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Started by Thing, November 22, 2003, 05:39 PM

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Quote from: SNiFFeR on March 17, 2004, 08:54 PM
Quote from: iago on March 17, 2004, 08:51 PM
Quote from: UserLoser. on March 17, 2004, 08:30 PM
Only girls do that around here.

Here, too.  I've never heard of a guy piercing any more than ears or tounge and the occasional eyebrow.
Nipples? Testicles?

I've got both my ears pierced -- -

I've never seen a nipple ring, but most people I see are wearing shirts.  And I can honestly say I've never seen a testicle ring :D
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


All this talk about self-mutilation is making me sick...

*changes the subject*

hey hey let's go! kin ka su
taisa tsunamono
protect my balls
boko gana woei so let's fighting
let's fighting love, let's fighting love


Quote from: Yoni on March 18, 2004, 04:58 PM
hey hey let's go! kin ka su
taisa tsunamono
protect my balls
boko gana woei so let's fighting
let's fighting love, let's fighting love

Great episode.


Guess what I did today, it was quite fun..really. The result isn't pretty however, I am now labeled a 'hacker' by: at least 30 of my classmates (not sure if this has spread), my schools sysadmin, my science teacher, the city wide school admin, the downtown school headquarters, and all of the schools in my area. For what? For "hacking" into "Norfolk Public Schools Network System." Sure, my teacher did get a phone call from downtown, sure my sysadmin had to sure all the computers in the room
until he found a matching serial. Yet, I hadn't had any administration contact past the sysadmin and my science teacher. Which I guess is good since my mom is (and has been for a while) a personal friend of the principal. Anyway, here I am sitting in class doing research on Hemophilia, Godfather Pictures, and Julius Caesar quotes. I figure it'd be good fun to send a harmless message to (what I thought) the kids in my classroom. Had I been thinking I would have realized that the mobile lab is only part of the network running the entire school. But was I thinking? Of course not! Anyway so I send my test 'hi' message and see it start popping up around the classroom and certain students shouting 'hi' and then closing it and continuing with their work. I figured it was dumb and could only be fun to startle my unsuspecting peers in the barrier of my
classroom. So, I debate on whether or not to send another message, throwing crafty ideas to and fro in my head (I am extremely happy I didn't send another message, especially one saying "the network is shutting down", "I am God, fear me", or anything of the like) including one I almost sent which was a famous Caesar quote. Anyway, before I had a chance (this is about 30 minutes after the initial 'hi') the syadmin Mr. Gephardt comes walking in my classroom. He, after announcing what
had happened (a network message being sent *rolls eyes*) and saying he tracecd it to that classroom and whoever did it should come up, started to search the computer serial numbers. At the time I was debating on if I should or shouldn't admit to it...I wish I had but whatever. Anyway after his announcement, which made me feel like some detectives prize, "I've got him.", my heart began to beat rapidly. Mostly from nervousness. I walked out of the classroom with him and my science
teacher, what he said is sketchy but I remember my teacher saying she was dissapointed that I didn't confess and she asked the sysadmin if she should write me a referral. He, and I do thank him for this (well I would thank him but I don't think I should have contact with him), said that he doesn't think I need one this time. Anyway, my biology teacher sent me back in and I calmly said "My apologies." and sat down. However, the class wasn't calm. I, sadly, got a ton of "publicity" from the people within the class room including statements such as "You are God.", "Are you a hacker? I wish I was a hacker so I could hack into peoples emails and read their mail." (I calmly, and truthfully, replied no to this question) and a plethora of "How did you do it"'s. In fact, I received those throughout the day. People were all concerned about what the people said and if
I'm being suspended and stuff. Anyway, when my teacher walks in the class goes quiet and she comes to me and says that if I do anything like this again, or tell people how to do it I get an instant five day suspension. I, stupidly, told her "It's his fault, if he had done his job properly then it wouldn't have happened." This, I think, made her mad and she said that
maybe she should still give me a referral and that she is now going to call my mom because "Mr. Gephardt wouldn't be very happy if you told him he didn't do his job right." She ended up not giving me a referral, but according to my mom I'm getting a "condut notice" which is a notice to my parents that goes on my permanent record. The whole "hack" (as they called it) was rather simple/stupid/easily prevented. My gripe is that "Command Prompt" should NOT be on the start menu, and I've been
thinking this for a while. I'm now debating on if I should go tell the sysadmin this, since if it happens again I'm basically gonna be blamed for either doing it or telling somebody to. I was also told that now I'm gonna be monitored because, as my teacher put it, "He knows you're smart." Anyway, I was more nervous than anything until I got home where I couldn't stop laughing as my mom told me what happened when the teacher called. Me thinking it hadn't exceeded the schools walls quickly
found out that it did go over the entire school system which was funny to me since I didn't think that had actually happened. Also I found it funny that "my teachers voice was shaking", anyway I'm lucky I got off with a warning but the whole in my record thing isn't good. It's ashame that I'm now labeled as a "hacker" over a simple command prompt command (net send * hi). I'm curious to see if the command prompt is still on the start menu when I return on Monday. I'm concerned about talking to him though as he may get mad at me or something for trying to help him. Bleh, people without understanding of computers really annoy me as something so stupid simple becomes a big deal and everyone begins to freak out.

Just thought I'd share my day as an "ub3r l33t malicious computer h4x0r". :p


People who use NET SEND should be locked away for life.  Damn hackors.


Quote from: Grok on March 19, 2004, 05:08 PM
People who use NET SEND should be locked away for life.  Damn hackors.

Sadly it seems that every school in my city, as well as administration downtown (superintendant and stuff) that got it agree. I suppose us h4x0rs are teh true l33t ones bcUz w3 use teh l33t NET SEND. :P


At Safeway (where I used to work) they use NET SEND to inform stores about backups and such occuring (it's a closed network).  There's nothing wrong with that :)

btw, how does net send * work?  Send to *.*.*.*?
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


net send <computername> <msg>

net send * Hi

Will send a net send message to everyone on your network :)


Batch files that loop net send * <message> infinatley on a school network have hilarious results. Or well, they would if you didn't have a good change of getting expelled.


mmm this week is spring break for me.  :P


Quote from: SNiFFeR on March 22, 2004, 10:01 AM
mmm this week is spring break for me.  :P

Me too. Good thing I'm spending it in the happening town of Clinton, South Carolina.


Quote from: K on March 22, 2004, 11:17 AM
Me too. Good thing I'm spending it in the happening town of Clinton, South Carolina.

I'm spending mine in Tampa, Florida (where I live..)


We have Novell at my school, you have to login:



You would be able to do net send 123456789 Hi!, and Hi! would pop up on whereever 123456789 is logged on in the network.   Ofcourse, you can always do net send /domain Hi! and send Hi! to everyone too ;)


Hehe Novell has some cool messaging features that I used to abuse when I admined at a college. >:D
That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.


Quote from: Thing on March 22, 2004, 06:58 PM
Hehe Novell has some cool messaging features that I used to abuse when I admined at a college. >:D

Share what you know ;)
