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This is new computer I am getting for Christmas (Definitaly)

Started by Mitosis, December 10, 2003, 04:06 PM

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Quote from: Grok on December 10, 2003, 10:30 PM
Quote from: j0k3r on December 10, 2003, 09:28 PM
$1, 700 before tax? USD? Why all this french stuff?

I'd recommend going with your orignal set up over the one Hostile recommended.

Before I call you an idiot, how about providing significant documentation on why your opinion about the generic system is more correct than what Hostile has said?  He's done a goodly amount of work to tailor a system to Mitosis' needs, and you've done nothing but dismiss it with a 5 second sentence.  Let's see your expertise go to work and provide validation of your opinion.
Call me an idiot if you see it fit, I won't cry. I simply felt that for what he was planning on doing (which is what I am doing currently), there would be better solutions thank a dell. Like I said (somewhere), you can probably get a gamer system for under $1400 CAD(including a high end video card), if you find a small store around your house, and before anybody says anything yes you can trust them, do a bit of research, compare their prices. I got my system, with the brand name parts I needed for less than Dell or Compaq could sell it to me for (at the time, I could've gotten a $300 discount because my dad was purchasing 20 computers for a school).

I didn't mean to trash his post, I'm sorry if it came out that way. I meant to say try looking around some more, because as Mitosis said there was a limit he could spend, and even after dropping some of those features he could find another system like it for cheaper.
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


heh i got mine a bit earlier,but its kinda half payed for mky parents as the my xmas present from them in whole) so for those of you wondering if i spent 2K+ on a comp your out of my mind i payed about 1200, heres the specs:

CPU: AMD Athlon 64 3200+ / 1MB Cache/ 1600MHz FSB / Socket 754 / Processor

RAM: OCZ EL Series 512MB PC4000 DDR 500MHz Memory

Motherboard: Chaintech - ZNF3-150 - Socket 754 ATX Motherboard with Audio, AGP8X/4X, S/PDIF, USB 2.0, FireWire, Serial ATA, CNR, WOR, WOL, Hyper-Transport Capable, and Gigabit LAN Support

Sound: Creative Labs SB Audigy 2 Platinum Sound Card

Video: ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB DDR AGP8X with TV-Out and DVI Video Card

HHD: 20GB Seagate 7200 RPM Ultra ATA ( from old comp)

Operating System: Obtained copy of Win2k3 Server Enterprise ^_-

includes; floppy,generic 52x32x52 burner,16/48 dvd rom, full tower case (generic beige) standard nic (10/100) and modem, and my old crt monitor 15" with a dvi connection converter for the video card, wheel/ball mouse,standard keyboard, a few system fans



Quote from: Mitosis on December 11, 2003, 05:29 AM
Now the reason I havent gone Dell is because so many people have told me not to trust companies. Dark Virus said he would just barely trust them and other friends have told me so. But Hostile thanks for the computer you put together. Ill call Dell tonight or tomorrow and ask them to configure one for me similar to the one you made in your previous post.

My family has owned 3 Dell desktops and 2 Dell laptops since my dad's first 386 desktop oh-so-many years ago. Dell's products have been flawless, and their support second to none. If there's a company you can trust, it's definitely Dell.
- Stealth
Author of StealthBot


Dell is trustworthy, yes, but they fleece you in the pricing. I was talking to Hostile about this yesterday, and what it really is...you pay 1.5 times the real price for the system in exchange for the support and peace of mind. That's the tradeoff you have to be willing to make.
Quote from: iago on February 02, 2005, 03:07 PM
Yes, you can't have everybody...contributing to the main source repository.  That would be stupid and create chaos.

Opensource projects...would be dumb.


Ok where to begin... I've gotton from Mitosis that he wants to use his system for: Programming, Gaming, Graphics / Web design. That and basially internet.

Before you build a computer or even buy it why not first figure out WHAT your using the system for. The system I built back in March ran me roughly 700 bucks and runs beautifully. If you build/buy a system just to say you have an Intel 3.06 HT 800 FSB CPU just to say you have top of the line technology. Also a 120 GB HD is ridiculous for what you've told me your using your system for. I have an 80 GB HD and I'm not even using 20 gigs yet. Also make sure your getting the best price for the DVD burner because I've seen them as low as 150 bucks now. Basically your going to pay a few hundred more just to have someone build the system for you. Instead, spend the time on the internet or with a friend or the 25 bucks to buy a book you can learn from and read HOW to build a system. Basically manufactured products are full of generic components and you could get better for the same price if not less. Learn a little about systems before you go building or throwing your money at someone that will more than likely take advantage of you.

As for Hostiles Dell systems, you could take that route and its a good one. Personally I'd build mine but I've not heard a lot of bad things about Dell, mostly its a personal preference.

