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Spam Ban Code?

Started by Dayclone, April 12, 2003, 10:37 AM

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Anyone have a spam ban code that is really good pelase give it to me? Thnx


what the hell do you mean, spamban? if you mean to check if they are spamming the same thing, just save the message and username in a variable or array then check it everytime someone talks. ^^


No is someone started spammnig like hi hi hi hi over and over they get kicked or either banned.


Quote from: haze the cow on April 12, 2003, 12:09 PM
what the hell do you mean, spamban? if you mean to check if they are spamming the same thing, just save the message and username in a variable or array then check it everytime someone talks. ^^
You would still do that.


would you know what is wrong with this code it always says compile error me a newbie at this i just need help from other ppl so i can learn :)

'Form Code
Private Sub form_load()      ( Highlighted Yellow )
   Dim s As String
   Close #1
   rtbChat.BackColor = vbBlack
   rtbChat.Font.Size = 8
   lvChannel.View = lvwSmallIcon
   AddChat &H99CC00, "Welcome to Vi0lNtBot v1.00 Test Edition by l)ayclone]XV["
   frmChat.KeyPreview = True
   frmChat.Caption = ":: Vi0lNtBot v1.00 Test Edition :: Disconnected ::"
   frmAbout.lblTitle.Caption = ":: Vi0lNtBot v1.00 Test Edition"
   AutoClear = True
   s = Dir$(App.Path & "\quickchannels.txt")
           If s = "" Then
               lbQC.AddItem "Clan x]XV[x"
               mnuQC1.Caption = lbQC.List(0)
               mnuQC2.Caption = lbQC.List(1)
               mnuQC3.Caption = lbQC.List(2)
               mnuQC4.Caption = lbQC.List(3)
               mnuQC5.Caption = lbQC.List(4)
               Exit Sub
           End If
   Open (App.Path & "\quickchannels.txt") For Input As #1
       Input #1, s
       lbQC.AddItem s
   Loop Until EOF(1)
       mnuQC1.Caption = lbQC.List(0)
       mnuQC2.Caption = lbQC.List(1)
       mnuQC3.Caption = lbQC.List(2)
       mnuQC4.Caption = lbQC.List(3)
       mnuQC5.Caption = lbQC.List(4)
End Sub



and i'm thinking the part that's wrong is  

lvChannel.View = lvwSmallIcon        

but i edited the one up top where it's highlighted


What does the error state?, and what does it highlight?

Banana fanna fo fanna

Dayclone, buy a VB book.


I never required a VB book.. :p

Banana fanna fo fanna

Well Dayclone does, along with a good spanking and visit from the copyright police.


Is it Copyright legally ? hmmmm thnik about that b4 u say soemthin like that. and a VB book heh.... mayb

Ther error is

Compile Error:   Method or data member not found.

'Form Code
Private Sub form_load()   ( highlighted yellow )
   Dim s As String
   Close #1
   rtbChat.BackColor = vbBlack
   rtbChat.Font.Size = 8
   lvChannel.View = lvwSmallIcon         ( something wrong here? )
   AddChat &H99CC00, "Welcome to Vi0lNtBot v1.00 Test Edition by l)ayclone]XV["
   frmChat.KeyPreview = True
   frmChat.Caption = ":: Vi0lNtBot v1.00 Test Edition :: Disconnected ::"
   frmAbout.lblTitle.Caption = ":: Vi0lNtBot v1.00 Test Edition"
   AutoClear = True
   s = Dir$(App.Path & "\quickchannels.txt")
           If s = "" Then
               lbQC.AddItem "Clan x]XV[x"
               mnuQC1.Caption = lbQC.List(0)
               mnuQC2.Caption = lbQC.List(1)
               mnuQC3.Caption = lbQC.List(2)
               mnuQC4.Caption = lbQC.List(3)
               mnuQC5.Caption = lbQC.List(4)
               Exit Sub
           End If
   Open (App.Path & "\quickchannels.txt") For Input As #1
       Input #1, s
       lbQC.AddItem s
   Loop Until EOF(1)
       mnuQC1.Caption = lbQC.List(0)
       mnuQC2.Caption = lbQC.List(1)
       mnuQC3.Caption = lbQC.List(2)
       mnuQC4.Caption = lbQC.List(3)
       mnuQC5.Caption = lbQC.List(4)
End Sub

Banana fanna fo fanna

Does it say copyright in the src you stole? Most likely.


Nope not really i got it off a site i think it was the disclaimer or somethin


Quote from: Dayclone on April 12, 2003, 10:02 PM
Nope not really i got it off a site i think it was the disclaimer or somethin

I somehow doubt that very much.