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Yo Skywing

Started by Feruk, April 05, 2003, 05:15 PM

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Mesiah / haiseM

Quote from: Naem on April 13, 2003, 05:53 PM
Nah, it's 1.1897314953572317649 * 10^4932.

2.14159265358979323466 * .61 + 82^168

is more proper.

(Note: yes that is the equivilant of Pi, and i memorized it in math class up to that point, i forget the rest :()
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Shouldn't that be a 3, or did they change the metrics of a circle since I was at school? :P

You never know these days  :-\


Pi = ~3.14159265358979323846264 (my memory)
Pi = ~3.1415926535897932384626433832795 (calc.exe)
www.google.com knows many more digits than I.


Well I feel I have to return to the original message in this forum as Elite has been offline since at least Monday. That's about 5 times greater downtime then uptime this month.

Wats going on anyway? Can you e-mail me the Elite password so when the bot is down I can log on and at least give my bot ops cuz we have had a few bot loaders spamming us this week...


Once again Elite = gone. Just a friendly note.


According to www.googlism.com, pi is Y2K compatible.  Just in case you were worrying about your circles falling apart in Y2K I guess :-)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:



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Feruk if you want you can forward that password to me and I can run a bot 24/7 but then again I don't think you like that idea.


I don't have the password. :) Otherwise Feruk_II would have ops when Elite wasnt on. Which has now been the last 1 week straight... It logs on for an hour, then is gone. That's why I asked SKywing for the password. But he hasnt bothered to reply. And even if he did give me the password, I doubt he'd want me to give it to anyone else.


lol ya I know. Elite is quite an awsome account to have control of.


Quote from: Feruk on May 20, 2003, 06:14 PM
I don't have the password. :) Otherwise Feruk_II would have ops when Elite wasnt on. Which has now been the last 1 week straight... It logs on for an hour, then is gone. That's why I asked SKywing for the password. But he hasnt bothered to reply. And even if he did give me the password, I doubt he'd want me to give it to anyone else.
Stuff should be back up sometime later today.

