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A few ramblings about CFB....

Started by DarkMinion, December 25, 2004, 05:01 PM

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Just a couple of things to ponder/discuss...

1)  Teams/schools/programs knowing who they are.  The perfect examples of this over the last couple of years are Nebraska and most notably, Notre Dame.  These programs have little or no grasp of reality, or their position in the college football world today. 

First off, Nebraska has all but hit rock bottom.  No, I take that back.  They HAVE hit rock bottom.  I'll use my own team as my example.  Nebraska, this year, lost by 60 points to a team.  They didn't lose to, say, Texas.  Or Oklahoma.  Or USC.  Or Michigan, or any team contending for the national title or even a conference title, they lost by 60 to Texas Tech.  Note, I'm not dissing my own team, losing by 60 points to anybody constitutes an immense level of suckage.  I sensed this team was close to hitting rock bottom, and that this season could be a very bad one for them when they tried to steal Bob Stoops away from Oklahoma and he very literally laughed at them.  They finally managed to get a washed up scrub of an NFL coach to try to clean up their image, but it ain't gonna happen anytime soon, I'm sorry.  10 years ago, they very well may have stolen Stoops away and gotten on the path back to dominance.   Side note: Nebraska fans make me want to puke.  Nebraska was a dominant force in college football for many, many years, and I watched them mercilessly run up the score on many a team.   Now, they are finally receiving their comeuppance.   They lost by 60 to a team that they had run up the score on last time they played them, lost 3 of their games by at least 20 points.  I feel no sympathy for the whiners surrounding their program, they are getting what they deserve.

Notre Dame.  Sorry dipshits, "God" isn't going to help you now.  And by God I mean the ungodly amounts of money your university weasels out of its alumni.  I think Notre Dame is probably the university I hate most out of all the programs in the country.   They are the perfect example of not knowing "who you are".  They wiffed on Urban Meyer because of their arrogance, and even then, their arrogance convinced them that they could pull an NFL head coach off of an up and coming program with an increasing amount of good, young talent.  Now they're getting the Pats offensive coordinator instead of one of two good head coaches because of their supreme arrogance and perverted self-image.  If I could, I would spit on Notre Dame, burn it down, and take a giant shit on the ashes.

2)  The BCS.  Good freaking god.  Now first off...I'll admit Utah is a good team, I've watched them play.  No, they are not a top 5 team, and they do not belong in a BCS bowl.  Consequently, neither does the team they are facing.  The BCS is terrible, and is finally, FINALLY on the verge of getting the big boot.   The Associated Press pulling out is the first big step.  Now the other polls need to follow suit, and leave the BCS out in the cold.  The Utah/Pitt match-up is a joke, as is Auburn not being given a chance to win the MNC.

The best system would be to have a 16-team championship playoff between the top 16 teams, seeded the same way as the NCAA basketball tournaments, and then a 16-team consolation playoff between the 17-32 team.  If they think too many teams are being left out, then make the championship playoff 32 teams.  There would still be a little controversy regarding maybe one team deserving the 16th/32nd spot more than another, but it would still be a damn sight better than the system that's in place now.

That's all for now, I may add more later...


Auburn not getting a chance to win the MNC is absurd.  It would be equally as absurd that any other team did not have a shot, including Utah.  I admit that Utah should not be in a BCS bowl, nor should any other team, for there should be no BCS.

There should be 8 teams, not 16.  Limit the regular season to 11 games, by regulation,  and one conference championship game.  The 8 game playoff would only affect 8 teams one week, 4 teams two weeks, and 2 teams for the final game.  The students and professors of those 8 schools out of 117 could handle that burden for a championship playoff shot.  I say 8 teams because there has never been a 10th ranked team that would likely have ever won a championship playoff.  Why bother with them now?  Basketball has hundreds of teams to invite only 64.  Has anyone in the bottom 32 ever won?  Keep that to scale with 117 and 8 is more than enough.

Nebraska is the pits now, that is true.  Texas Tech is a bad example though.  What the Red Raideres do well they do extremely well, and if an opponent does not solve them, they will lose huge.  They remind me of the run-and-shoot Houston teams that would win 70-0 one week, lose the next, and finish 5-6 most seasons.

Notre Dame will be back because of their name.   They will land the right coach, it may take a few.  However you cannot fault them for firing someone who does not produce results.  Gerry Faust and one other coach had equally bad records.  It was Tyrone Willingham's results that were his measuring stick.  Kudos to the domers for sticking to their standards of excellence and firing Willingham regardless of other factors.