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CSB Tutorial

Started by GoKiLLa, December 29, 2004, 05:30 PM

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Can n e 1 give me a link to a CSB tutorial? Cupheads is gone and I cant find n e other 1's.


Allow me to state what probably everyone else thinks:

CSB should die.
QuoteEvery generation of humans believed it had all the answers it needed, except for a few mysteries they assumed would be solved at any moment. And they all believed their ancestors were simplistic and deluded. What are the odds that you are the first generation of humans who will understand reality?

After 3 years, it's on the horizon.  The new JinxBot, and BN#, the managed Battle.net Client library.

Quote from: chyea on January 16, 2009, 05:05 PM
You've just located global warming.


Somewhere around page 73 there is a CSB tutorial that has been posted for like 2 years. Also, im pretty sure askjivez.com has CSBexample still on their site. That is the easiest way to create a bot. It has everything there for you.


Quote from: MyndFyre on December 29, 2004, 05:49 PM
CSB should die.
* Blaze agrees

It didn't help me any at learning vb.
Mitosis: Haha, Im great arent I!
hismajesty[yL]: No


He didn't ask for your opinions, he asked for a CSB tutorial.


i dont see n e CSB Examples on askjivez man, is there n e other place that is known to have it?

Mr. Neo

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Clean Slate Bot OCX -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- By CupHead and Zorm -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=-=- A Fatal Error and Valhalla Legends Joint Production -=-=-

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  Table of Contents  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
-=- 1.0 Introduction                                        -=-
-=- 2.0 Installing the OCX                                  -=-
-=-  2.1 Installing the OCX (really)                        -=-
-=-  2.2 Uninstalling the OCX                               -=-
-=- 3.0 Adding the OCX to VB                                -=-
-=- 4.0 Adding the OCX to your project                      -=-
-=- 5.0 Using the OCX to your benefit                       -=-
-=-  5.1 Properties                                         -=-
-=-  5.2 Methods                                            -=-
-=-  5.3 Events                                             -=-
-=- 6.0 Demonstrations                                      -=-
-=-  6.1 Quick Demo                                         -=-
-=-  6.2 Parsing Events                                     -=-
-=-  6.3 Using Methods                                      -=-
-=- 7.0 Troubleshooting                                     -=-
-=- 8.0 Thanks 'n Stuff                                     -=-

