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Started by Mitosis, October 24, 2003, 04:51 PM

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Well its the only one that teaches me anything I think, yeah I am willing to print it out to. My dad said I can, just put it on draft mode. But why doesnt it let me print it man?


Hitman, whats your aim man?


I have no idea why it wouldn't let you print it, I don't have a printer installed on this computer so I can't test it.


In my eyes, and thats why I save so much on college books, is that books are to give knowlege. They are not for looking pretty. I suggest searching out books online and then checking www.campusi.com  They are a search engine that searches places like Amazon marketplace for used books. For C++ I'm reading C++: How to Program and a picture of the book for your reference can be found at :


If this book (which costs ~$120.00 but I got for roughly 75 of the above search engine) is too advanced, which is might be for a 13 year old (No offence, I was learning to program at 13 too ;) ) then I highly suggest www.johnsmiley.com  Go to his site because his books are aim soley for beginners. I've read his Visual Basic 6 series and enjoyed it a lot. I havn't read his C++ or VB.net books but I'm sure they hold the same standards as his previous books did. They are cheap and inexpensive.

Also www.computerbooksdirect.com is where I went once, and might again to renew membership, to buy 3 books for literally 1.99 each. You just have to hold up your end by buying somwhere around 3 or 4 books during the course of the year, which at members price for 10.00 - 50.00 a book, isnt that bad at all.

I do suggest buying the books used because there's no point in spending an extra 100 bucks just to buy a prettier book that contains the same knowlege that the newer one costs.

Edit: If your aiming to learn Visual Basic, chose VB.net, don't learn 6. It's a waste to learn a previous version only to frustrate yourself with migrating to the new version. I recommend learning the language thats right for you, not listening to the bias opinions of others that are advocates for C++ and hate VB and vice versa.
To restrict ones ability to learn based on current surroundings means to never learn anything at all. - DarkVirus


Quote from: Mitosis on October 25, 2003, 09:33 AM
Well its the only one that teaches me anything I think, yeah I am willing to print it out to. My dad said I can, just put it on draft mode. But why doesnt it let me print it man?

"Draft mode" doesn't make sense here.  PDFs are rendered graphically, not as text.  I hope you have a laser printer V or better, because you'll be waiting a long time for a bubble jet to print that.


Quote from: DarkVirus on October 25, 2003, 09:35 AM
They are cheap and inexpensive.

Are you being redundant or are they shitty quality books? :P


Draft mode just makes it so it doesnt use up so much ink. Hitman what is your aim? But the print button doesnt work.


I don't think you'd have any trouble printing it from a word doc, would you? :P


Tried that. :( Well whats your aim Hitmen.

P.s (its me Chaosoft from madz)


Do you think you could name your posts something other than 'Guys'?


Sure, no problem. Sorry.


Mitosis, I got the 'C++ for dummies' too and dropped it, I can get up to a certain point and my mind stops absorbing for some reason. If you re-read things over and over over a couple of weeks, you gradually get farther but really it takes a long time. Like I said in the above forum, getting a tutor to teach you a simple language until you can become self sufficient is probably your best choice if you can afford it and you are interested enough.
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


Quote from: j0k3r on October 25, 2003, 09:41 PMMitosis, I got the 'C++ for dummies' too and dropped it, I can get up to a certain point and my mind stops absorbing for some reason.

This made me laff. :)


Yeah, I am going to pay DarkVirus to teach me, then at Christmas when I have money I will actually buy GOOD books.


Quote from: Mitosis on October 26, 2003, 07:04 AM
Yeah, I am going to pay DarkVirus to teach me, then at Christmas when I have money I will actually buy GOOD books.

Hmm, you'll pay him now, but you don't have money til Christmas? Do I smell fraud?
