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Operating Systems R Us

Started by Thing, April 09, 2003, 07:56 PM

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At the risk of starting an OS war, which is not my intent, I pose this question to you all:

What is your favorite OS and why?
What OS do you hate and why?

By far my favorite is a mutant Linux distribution that I use on my VPN boxes.  It is just rock solid and only has to be rebooted when I flash updates.

I think that Windows ME is the biggest piece of shit that Microsoft ever produced.  The unfortunate times that I have had to deal with that OS, I left feeling that I had just wasted a good part of my life.  I absolutely refuse to work on a machine with that OS on it.

I really want to try the new Mac OS.  I've heard good things about it from people I know.
That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.


My favourite is windows xp, because I don't have to do any thinking and it's compatible with everything (and if anybody tries to argue, I cover my ears and sing).

I also like windows 2k (I use it at school) and *nix's console (I don't like X).  I have no real favourite build of unix/linux since I've only used a couple.  

Another one I think is pretty neat is the linux that runs with a mac interface on top (I forget what it's called, think it's some form of BSD but I dunno).  One of my prof's uses it, and it's very pretty.

I *don't* like windows ME.  It's evil.

Other than that, I don't have any real strong likes/dislikes.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I like Windows 2000, BeOS, and various versions of Linux.

Can't stand ME, or it's predecessors. Not really a fan of the Mac platform, though I concede that OS X is solid.

Incidentally, nice Beholder you've got there Thing.
Quote from: iago on February 02, 2005, 03:07 PM
Yes, you can't have everybody...contributing to the main source repository.  That would be stupid and create chaos.

Opensource projects...would be dumb.

Banana fanna fo fanna



Quote from: Thing on April 09, 2003, 07:56 PMWhat is your favorite OS and why?

I've had too many troubles on all of the Operating Systems I've used (Mac OS 6, 7, 8, 9 and Windows 3.1, 95, 98, XP) to have a favorite, yet.

Quote from: Thing on April 09, 2003, 07:56 PMWhat OS do you hate and why?

I'd have to say Windows 98, it seems to have problems with everything on both my dad's and my mom's PCs.

I've heard mostly good things about Mac OS X. If you're someone who's a l33t-wannabe, I'd recommend Mac OS X. If you're someone who's l33t, I'd recommend Linux. If you're a newbie, I'd recommend Windows XP or Mac OS X, both are very user-friendly.

By the way iago, Windows XP doesn't work with several DOS-based games... (specifically, I know of only Command & Conquer and C&C: Red Alert), unless they've been given a patch to work with XP.

And, though my dad briefly installed Windows ME on his computer when it first came out, he had so many troubles with it, he reformatted his hard drive to get it off before I could really get to try it out. Also, I've not heard very many good things about Windows ME, either.

Lastly, I specifically hate people who say "Windows Me"... it's not pronounced "me", and saying "Windows Me" is promoting software so obviously subtly, that I intentionally will not use it if given a chance to.
Macintosh programmer and enthusiast.
Battle.net Bot Programming: http://www.bash.org/?240059
I can write programs. Can you right them?



My favorate os is Windows XP because it's rather easy to use and it's quite stable.

I absolutly cannot stand OS/2.  It ran so slow on my dad's laptop and crashed often.  Also, it wouldn't run warcraft II: Tides of Darkness; I'd get into a game and it would quit "Out of Memory".  Go figure ;p


Unfortunately, the only OSs I currently have heavy experience with (and therefore, can relate to) are Microsoft OSs.

My favorite is Windows 2000. Second best is Windows XP (note that Windows XP = Windows 2000 + crap).
Best (or should I say least bad, or most tolerable) 32-bit-on-16-bit OS is Windows 98. Windows ME is the worst ever.

I have a Windows ME Upgrade CD that I got for free with my ISP subscription, anyone want it? (Note: The free WinME CD was not the reason I chose this ISP.)

I am waiting for Windows 2003 Server, it should own (unless it's so full of vulnerabilities that SP1 will be released a week after the OS, or unless it's full of DRM crap that's hard to get rid of). LongHorn will almost definitely suck (a WinXP vs. Win2k style of suck, not a Win98 vs. Win2k style of suck).


Quote from: tA-Kane on April 10, 2003, 01:51 AM
By the way iago, Windows XP doesn't work with several DOS-based games... (specifically, I know of only Command & Conquer and C&C: Red Alert), unless they've been given a patch to work with XP.

*covers ears and sings*

Ok, a better way to say it is that *I* personally haven't had a single compatibility problem ;-)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I've used Windows 95, 98, ME and XP Home and Pro.  Of these, XP Pro is by far the best; I've heard good things about 2000 but never used it myself. As for non-MS systems, I've run Debian 2.0 and Red Hat 7.3 and 8.  The Debian distro was much more difficult to get working and use, and after a while I started to ask myself why I was using it. Red Hat 8 is much nicer and user friendly than Debian, but it doesn't come with built in support for my recent nvidia card, mp3 support (a copyright issue), or NTFS file system browsing.  So every time I update my kernel version, I get booted to the console instead of X, where I have to install the nvidia drivers / GLX, reinstall the mp3-enabled xmms, and reinstall NTFS support.


Duke Nukem 3D always worked great on DOS/Win95/98 and ME but crashed and burned on WinNT/2K/XP.
For a while I dual-booted Win98 and Win2k just to play Duke3D (on Win98).

Btw, Duke3D recently became open-source. Hopefully a native Win32 version will be available soon (if it's not already, didn't check).

Edit: Eww, the emote thing sux.


I've had experiance with Windows 95, NT 4, 98, 2000, ME, Xp home/pro, and limited experiance with Windows 3.1x, Redhat 8, and Mandrake 9. My favorite has to be Xp pro, because of its ease of use and stability. The worst OS I've ever used was Windows ME.


I have windows 2003 server (thanks to my brothers msdn subscription).  I have yet to install it an try it out though.


I hate windows xp, it always says runtime error '7': out of memory when i run bots. very gay.
Win 98 is aight, but im on Win 2000 right now-not half bad...
So, I think winxp is *evil*.
btw, eth, let us know how the 2003 version is ^^;