-=- 1.0 Introduction                                        -=-
-=-    The Clean Slate Bot OCX is a control for Visual      -=-
-=- Basic that acts as a Binary Bot for Battle.Net.  It's   -=-
-=- very easy to use and hopefully this quick tutorial will -=-
-=- allow even the most inexperienced VB coder to create a  -=-
-=- bot in no time.  So listen up, this is pretty easy      -=-
-=- stuff.                                                  -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- 1.1 About the OCX                                       -=-
-=-  The OCX is based on Skywing's BNLS system.  It is      -=-
-=- totally hashless, and has many features that will allow -=-
-=- even the newbiest newbie to create a bot.  I have put a -=-
-=- good deal of help in here, and blah blah blah blah, so  -=-
-=- um...  Don't bug me about stuff!  It's easy.            -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- 2.0 Installing the OCX                                  -=-
-=-    The OCX itself is easy to install, and even easier   -=-
-=- to use.  Please note that for these to work, you have   -=-
-=- to use the path that you unzipped the OCX to.           -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- 2.1 Installing the OCX (really)                         -=-
-=-  To install:                                            -=-
-=-    Step 1 - Download the .zip file with the OCX in it.  -=-
-=-    Step 2 - Unzip the file to somewhere like c:\ocx     -=-
-=-    Step 3 - Install the OCX into your registry like so: -=-
-=-      Start > Run > Type:                                -=-
-=-        regsvr32 c:\ocx\CleanSlateBox.ocx                -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=-     You should get a message like DllRegisterServer     -=-
-=-     in the OCX succeeded.  This is good.                -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- 2.2 Uninstalling the OCX                                -=-
-=-  To uninstall:                                          -=-
-=-    Step 1 - Uninstall the OCX from your registry:       -=-
-=-      Start > Run > Type:                                -=-
-=-        regsvr32 -u c:\ocx\CleanSlateBot.ocx             -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=-     You should get a message like DllUnRegisterServer   -=-
-=-     in the OCX succeeded.  This is also good.           -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- 3.0 Adding the OCX to VB                                -=-
-=-    It's even easier to install the OCX into VB than it  -=-
-=- is to install it into your registry.  You simply hit    -=-
-=- CTRL + T or do Projects > Components then scroll down   -=-
-=- down to CleanSlateBot, add a check mark next to it, and -=-
-=- voila!  There it is on your tool bar.                   -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- Note that the Clean Slate Bot is the one with the CH    -=-
-=- icon.  That stands for CupHead.  =P                     -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- 4.0 Adding the OCX to your project                      -=-
-=-    Easiest part yet!  Click the CH icon, drag and drop  -=-
-=- it onto your form.  There it is.  Wow.                  -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- 5.0 Using the OCX to your benefit                       -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- 5.1 Properties                                          -=-
-=-    The OCX has properties that must be set before you   -=-
-=- tell the bot to connect.  These will be explained here. -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- Server - The server you want the bot to connect to.     -=-
-=-  Example: CleanSlateBot1.Server = "useast.battle.net"   -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- Username - The username the bot will connect with.      -=-
-=-  Example: CleanSlateBot1.Username = txtUsername.Text or -=-
-=-           CleanSlateBot1.Username = "CupHead"           -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- Password - The password for the username.               -=-
-=-  Example: CleanSlateBot1.Password = txtPassword.Text or -=-
-=-           CleanSlateBot1.Password = "MyPassword"        -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- NewPassword - If using the password change, this is the -=-
-=-               password to change to.                    -=-
-=-  Example: CleanSlateBot1.NewPassword = txtNewPW.Text or -=-
-=-           CleanSlateBot1.NewPassword = "NewPassword"    -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- Product - The product to use when connecting.           -=-
-=-  Example: CleanSlateBot1.Product = "3RAW" or            -=-
-=-           CleanSlateBot1.Product = "PXES"               -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=-  Available products are:                                -=-
-=-    -Warcraft III:     3RAW                              -=-
-=-    -Warcraft II:      NB2W                              -=-
-=-    -Starcraft:        RATS                              -=-
-=-    -Brood War:        PXES                              -=-
-=-    -Diablo II:        VD2D                              -=-
-=-    -Diablo II LoD:    PX2D                              -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- Character - The Diablo II realm character to log on.    -=-
-=-  Example: CleanSlateBot1.Character = "StupidAmazon"     -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- CDKey - The CDKey to use when logging on.               -=-
-=-  Example: CleanSlateBot1.CDKey = "1234567890123"        -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- LODKey - The CDKey to use for Diablo II Expansion.      -=-
-=-  Example: CleanSlateBot1.LODKey = "H37JF73P83J92464"    -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- Realm - The Realm to use for Diablo II closed logons.   -=-
-=-  Example: CleanSlateBot1.Realm = "USEast"               -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- Available realms are:                                   -=-
-=-  -USEast                                                -=-
-=-  -USWest                                                -=-
-=-  -Europe                                                -=-
-=-  -Asia                                                  -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- BNLSBotID - The BotID to use for BNLS.  You *must* have -=-
-=-             one of these.  Request from Skywing[vL] or  -=-
-=-             Yoni[vL].                                   -=-
-=-  Example: CleanSlateBot1.BNLSBotID = "CupChat"          -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- BNLSBotPassword - The BotPassword to use for BNLS.      -=-
-=-                   Once again, you must have it, get it  -=-
-=-                   from Skywing[vL] or Yoni[vL].         -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- HomeChannel - The channel to join when you connect.     -=-
