate-level
ARB 101 and 102 - Elementary Arabic, 4 hours each

I'm going to petition my College to let me be a pilot student for a 5-year BA/MA in Political Science, which would be lovely, as I would be paying undergrad tuition to get the MA, and it would also make me immediately eligible for any graduate classes (I wouldn't have to hunt for professors to get approval, and the Dept. of Poli Sci only allows 6 hours to be transferred in, even from its own program).  I have some exciting opportunities ahead!  :D
QuoteEvery generation of humans believed it had all the answers it needed, except for a few mysteries they assumed would be solved at any moment. And they all believed their ancestors were simplistic and deluded. What are the odds that you are the first generation of humans who will understand reality?

After 3 years, it's on the horizon.  The new JinxBot, and BN#, the managed Battle.net Client library.

Quote from: chyea on January 16, 2009, 05:05 PM
You've just located global warming.


Geology, JR/SR Team Sports, JR English, US History, Algebra 3-4, World History.


World History
English 2
Spanish 3
CS 1


Analysis of Algorithms, Computer Networks, and Computer Architecture. Still not sure what I want to take during the last quarter...I'll have to figure that out in the next couple weeks.
Quote from: iago on February 02, 2005, 03:07 PM
Yes, you can't have everybody...contributing to the main source repository.  That would be stupid and create chaos.

Opensource projects...would be dumb.


Yay for classes not changing across semesters!

British Literature
Fine arts 2
Latin 1
Core+ Math 3

Lineup for next year is looking like:

Health/and something else
Latin 2
Core+ Math 4
AP Statistics

"Now, gentlemen, let us do something today which the world make talk of hereafter."
- Admiral Lord Collingwood


My classes don't change either, and plus our semester doesn't end for two more weeks! :P


Physical Education/Health (Drivers Ed is over! :( )
Pre-IB World History II
Pre-IB Algebera II/Trigonometry
Pre-IB Chemistry
Pre-IB American Literature
Pre-IB French III
AP Computer Science

Lineup for next year is looking like:

IB Theory of Knowledge
IB American History
IB Pre-Calculus with Limits
IB British Literature
AP Physics
IB French IV
Latin I


Grade 12 Computer Engineering
Grade 10 Food and Nutrition
Grade 12 Chemistry
Grade 12 Discrete (Algebra)
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


I assume you were replying to my post.

I deleted it since I figured it was probably like Health here, minus all the non-food related stuff.


As a sophomore 2nd semester...
1.) Weight Training
2.) Spanish II
3.) Humanities English II
4.) Humanities World History
5.) CP Biology
6.) Algebra II


CSCI-3753:Operating Systems
ECEN-3100: Digital Logic
MATH-3130: Linear Algebra
PHYS-1140: Experimental Physics

I need more credit hours, but with all the labs and recitations, nothing will fit my schedual.


Design of Communication Protocols
Comparative Programming Languages

And something else. Not sure yet. THe choices are:

Object Oriented Real-Time Systems
Distributed Components
Object Oriented Databases


Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on January 17, 2005, 07:37 PM
My classes don't change either, and plus our semester doesn't end for two more weeks! :P


Physical Education/Health (Drivers Ed is over! :( )
Pre-IB World History II
Pre-IB Algebera II/Trigonometry
Pre-IB Chemistry
Pre-IB American Literature
Pre-IB French III
AP Computer Science

Lineup for next year is looking like:

IB Theory of Knowledge
IB American History
IB Pre-Calculus with Limits
IB British Literature
AP Physics
IB French IV
Latin I

Looks like I'm going to be dropping IB. I've pretty much hit rock bottom and am in fear I'll be going into a mild depression over school. My French and Chemistry grades suck and I have like a 2.5 GPA (yea, horrible). This will happen before 2nd semester starts if I decide to, and will give me the same courses just non-IB. The whole reason is becuase I want to go to this College Prepatory school here, it's really the only academic school in the city. I applied to join for first grade and didn't get in, from what I recall I did spectacular on the test but my mom wasn't an alumni nor was she married. That's not the type of school that's looking for single parent households, even if they can pay the tuition. So, my goal now is to get my grades back up so I can be accepted into this school and take some nice classes (they offer more AP classes than where I go now) and have a nice transcript for at least Junior and Senior year. I may have to apply to college late, even though I wanted to not do that, but if it helps me get into my college of choice I'm all for it. I've really been upset about this the past few days, I really want to get into Columbia University, but the odds are really really against me. I have no work ethic when it comes to this stuff, and it's really starting to hurt me.


Just something to bear in mind --

Even if you get Bs in your IB classes, the people will see that you took IB classes on your transcript.  My unweighted high school GPA was about 3.2, but I got a four-year tuition waiver and $1,000 a year to attend Arizona State.  A friend of mine had a solid 3.75 and he got $500 a year, period, no tuition waiver.  The difference was that I took all honors/AP classes throughout all of high school, and he didn't (plus he took a partial day his senior year).

That isn't necessarily how it is where you're trying to go, but it's something to keep in mind.
QuoteEvery generation of humans believed it had all the answers it needed, except for a few mysteries they assumed would be solved at any moment. And they all believed their ancestors were simplistic and deluded. What are the odds that you are the first generation of humans who will understand reality?

After 3 years, it's on the horizon.  The new JinxBot, and BN#, the managed Battle.net Client library.

Quote from: chyea on January 16, 2009, 05:05 PM
You've just located global warming.


Computing Studies - A level
Electronics - A level
Media Studies - A Level


Quote from: MyndFyre on January 18, 2005, 05:27 PM
Just something to bear in mind --

Even if you get Bs in your IB classes, the people will see that you took IB classes on your transcript. My unweighted high school GPA was about 3.2, but I got a four-year tuition waiver and $1,000 a year to attend Arizona State. A friend of mine had a solid 3.75 and he got $500 a year, period, no tuition waiver. The difference was that I took all honors/AP classes throughout all of high school, and he didn't (plus he took a partial day his senior year).

That isn't necessarily how it is where you're trying to go, but it's something to keep in mind.

Selective schools don't pay attention to IB (why would they? admitting kids as a sophmore takes $44,000 away from them), IB is mainly there to prepare you for a work load. If I can drop IB, and get good grades for the rest of the year then I plan to go to this college prepatory school here. I applied there in 1st grade, and did well on the entrance exam, but my mom was single then and I'm sure they didn't want a single family income filling one of their 3 spots at the school. After that, whenever my parents tried to get me to apply again, I didn't want to leave my friends. Now, all the friends I didn't want to leave I never even talk to and I've decided I wanted to go to the shcool on my own. I looked at their course offerings and they offer much better AP classes than my current highschool, so not only will colleges see a nice prep school but also some nice AP classes. As long as this works out, I should be able to fair pretty well. I've waisted my mind for a long time, and now I'm trying to play catch up.

(Yes, I already know that I'm going to be up to my neck in debt from student loans)