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Started by Master_Nabo, January 10, 2005, 07:19 PM

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Hello there!  ;D .

I'm Nabeshin and I am from Wisconsin.

I am currently learning C++ I at my school, and a friend pointed me here.

Besides programming basic programs, I love anime and have a lot of it (including Manga), and other computer stuff, like modding cases, painting etc.  I am also a decent video editor, learning Flash, and I am trying to take up drawing stuff and coloring them on the PC.

Oh, before I forget, I like running.  Its something that sets me apart from my PC friends, and is really relaxing to do, unless you are in a race in which it is exciting (unless you are getting a runner's high, in which the race becomes really relaxin'), adrenline pumping and fun to do  ;D !


Where are you from?


Uh, you may know the country.  It's pretty big, and not to popular in the world due to some "governmental" choices.

I am from Wisconsin, United States of America aka USA.


Welcome :) I like track too.


Quote from: woodtroll on January 10, 2005, 07:49 PM
Where are you from?

* hismajesty[yL] notes his post.

Nabeshin, when was a powerful country ever liked in the world? France and the United Kingdom being two of the biggest examples of that.


Quote from: Falcon[anti-yL] on January 11, 2005, 03:17 PM
Welcome :) I like track too.

Hey, now I am not the only one who runs and programs at the same time!  Yeah!  But it is a strange combo to begin with, anyways.

Quote from: hismajesty[yL

Nabeshin, when was a powerful country ever liked in the world? France and the United Kingdom being two of the biggest examples of that.

Good point, I'll have to remember that.


Nabeshin you No0b! You stole nando's quote!

Quote from: Nabeshin
Making stuff do stuff takes a lot of energy...

Or more specifically

Quote from: Nabeshin
Making stuff do stuff takes a lot of energy...


Step off shout, at least I didn't lie about myself.

Plus, Niz wouldn't mind anyways...

Also, your pic isn't showing up, the site it's saved on doesn't allow access to others.

Try using the thumbnail on google instead of the original...


Lie about what?

And yes Niz would care I talked to him last night.

Now get in the kitchen and make me a sandwich!


Your age, your not 19...

Make u a sandwitch?  Make one yourself, u hobo.


You n0oB learn how to program before coming on these forums.


Shout, you need to step back and take a look at what you are doing.  No doubtly nobody will like what you are doing here, in which this thread will be locked, and both of us banned. 

You need to learn to be respectful of others too.  So what if I cannot program as good as you in C#, I haven't learned C# yet.  I am learning C++, in which I can program better than you (didn't mean for that to sound so cocky, but you simply haven't learned C++ basics while I have).

So lay off, step back, and relax.  Nobody got anywhere in this world dissing other people, except for maybe that weird Al guy.

If Niz (not you) is really bothered by me using his saying, he'll tell me.  But knowing Niz, he would problaby not care anyways.  But being nice, I will quote it from him, nonetheless.


Dear Nabeshin,

           I am replying to this post to inform you that Fernando (Niz) has filed a suit in the Belleville, WI court district for copyright infringement. At the current time, Niz requests a royalty fee, not to exceed, $250 per citation. If you wish to settle this out of court, feel free to contact him at 1-XXX-XXX-XXXX.

EDIT: Nabeshin and I are friends. Do not take anything in this thread serious.

EDIT#2:Fixed my age. I am 16 years of age.


There is no district court in that backwards, red neck town  :o !  Plus, Fernando doesn't live there, so he would go through his local court, and possibily if the crime was committed in Belleville, it would be taken to the closest court, which would have to be Madison, the capital of Wisconsin. 

Sometimes I wounder what is going through your head, shout.  Not only is what you posted a false statement, but there is no way you have contacted Niz in the last 5 minutes, because not only is he in school, your at school too.

But, my lawyer has issused a statement concering this "incident"

Dear "Mr. Shout",
         In no way has my client broken any copyright infringement laws in this case.  Not only is the quoted "material" not copyrighted, but my client is protected under the right to quote other peoples "material".  If you or your party would like to continue attempting to contiune your suit, please be aware in that my client would form a counter suit for "discracing" my clients name.  If you would like to contact me, call me at my local office at 1060 W Addison St, Chicago, IL.

EDIT - What he says is true, we are friends

EDIT #2 - Don't take this stuff literally, we're just killing time

Edit #3 - Let's stop this meaningless thread.  It will end up being deleted if we don't


Did you call me? My cell phone went off in the computer lab...

Oh, and NOOOOOOOOO! This thread can never be stopped! The KITTENS will never forgive you! I will continue this post until the end of time, or BEYOND!!!

This thread is my life, instead of doing research for this stupid speech that is due next week. The collective life force of this thread can change the world! MUHAHAHAHAHA!

Btw, come into the computer lab, I need to talk to you.