-=-  Example:                                               -=-
-=-    CleanSlateBot1.HomeChannel = "Clan Fatal-Error" or   -=-
-=-    CleanSlateBot1.HomeChannel = "Clan [vL]"             -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- UseRealm - Whether or not to connect to a D2 realm.     -=-
-=-  Example: CleanSlateBot1.UseRealm = False or            -=-
-=-           CleanSlateBot1.UseRealm = True                -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- ChangePassword - Whether or not to change password on   -=-
-=-                  logon.                                 -=-
-=-  Example: CleanSlateBot1.ChangePassword = False or      -=-
-=-           CleanSlateBot1.ChangePassword = True          -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- Accept - A "password" of sorts that stops people from   -=-
-=-          using my OCX.  It's public now, so...          -=-
-=-  Example: CleanSlateBot1.Accept = -65                   -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- 5.2 Methods                                             -=-
-=-    Methods are probably known to you as Subs.  They are -=-
-=- what you use to make the OCX do stuff.                  -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- Connect - Tell the bot to connect.                      -=-
-=-  Example: CleanSlateBot1.Connect                        -=-
-=-   *Note: ALL INFORMATION MUST BE FILLED IN.*            -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- Disconnect - Tell the bot to disconnect.                -=-
-=-  Example: CleanSlateBot1.Disconnect                     -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- RequestKey - Request a profile key from Battle.Net.     -=-
-=-  Example: CleanSlateBot1.RequestKey "Zorm", "age"       -=-
-=-  That will return the age from Zorm's profile.          -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- WriteKey - Writes a profile key to Battle.Net.          -=-
-=-  Example:                                               -=-
-=-   CleanSlateBot1.WriteKey "Skywing", "age", "17"        -=-
-=-   That will write 17 to Skywing's age.  You can only    -=-
-=-   write to your own profile, so...                      -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- SimulateEvent - Advanced command for interaction        -=-
-=-                 between bots.  I'll get into this       -=-
-=-                 another time.                           -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- Send - Sends text to Battle.Net.                        -=-
-=-  Example: CleanSlateBot1.Send "Hello!" or               -=-
-=-           CleanSlateBot1.Send "/ban EvilPerson Bye!"    -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- 5.3 Events                                              -=-
-=-    Events are the biggest part of the bot.  They do     -=-
-=- everything for you, literally everything.  There are a  -=-
-=- lot to explain, so here they are.  But first, events    -=-
-=- are accessed the same way any event is.  After you drop -=-
-=- the OCX on your form, double click it.  Towards the top -=-
-=- right of your window, you'll see a drop down box that   -=-
-=- says BNLSAuthEvent.  Click it and you'll see the list   -=-
-=- of all events that the OCX supports.                    -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- AdBanner(BannerFile, BannerLink) - Tells you the        -=-
-=-  current advertisement being displayed on game clients. -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- BnetConnected() - This event happens when you connect   -=-
-=-  to Battle.Net.                                         -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- BnetConnecting() - This event happens when you begin    -=-
-=-  connecting to Battle.Net.                              -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- BnetDisconnected() - This event happens when you        -=-
-=-  disconnect from Battle.Net.                            -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- BnetError(ErrorNumber, Description)                     -=-
-=-  This event happens when an error occurs in the         -=-
-=-  Battle.Net socket.                                     -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- BNLSAuthEvent(Success) - An event telling               -=-
-=-  you that BNLS has accepted your BotID and BotPassword. -=-
-=-  Success is either true or false.                       -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- BNLSConnected() - This event happens when you connect   -=-
-=-  to BNLS.                                               -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- BNLSDisconnected() - This event happens when you        -=-
-=-  disconnect from BNLS.                                  -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- BNLSError(ErrorNumber, Description)                     -=-
-=-  This event happens when an error occurs in the BNLS    -=-
-=-  socket.                                                -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- ChannelList(ChannelName) - This event occurs            -=-
-=-  when you receive the standard channel list.            -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- Debugger(Message) - Used for debugging.                 -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- FlagsUpdate(Username, flags, Message, Ping) - This      -=-
-=-  event occurs when a flag update happens, for example,  -=-
-=-  when someone is squelched.                             -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- JoinedChannel(ChannelName, flags) - This event occurs   -=-
-=-  when you join a channel.                               -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- KeyReturn(KeyName, KeyValue) - Happens when a profile   -=-
-=-  key you've requested comes back.                       -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- LoggedOnAs(Username) - Happens when you log on.  OCX    -=-
-=-  tells you what name you've logged on as.               -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- LogonEvent(Message) - Message returns a number.         -=-
-=-  Messages are:                                          -=-
-=-   0 - Failed logon, account doesn't exist.              -=-
-=-   1 - Failed logon, bad password.                       -=-
-=-   2 - Successful logon.                                 -=-
-=-   3 - Attempting to create the account.                 -=-
-=-   4 - Successfully created account.                     -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- PasswordChange(Success) - Tells you whether or not the  -=-
-=-  password change was successful.                        -=-
