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job salaries

Started by tenbytes, January 06, 2005, 01:18 PM

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Quote from: tA-Kane on January 11, 2005, 07:04 PM
What would be better: a high-paying job without a family or a low-paying job with a family?

Hint: if you answered the first of the two, you are a greedy bastard.

I am sure you can find a job you like while making very good money at it. If you wanted to become a doctor. And that is what you like and you succeeded. Wouldn't that be fun? Fun+money =p


yea id really like to know how to get some of these elusive high paying IT jobs i hear about

ive been working in the computer industry for 6 years and i still make dick...

the game industry is bad news guys dont get into it, unless you are independantly wealthy and start your own company ;)
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Forgotten in the river of time...


You guys can compete for my job .... when I die :)  Otherwise, I'm not telling you how to get the money.  If you work in the industry long enough, and you're smart enough, it will come to you.  Not the money, but the how.  If you never can figure out how, you don't need to be going after it, as you will fail anyway for not knowing what it is you are really doing.

I will give you a hint -- understand first what motivates people.  Learn the lessons taught in popular success books, like "7 habits of highly effective people".  One of the most important things I learned that contributed to my success was that:

People will nearly always do whatever it takes to make themselves right.

That's your foot in the door.  Learn the truth in that statement, and develop your strategy with it in mind.  That is NOT the only thing you need to know, but I would say it alone is worth 50% of the money I make.


Whast is your average yearly income?


Quote from: tA-Kane on January 11, 2005, 06:53 PM
Quote from: Grok on January 11, 2005, 03:10 PM
Quote from: iago on January 06, 2005, 05:23 PM
I didn't.  I didn't grow up poor, but I have to work and buy most stuff for myself.  But given two jobs where one pays decently more but looks crappy, I'd pick the job I'd enjoy, easily.  It was a coincidence that the job I wanted (Security) was the highest paying student job this term :)

Ah, different philosophies lead to different opinions. The advice I give people is take the higher paying job that you dislike, make a lot of money, and go home to spend it on things you really love.

The "starving artist" is a perfect example. He loves what he does, but cannot afford to eat. Meanwhile, the CEO of a Fortune 500 company has enough money to spend on all the art supplies he wants, while eating fresh lobster, even flying to Maine for dinner.
The problem with that CEO is that in order to make all that money, he's likely not able to spend as much time with family. So even though he flies to Maine to eat fresh lobster, dinner isn't a long time to spend with your family.

Nor would he have the time to paint which is why he took the job in the first place.  He's basically neglecting everything he loves for money thus making him a sell-out.

QuoteBut I'll go with you on this and say --- if you loved that family, you would martyr yourself and take the higher-paying job to give your family a nicer lifestyle.  Since you picked the job you loved with low pay, you're a selfish bastard.

On the contrary, a loving mother or father, or any sensible human being for that matter, would realize that money isn't everything.  If you were truely in love with someone, you wouldn't be spending a good portion of your life away from them, even if it was to be what you consider a better provider for them.

Being a child who was brought up in a similar financial situation, I know what it's like to not have your family close by your side, especially while growing up.  My father was a wealthy man and he provided for me very well, however the fact that I have nearly all of the materialistic things I could ever want, I still miss the simple things that I was deprived of: a dad who's there when you first learn how to ride a bike, there to play basketball with you, there when you get your first girlfriend, there to teach you about life and how to live it, basically, just a childhood.

I guess you're right; people will do or say anything to make themselves right, especially a "greedy bastard" like yourself who thinks that love comes in dollars and cents.


I'm on the opposite end of the same pole; my dad's always been unwealthy, yet he's almost always at work trying to pay for the family. Indeed, just like lord, I've missed out on things that I wish I didn't because of such.
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My dad has usually done faily well, except in the past couple of years, however he's doing quite well financially again. While I was a kid he did well and spent time with his family, I have some fond memories of such, and I was provided for quite well. While he was home all the time and not providing so well, I didn't like him so much. Now he's away most of the week on business, and I couldn't be happier about it.
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