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The Worst Insult Thread

Started by iago, May 11, 2004, 09:54 PM

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I second Eli, the worst has to be, "Your mother".
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


Quote[19:03:14.853] <BinaryChat> If it's not encrypted, why not just hex it to look for the paths?
[19:03:34.291] <RoK-Sky> umm..
[19:03:42.869] <RoK-Sky> i hexed ur mom
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote[19:34:08] <Trust> lets go back to how much he sucked. :p
[19:34:23] <xp> Or back to how much Trust currently swallows.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:



QuoteI'm honored by ur asshattedness


"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne




The following dude knocks on the door wayy wasted:
Quote from: Way white guy @ like 2amYou nigger
This drunk guy call my little white friend that...next day he asked us what happened that night.

White dude calling white dude a nigger?
rebundance - having or being in excess of sheer stupidity
Quote from: Spht on June 22, 2004, 07:32 PMSlap.
Quote from: Adron on January 28, 2005, 09:17 AMIn a way, I believe that religion is inherently evil, which includes Christianity. I'd also say Christianity is eviller than Buddhism (has more potential for evil).
Quote from: iago on April 19, 2005, 01:06 PM
CrAz3D's ... is too big vertically, at least, too big with ... iago ...


white people acting like black people definatly angers me.
Quote(00:04:08) zdv17: yeah i quit doing that stuff cause it jacked up the power bill too much
(00:04:19) nick is a turtle: Right now im not paying the power bill though
(00:04:33) nick is a turtle: if i had to pay the electric bill
(00:04:47) nick is a turtle: id hibernate when i go to class
(00:04:57) nick is a turtle: or at least when i go to sleep
(00:08:50) zdv17: hibernating in class is cool.. esp. when you leave a drool puddle


I've *always* been insulted by the phrase 'stfu' for some odd reason. Nothing else bothers me that much though. :)
- Newby

Quote[17:32:45] * xar sets mode: -oooooooooo algorithm ban chris cipher newby stdio TehUser tnarongi|away vursed warz
[17:32:54] * xar sets mode: +o newby
[17:32:58] <xar> new rule
[17:33:02] <xar> me and newby rule all

Quote<TehUser> Man, I can't get Xorg to work properly.  This sucks.
<torque> you should probably kill yourself
<TehUser> I think I will.  Thanks, torque.


Quote from: peofeoknight on May 25, 2004, 11:23 PM
white people acting like black people definatly angers me.

Dude, black people calling other black people "nigger" pisses me off to no end.

Why?  Because of all I hear about how my ancestors oppressed the black man, how I'm still working to keep him down, and how all other white guys like me are offensive when we use that word.

WTF is that all about?  First of all -- if it's a bad word -- and it's offensive -- then don't use it!  Otherwise, don't hold a double-standard -- a lot of black guys use it just like a hispanic guy would say "vato" or a white boy from California would say "dude" (okay, I'm not from CA, but I say "dude" quite a bit myself).

Secondly, I'm all about equal opportunity.  Quit leeching off of my work and go out and try to get a better job (or any job if applicable), and don't stop until you're satisfied.  I've been working since I was eleven years old -- and not for my family.

Third, I'm a third-generation American.  My ancestors were all in Europe until about 40-50 years after the civil war.  One of my grandparents left Germany to fight against the Nazis in the mid-1930's.  Neither I nor any of my relatives have ever been slave owners.  Just because I'm white doesn't mean that I'm a racist.  Just because I'm white doesn't mean that I want to keep someone else down.

Damn.  That struck a nerve.
QuoteEvery generation of humans believed it had all the answers it needed, except for a few mysteries they assumed would be solved at any moment. And they all believed their ancestors were simplistic and deluded. What are the odds that you are the first generation of humans who will understand reality?

After 3 years, it's on the horizon.  The new JinxBot, and BN#, the managed Battle.net Client library.

Quote from: chyea on January 16, 2009, 05:05 PM
You've just located global warming.


The original definition of' 'nigger' has nothing to do with black people. btw, they say 'nigga' not 'nigger,' maybe there's a difference. :P

On Topic:


[01:10:27] <brent> random shut your cocktrap
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I hate being called cracker by a black person. If you are allowed to call me cracker, then I should be a allowed to call you nigger. Cracker was originally a term for white trash. I always through nigger oringally refered to trashy black people, but not black people as a whole, sort of like cracker does not refer to white people as a whole. Maybe someone has studied the subject and can enligten me.
Quote(00:04:08) zdv17: yeah i quit doing that stuff cause it jacked up the power bill too much
(00:04:19) nick is a turtle: Right now im not paying the power bill though
(00:04:33) nick is a turtle: if i had to pay the electric bill
(00:04:47) nick is a turtle: id hibernate when i go to class
(00:04:57) nick is a turtle: or at least when i go to sleep
(00:08:50) zdv17: hibernating in class is cool.. esp. when you leave a drool puddle
