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Color Codes

Started by c0ol, June 08, 2003, 07:25 PM

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After a buncha people started joining the channel  and using starcraft color codes, i decided it would look cooler if my bot parsed them, than just seeing the ascii, so i did a little research and mapped them out.  If anyone else is interested in this feature, here: http://c0ol.servebeer.com/~c0ol/colorcodes.html


Quote from: c0ol on June 08, 2003, 07:25 PM
After a buncha people started joining the channel  and using starcraft color codes, i decided it would look cooler if my bot parsed them, than just seeing the ascii, so i did a little research and mapped them out.  If anyone else is interested in this feature, here: http://c0ol.servebeer.com/~c0ol/colorcodes.html
You're wrong about the Starcraft color codes.  As I've noted previously, Starcraft now UTF-8 processes data.  All of the SC in-chat listbox codes are very low characters, which is what those turn out to be if you UTF-8 decode them.

This is the result of a multilevel flaw in Battle.net; first of all, the Battle.net server does not properly translate (indeed, it does not translate at all) UTF-8 to/from clients which do and don't support it.  Secondly, Storm.dll's UTF-8 implementation is flawed, and incorrectly decodes redundant encodings, which the UTF-8 specification expressly forbids.  If Storm.dll's UTF-8 implementation worked properly, redundant sequences would be rejected instead of possibly being turned into low-characters as is the case here.


you forgot ÿC: for dark green
btw, it's probably better to think of it as ('0') to ('0'+12) than a byte because after '9' comes ':' ';' and '<'
and also, d2 shadows go from '!' to ('!'+13)


There is a patch i made to enable the SC Client to send the colors in bnet channels.  I made it a little easier on people by making #X where X is the color identifier.  It will work as many times as you log on/off battle.net... but, if you restart sc, you must repatch...

At any rate, its fairly self-explanitory


Quote from: Camel on June 09, 2003, 03:35 PM
you forgot ÿC: for dark green
btw, it's probably better to think of it as ('0') to ('0'+12) than a byte because after '9' comes ':' ';' and '<'
and also, d2 shadows go from '!' to ('!'+13)
IIRC < is dark green, and i have all that on the url.


Quote from: c0ol on June 10, 2003, 12:55 AM
Quote from: Camel on June 09, 2003, 03:35 PM
you forgot ÿC: for dark green
btw, it's probably better to think of it as ('0') to ('0'+12) than a byte because after '9' comes ':' ';' and '<'
and also, d2 shadows go from '!' to ('!'+13)
IIRC < is dark green, and i have all that on the url.

2 is light green, : is green, < is dark green
here's a bitmap:


so is there any ez way to do the sc colours with a special char like the d2 ones?


       x = InStr(x + 1, mytext, "ÿC")
       If x > 0 Then
           color = 0
           Select Case (Mid(mytext, x + 2, 1))
               Case "0": color = D2White
               Case "1": color = D2Red
               Case "2": color = D2Green
               Case "3": color = D2Blue
               Case "4": color = D2Beige1
               Case "5": color = D2Gray
               Case "6": color = D2Black
               Case "7": color = D2Beige2
               Case "8": color = D2Orange
               Case "9": color = D2LtYellow
               Case ":": color = D2Green 'fixme: medium green
               Case ";": color = D2Purple
               Case "<": color = D2Green 'fixme: dark green
           End Select

       x = InStr(x + 1, mytext, "Á")
       If x > 0 Then
           color = 0
           Select Case (Mid(mytext, x + 1, 1))
               Case "P": color = SCWhite
               Case "Q": color = SCGray
               Case "R": color = SCGreen
               Case "S": color = SCYellow
               Case "T": color = SCCyan
               Case "U": color = SCCyan
               Case "V": color = SCCyan
               Case "W": color = SCWhite
               Case "X": color = SCYellow
               Case "Y": color = SCRed
               Case "Z": color = SCYellow
               Case "[": color = SCRed
           End Select


Quote from: Camel on June 10, 2003, 03:41 PM
2 is light green, : is green, < is dark green
here's a bitmap:

yes if u actually went to the url i posted, u can see those colors and the RGB hex codes for them.


Quote from: c0ol on June 10, 2003, 05:37 PM
Quote from: Camel on June 10, 2003, 03:41 PM
2 is light green, : is green, < is dark green
here's a bitmap:

yes if u actually went to the url i posted, u can see those colors and the RGB hex codes for them.

i did go. : was and still is missing.


What about the War2BNE, the Diablo 1, and the Warcraft 3 color codes what are they?


Quote from: Super on June 13, 2003, 12:02 PM
What about the War2BNE, the Diablo 1, and the Warcraft 3 color codes what are they?

heres an idea, log onto b.net with one of those games, and try to type in all the symbols in Charector Map. if those games are anything like d2 then u shouldnt be able to use a symbol, that symbol being the 1 in the color code. (like how in the d2 chat screen u cant type in a ÿ since its part of the code)


if ur desperate enough to try my suggestion heres a hint...

for WC3 "€" (Alt+0128) is the only char that cannot be typed in. so try a bunch of combinations with that and see if u can figure it out.

i have no clue whether my Charector Map method will work, its just an idea i got off the top of my head.


WC2 should be the same as Starcraft, and War3 I forget, it's something like |cxxyyzz where xx = red, yy = green, and zz = blue, but it's filtered out everywhere except in player names in custom games (see: www.backstab.ca's namespoofer for war3 ingame colors, assuming it works with the current version).  

This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


wc2 isnt the same as sc