As for gaming, when my brother decided to build his system (well I did, he just paid for the components) after he saw how cool mine was, he invested in a... I think a 9800 pro radeon gfx card? That ran him over 400 I think while my nVidia GeForce 4 MX 440 card ran me I think around 65 or 70. He bought his because of the advertisments in a computer magazine he bought back then that raved about Radeon technology so he invested in a card that does a little more than mine obviously, but my card can run the games he plays perfectly with no flaws, but at a fraction of the price. See what I'm saying? What "they" say is the best, might be excessive for your needs. Think about that before you invest in any system/components.
To restrict ones ability to learn based on current surroundings means to never learn anything at all. - DarkVirus


According to every benchmark I've ever seen, ATI's high-end cards are beating the crap out of nvidia at the moment...

Banana fanna fo fanna

Dell is the biggest bullshit company I've ever dealt with.

I got the machine, 2 days later the monitor burned out. 2 hours with "tech support" getting them to send us a new one. Then, a week later, the modem (yes i used to be 56k) died. It took 5 hours of phone calls to get them to say "oh sorry, it was recalled last month." The DVD-ROM and NIC gave out after about 3 months (another 5 hours of "winipcfg" fun).

Their support sucks. I had to talk for hours upon hours with all these guys who can't speak english.

Dell sucks. Don't buy one.

At least Dell is going to move their call center back to the US from Bangladesh now!


Quote from: St0rm.iD on December 11, 2003, 05:19 PM
Dell is the biggest bullshit company I've ever dealt with.

I got the machine, 2 days later the monitor burned out. 2 hours with "tech support" getting them to send us a new one. Then, a week later, the modem (yes i used to be 56k) died. It took 5 hours of phone calls to get them to say "oh sorry, it was recalled last month." The DVD-ROM and NIC gave out after about 3 months (another 5 hours of "winipcfg" fun).

Their support sucks. I had to talk for hours upon hours with all these guys who can't speak english.

Dell sucks. Don't buy one.

At least Dell is going to move their call center back to the US from Bangladesh now!

My dad recieved a laptop that failed 48 hours after arrival (some 4 years ago now), probably a bad PSU. He sent it back and they had a new functional one at his office four days later -- they even footed the shipping bills.

Actually, I talked to a Dell rep recently who sounded like your stereotypical Pakistani cab driver, but he knew his stuff -- maybe I just got lucky, but my 4-year-old Dell system wasn't covered by its warranty anymore because I ditched its crappy Windows 98 SE for a copy of XP Home. The guy offered some suggestions anyways, one of which set me in the right direction towards finding the fix.

And, they're only moving their BUSINESS call center back to the US. The Home center is still in Bangladesh :)
- Stealth
Author of StealthBot


You use tech support? When I had my Gateway (WORST customer service every, sounds like Dell actually :P ) I was on for a at least 2 hours waiting for "The next available representative to help me". Even though they say they value our service, they really don't give a fuck.

When I called a few months ago to talk to a sales rep about my wireless belkin gear just for a quick fix that I wasn't sure of, it turned into a good 45 minute talk just trying to figure out what he was saying. Funny thing was, he was getting pissed at ME because I couldn't understand the guy. I know california is poulated by a lot of mexicans, but christ, if your gonna come to our country, learn the fucking language or get the fuck out.

Personally the internet is the best tech support because the only obstacle is finding the information.

Also... Dell is stationed in Bangladesh? I thought it was stationed in Texas.

Arta: I have no doubt that ATI's cards are beating nVidia in every way, but personally at a glance I see no differences visually in the performance. I also just don't care that much to spend more on a card then I would on 1/2 my new system :P
To restrict ones ability to learn based on current surroundings means to never learn anything at all. - DarkVirus


Quote from: DarkVirus on December 11, 2003, 06:14 PM
You use tech support? When I had my Gateway (WORST customer service every, sounds like Dell actually :P ) I was on for a at least 2 hours waiting for "The next available representative to help me". Even though they say they value our service, they really don't give a fuck.

When I called a few months ago to talk to a sales rep about my wireless belkin gear just for a quick fix that I wasn't sure of, it turned into a good 45 minute talk just trying to figure out what he was saying. Funny thing was, he was getting pissed at ME because I couldn't understand the guy. I know california is poulated by a lot of mexicans, but christ, if your gonna come to our country, learn the fucking language or get the fuck out.

Personally the internet is the best tech support because the only obstacle is finding the information.

Also... Dell is stationed in Bangladesh? I thought it was stationed in Texas.

Arta: I have no doubt that ATI's cards are beating nVidia in every way, but personally at a glance I see no differences visually in the performance. I also just don't care that much to spend more on a card then I would on 1/2 my new system :P

Haha, nice. I can't remember what I was calling about, it was about a year ago. Might have been the 40X CD drive that died but still showed signs of life.. wierd piece of trash.

As far as I know, Dell's call centers are in Bangladesh and they're moving the Business and Home Office call center back stateside, according to a slashdot article a couple weeks ago.
- Stealth
Author of StealthBot


Always go through Dell's small business department, they give better support yes and the prices are cheaper (and you dont actually have to have a small business to get the prices). My third computer I owned was a pentium 2 like 233 mhz or something Dell XPS 350 maybe or whatever and it still runs, I've had it for a good 7 years i think and although I havent used it for a year now it lasted me as long as I needed it and that sold it for me. I had a compaq after that one which died after a year (though that one survived like 2 power surges and i think was the victim to my open window right next to its fans which im sure did not help. Then I was still broke after that pos died 2 months after the warrenty went away, I didnt have much money so got anouther cheap compaq for like $500 and that lasted about 3 and half years. I've never had any problems with Dell, and sometimes when I get really lonely I call just to chat with them <3 hehe (jk).