-=-  Success is either True or False.                       -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- RealmConnected() - Tells you when you've successfully   -=-
-=-  connected to a D2 realm.                               -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- RealmConnecting() - This event happens when you begin   -=-
-=-  connecting to a D2 realm.                              -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- RealmDisconnected() - This event happens when you       -=-
-=-  disconnect from D2 realm.                              -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- RealmError(ErrorNumber, Description)                    -=-
-=-  This event happens when an error occurs in the         -=-
-=-  D2 realm socket.                                       -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- ServerError(Message) - When Battle.Net sends an error   -=-
-=-  message like "That user is not logged on."             -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- ServerInfo(Message) - When Battle.Net sends information -=-
-=-  like a friends list.                                   -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- SimulatedEvent(PassedControl, EventType) - When a       -=-
-=-  request for a simulated event comes in.                -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- SomethingUnknown(Message) - When something that the OCX -=-
-=-  doesn't recognized is sent from Battle.Net.            -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- UserEmote(Username, flags, Message) - When someone uses -=-
-=-  /me in the channel you're in.                          -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- UserInChannel(Username, flags, Message, Ping) - When    -=-
-=-  you join a channel and people are already there, this  -=-
-=-  event executes for each person.                        -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- UserJoins(Username, flags, Message, Ping) - When        -=-
-=-  someone else joins the channel.                        -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- UserLeaves(Username, flags) - When someone else leaves  -=-
-=-  the channel, this event executes.                      -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- UserTalk(Username, flags, Message, Ping) - When a user  -=-
-=-  talks in the channel, this event is executed.          -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- VersionCheck(Message) - This event occurs while CD key  -=-
-=-  and username/password are being checked.               -=-
-=-  Messages are:                                          -=-
-=-   0 - Version check and CD-Key check passed.            -=-
-=-   1 - Version check failed, bad version.                -=-
-=-   2 - CD-Key check failed, bad key.                     -=-
-=-   3 - Version check failed, need updated hashes.        -=-
-=-   4 - CD-Key check failed, key is for another game.     -=-
-=-   5 - CD-Key check failed, key is banned.               -=-
-=-   6 - CD-Key check failed, key is in use.               -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- WhisperFromUser(Username, flags, Message) - When a user -=-
-=-  whispers to you, this event is executed.               -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- WhisperToUser(Username, flags, Message, Ping) - When    -=-
-=-  you whisper to another user, this event executes.      -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- 6.0 Demonstrations                                      -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- 6.1 Quick Demo                                          -=-
-=-    Create a form, add the OCX to your project, drop one -=-
-=- onto your form.  Then, double click your form and add   -=-
-=- this to Form_Load:                                      -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- CleanSlateBot1.BNLSBotID = "La la la..."                -=-
-=- CleanSlateBot1.BNLSBotPassword = "Nuh uh!"              -=-
-=- CleanSlateBot1.CDKey = "Zorm left his key here.  =X"    -=-
-=- CleanSlateBot1.Product = "PXES"                         -=-
-=- CleanSlateBot1.HomeChannel = "Clan Ze][2o"              -=-
-=- CleanSlateBot1.Password = "Hahaha!  No."                -=-
-=- CleanSlateBot1.Username = "Zorm"                        -=-
-=- CleanSlateBot1.NewPassword = "bleh"                     -=-
-=- CleanSlateBot1.ChangePassword = False                   -=-
-=- CleanSlateBot1.Server = "usw-bna-chat03.battle.net"     -=-
-=- CleanSlateBot1.Accept = -65                             -=-
-=- CleanSlateBot1.Connect                                  -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- That's all it takes.  Assuming you fix the information. -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- 6.2 Parsing Events                                      -=-
-=-    Go back to that project and add a TextBox to the     -=-
-=- form.  You can rename it if you want, not necessary     -=-
-=- though.                                                 -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- Select the JoinedChannel event.  It should put you on a -=-
-=- blank line.  Type:                                      -=-
-=-  Text1.Text = Text1.Text & "Joined Channel: " &         -=-
-=- ChannelName & vbCrLf                                    -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- Now, whenever you join a channel, your text box will    -=-
-=- add Joined Channel: and the channel name to it.         -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- 6.3 Using Methods                                       -=-
-=-    Ok, select the JoinedChannel event again.  Now, add  -=-
-=- CleanSlateBot1.Send "Hi, all.  I'm using My Bot!"       -=-
-=- beneath the Joined Channel line.  This will send what   -=-
-=- you said to the channel each time you join.             -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- 7.0 Troubleshooting                                     -=-
-=-    If you have problems, then...  I don't know.         -=-
-=- Everything was explained very simply here, with         -=-
-=- examples provided.  Just check your code, declare your  -=-
-=- variables and cross your fingers.                       -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- If you're really desperate, get ahold of me on          -=-
-=- Battle.Net as CupHead.fe or CupHead[vL]                 -=-
-=- Also, I can be E-Mailed at:                             -=-
-=-          [email protected]                    -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- 8.0 Thanks 'n Stuff                                     -=-
-=-    Thanks to Zorm mostly, Skywing, Grok, everyone in    -=-
-=- Fatal Error who has been quite helpful.                 -=-
-=-                                                         -=-


Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on December 29, 2004, 07:33 PM
He didn't ask for your opinions, he asked for a CSB tutorial.
Exactly what Trust said.

I can see why CSB is bad, but he's using it, so get over it.
- Newby

Quote[17:32:45] * xar sets mode: -oooooooooo algorithm ban chris cipher newby stdio TehUser tnarongi|away vursed warz
[17:32:54] * xar sets mode: +o newby
[17:32:58] <xar> new rule
[17:33:02] <xar> me and newby rule all

Quote<TehUser> Man, I can't get Xorg to work properly.  This sucks.
<torque> you should probably kill yourself
<TehUser> I think I will.  Thanks, torque.


Thx for hookin me up there Mr. Neo ;D


ugh csb isn't that bad... Alot of us newer programers had to use it to learn about all the gui shit and what not "commands and such" but you should probally look through the forum because that is the OLD csb tutorial and alot of that stuff isnt the same anymore...


Most of what's in that, and this, is very accurate.
- Stealth
Author of StealthBot


Sorry stealth cant see that link but i agree 'MOST' of that is very accurate but hes probally just looking for a way to get it to work and not a way to figure it out just yet...


Quote from: NetNX on January 06, 2005, 09:54 AM
Sorry stealth cant see that link but i agree 'MOST' of that is very accurate but hes probally just looking for a way to get it to work and not a way to figure it out just yet...

By "most" I mean everything but the section on which products are available through BNLS.

I always thought "getting it to work" and "figuring it out" went hand in hand, if not equate to the same thing?
- Stealth
Author of StealthBot


i mean he wants you to show him how to connect though csb2.ocx... its accurate but it dosnet show him whats hes doing .... i havent played around with any csb stuff in a while but i used this source a while back on pscode to learn about how the control worked... "getting it to work" is in a sence jacking code he dosent understand till he can understand it thats how alot of amature programers learn... he will probally learn about how to use CSB after he tries and modifies the example code he finds..