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The Thread Formerly Known As: Kerry Found...

Started by Hazard, March 02, 2004, 08:46 PM

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kerry only wants to raise taxes... i dont think he should be elected... but on the other hand bush has a problem with gay guys (not sure about kerry) its tehre life they should be able to get it in the u know wehre if they want... how does that pertain to people such as married straight couples?

Banana fanna fo fanna

Quote from: GoSuGaMING on March 22, 2004, 04:17 PM
kerry only wants to raise taxes... i dont think he should be elected... but on the other hand bush has a problem with gay guys (not sure about kerry) its tehre life they should be able to get it in the u know wehre if they want... how does that pertain to people such as married straight couples?

Maybe...just maybe it has to do with the tax breaks married people get? Just a guess.


Quote from: GoSuGaMING on March 22, 2004, 04:17 PM
kerry only wants to raise taxes... i dont think he should be elected... but on the other hand bush has a problem with gay guys (not sure about kerry) its tehre life they should be able to get it in the u know wehre if they want... how does that pertain to people such as married straight couples?
I'll keep refraining from flaming... But here's some free advice.
Use periods.
Correct your horrible spelling mistakes.
This thread has turned into a stupid arguments thread, I don't know why it's still here. If you wanted a serious discussion you should start a new thread, and follow my advice.
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


He has a good point. He wants to slash military spending and dump all of that money into some other useless program, then hike taxes through the roof. The best approach would be to raise taxes a little and cut spending a little, not just one or the other.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


Quote from: j0k3r on March 22, 2004, 04:40 PM
But here's some free advice.
Use periods.
Correct your horrible spelling mistakes.

Here j0k3r i'll type how you would you me to. If you think that this is so stupid then you probably do not have a job. Out of every paycheck I get they take about 20$ out... At minimum wage thats four hours of work, assuming its 5.25 an hour.


Quote from: GoSuGaMING on March 23, 2004, 07:03 AM
Quote from: j0k3r on March 22, 2004, 04:40 PM
But here's some free advice.
Use periods.
Correct your horrible spelling mistakes.

Here j0k3r i'll type how you would you me to. If you think that this is so stupid then you probably do not have a job. Out of every paycheck I get they take about 20$ out... At minimum wage thats four hours of work, assuming its 5.25 an hour.

Ugh.  Read my forum.


I work 37.25 hours/week @ $15.38/hour (canadian).  Each paycheque (every 2 weeks) I lose about $250 to taxes/other stuff.  That's ... 16.25 hours of work.  2 days!

Although because I'm also a fulltime student I'll get it back next april, but that's not the point! :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


And out of my paycheck they take ~65 hours every month.


Quote from: GoSuGaMING on March 22, 2004, 04:17 PM
kerry only wants to raise taxes... i dont think he should be elected...

That's patently ridiculous. Nobody "only" wants to raise taxes. Taxation has its purpose under our governmental structure. Don't tax enough, and things start falling apart due to lack of funds. Tax too much, and the people become impoverished and angry.

Right now, I'm definitely leaning toward the "things falling apart" side of the coin. One thing I though Howard Dean did well, while he was a big deal, was to point out that the "tax cuts" touted by the Bush administration did not save working people money. There are other kinds of expenses, besides federal taxes, like state tax and college tuition, to name a couple. Lots of those sorts of things went up to compensate for the lack of cash they were receiving from the federal government. My college tuition alone got jacked up more than $3000 this year. My family has less money now than we did 4 years ago. If that is the effect "lowering" taxes has, I'm all for bringing them back up to acceptable levels.

Don't get me wrong, I think Kerry is an opportunistic jackass. However, Bush's economic plan has been an unmitigated disaster, and he simply has to go.
Quote from: iago on February 02, 2005, 03:07 PM
Yes, you can't have everybody...contributing to the main source repository.  That would be stupid and create chaos.

Opensource projects...would be dumb.


That is such screwed up economics that I hit my forehead with my fist when I read it.

Where do you think "federal government money" comes from?  It is not magic.  It costs money to collect and distribute money.  So if you're doing that less, it costs less.  If a tuition jack was more than the difference, then its the college that screwed you, not the fact that you paid less taxes.

Try to think of money as energy, and use some of the parallels there for approximations on behavior.


Quote from: Grok on March 23, 2004, 04:30 PM
That is such screwed up economics that I hit my forehead with my fist when I read it.

Where do you think "federal government money" comes from?  It is not magic.  It costs money to collect and distribute money.  So if you're doing that less, it costs less.  If a tuition jack was more than the difference, then its the college that screwed you, not the fact that you paid less taxes.

Try to think of money as energy, and use some of the parallels there for approximations on behavior.

Well, cutting taxes typically helps those who pay the most taxes. People with low salaries are likely to be helped more by higher taxes.

Also, the money as energy picture isn't perfect, because money "lost" isn't turned into heat, it's turned into employment. You'll have unemployment in tax collectors/distributers ;)


Quote from: Grok on March 23, 2004, 04:30 PMWhere do you think "federal government money" comes from?  It is not magic.  It costs money to collect and distribute money.  So if you're doing that less, it costs less.  If a tuition jack was more than the difference, then its the college that screwed you, not the fact that you paid less taxes.

You missed the point, Grok. The federal government doles out money to all kinds of organizations, projects, people, etc... It also has salaries to pay. Now, since most of it's income is provided by taxes, it stands to reason that when taxes are lower there is less of that money to go around, doesn't it?

When the federal taxes went down, my state taxes went up, because the state was now getting less financial aid from the federal government. Lowering the federal tax rate has cost me money, not saved it.

edit: My point was more that it isn't Kerry's goal in life to wildly raise taxes for no reason. He wants a more weighted tax scale (wealthy people shouldering more of the tax burden) as well as more money for government programs. It isn't like he was going to pocket the extra tax revenue
Quote from: iago on February 02, 2005, 03:07 PM
Yes, you can't have everybody...contributing to the main source repository.  That would be stupid and create chaos.

Opensource projects...would be dumb.


Quote from: Zakath on March 23, 2004, 05:01 PM
Quote from: Grok on March 23, 2004, 04:30 PMWhere do you think "federal government money" comes from?  It is not magic.  It costs money to collect and distribute money.  So if you're doing that less, it costs less.  If a tuition jack was more than the difference, then its the college that screwed you, not the fact that you paid less taxes.

You missed the point, Grok. The federal government doles out money to all kinds of organizations, projects, people, etc... It also has salaries to pay. Now, since most of it's income is provided by taxes, it stands to reason that when taxes are lower there is less of that money to go around, doesn't it?

Ack.  I give up.