Edit: Alot of you idiots are still missing the point, You say oh ya Hostile is probably right then contradict what I'm saying. My post is for Mitosis. Its not for you j0k3r. You are majorly misinterpreting that despite hes paying more, given what his track record it will cost me for to spend 1500 now and then fuck up his computer again then to just fork out a little extra money and actually have it last him a while. Once again this is not the ideal solution for everyone, but for him IT IS. Unless of course one of you idiots want to build his system for him and provide him techsupport for all his problems.
- Hostile is sexy.


Quote from: Ghost_Operative on December 11, 2003, 10:18 AM
heh i got mine a bit earlier,but its kinda half payed for mky parents as the my xmas present from them in whole) so for those of you wondering if i spent 2K+ on a comp your out of my mind i payed about 1200, heres the specs:
A fair price but you should've done what Mitosis has done as posted it first so we can all tell him how wrong he is.
CPU: AMD Athlon 64 3200+ / 1MB Cache/ 1600MHz FSB / Socket 754 / Processor
Good Choice, Fair price for the cpu despite the FX cpu is all around better.
RAM: OCZ EL Series 512MB PC4000 DDR 500MHz Memory
A good choice for the Athlon 64 processors thanks to their on-board memory controller giving them a FSB speed as high as the processor
Motherboard: Chaintech - ZNF3-150 - Socket 754 ATX Motherboard with Audio, AGP8X/4X, S/PDIF, USB 2.0, FireWire, Serial ATA, CNR, WOR, WOL, Hyper-Transport Capable, and Gigabit LAN Support
A good motherboard, You'd find better performance from other ones but this one was vouged the best for a multimedia home computer thanks to it pulling off good in a few aspects and having the best sound system with it. Personally I would've gotten the MSI K8T Neo or Asus K8V Deluxe which offer better performance as well as quiter, and cooler operation.
Sound: Creative Labs SB Audigy 2 Platinum Sound Card
I assume you mean the Audigy 2 ZS Platinum one with internal audigy 2 hd since they only had a platinum for the ZS version of the sound card iirc. In which case I also have this in my other system, its great and a good choice.
Video: ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB DDR AGP8X with TV-Out and DVI Video Card
Great video card, can't go wrong and will play just about any game out flawlessly.
HHD: 20GB Seagate 7200 RPM Ultra ATA ( from old comp)
This is a joke, I think might memory key might have more storage space then this :P Well, not really but with 120GB hds for $60 and 160GB hds for $80 USD, you can't go wrong sticking one of those in your system.
Operating System: Obtained copy of Win2k3 Server Enterprise ^_-
The god tool full of features and performance since you only have to turn on features you use, though I'm not sure... correct me if I'm wrong but can you actually fit this AND a game on that harddrive? *Sorry, had to stick in anouther blow*
includes; floppy,generic 52x32x52 burner,16/48 dvd rom, full tower case (generic beige) standard nic (10/100) and modem, and my old crt monitor 15" with a dvi connection converter for the video card, wheel/ball mouse,standard keyboard, a few system fans
Your case sounds pritty lame, and I think sony or lite-on have the best dvd-roms. Floppys are almost always generic and 52x generic cd-rw drives are a good buy nowadays, they may lack failproof burning features but ones like Magic I/O's cost only about $20-30 max. Ethernet is almost always integrated now and not worth mentioning unless its awesome like intels CSA technology. But this is was gets me... You say you have an old CRT monitor thats 15" which I can't begin to cuss you out enough since its a totaly mother fucking waste on that video card.... (You should atleast have a 17" Flat-screen CRT) and please explain this one. It makes me think you just lied about the entire system since you obvious have no idea what you're doing~ I mean why would you even waste $30 on an Analog->Digital converter when you can just plug the CRT right into the analog-in? You either don't know what you're talking about or lying here, since the ATI Radeon 9800 comes with an analog AND dvi port, though its just never mentioned but assumed. Also in the event you're dumb enough to do this you should know your monitor sucks even more for it since those things drastically suck down responce time for the monitor due to the convertion. Finally is the fact you have a wheel mouse, keyboard and fans in your system worth mentioning? Granted they're all important due to your computer being almost totally useless without either of them, I think we could've assumed you had most of these. More importantly, how is your case worth mentioning if your power supply isn't? :p

Quote from: Arta[vL] on December 11, 2003, 05:15 PM
According to every benchmark I've ever seen, ATI's high-end cards are beating the crap out of nvidia at the moment...

So are their mid-ranged cards, The Radeon 9600 Pro beat the hell out of the Geforce FX 5600 Ultra. Then when the Radeon 9600 XT came out, nvidia tried to counter it with the Geforce FX 5700 Ultra, which is worse and more expensive like all nvidia cards.
- Hostile is sexy.



IIRC, all the big US companies are switching support stations to foreign lands. (AOL, Microsoft, Dell, etc.)
