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Me, myself, and I.

Started by EvilCheese, May 09, 2003, 07:02 PM

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Screen Names: EvilCheese, IstTirVex, Technomancer.

Real Name: Liam Michael (eww) Chilton.

Age: 22

Location: Shropshire England

B-net location: Blizzard Chat 1.

Background: Recently finished a degree in Interactive Entertainment Technology at staffs university in England.

Hobbies (computer): Gaming, coding, reverse engineering, graphic editing, getting put on autoban in clan [vl] :P

Languages: English, BBC BASIC, 6502 assembly, x86 assembly, C/C++

Favorite API: OpenGL

Most hated APIs: Win32, Direct3D

Goals: I'm currently enjoying the freedom of being out of the educational system. My goal is to find short-term employment in a small company aiding in the creation of games, and then work from there. Other goals include getting my hair to my beltline, playing onstage again, levitation, and conquering my irrational fear of mimes.

Achievements: 3D Minesweeper, NinjaMOD (Tribes-2 mod), Deformable 3D Terrain Engine, Best Dressed Man of '98, 3 times winner of Wimbledon, First man on Mars.

Hobbies (non computer): Playing with electrical things, singing, playing guitar, writing songs, drinking and smoking till I cant walk and then philosophising until dawn, making deformed skeletal walruses from match-sticks, watching movies, reading fantasy and comic fantasy novels, attacking passing pedestrians with wet fish, and lying about my acheivements. :P

Description: Have been termed variously (in no particular order): Weird, humorous, irritating, arrogant, helpful, priggish, well mannered, intelligent, condescending, insightful, strange, bloody annoying, and discomforting.

Best moment online: Doing a Tribes-2 server query and finding over 1000 people playing my mod :)

Worst moment online: Leaking my dupe-method to the D2 pulic (without meaning to).

Best moment offline: Amanda saying "yes".

Worst moment offline: Waking up in an unidentifiable and un-named field in the middle of nowhere with no recollection how I got there and nothing but my clothes and a VERY bad head.

Favourite Movies: Aliens (the 2nd one), Fight Club, Se7en, The Usual Suspects, and Monty Python's Holy Grail.

Favourite Music Types: Psychedelic Trance, Alternative Rock, Blues, Trip-Hop.

Favourite Songs: Hallucinogen - LSD, Radiohead - Idioteque, U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday.

Favourite Album: Radiohead - OK Computer.

Most treasured posession: My guitar.

Favorite quote: "Paranoia is not an illness, it is a state of heightened awareness. Most people are persecuted beyond their wildest fantasies." - Robert Rankin


You missed "Priggish," which you've been repeatedly called by Cuphead. :-D
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Actually no, I didnt :P

But yes... I owe that one to Cuphead, who seems to feel the same about me as I do about mimes :/


OK Computer is one of the best CDs.  Radiohead as well, band wise.  :)


Radiohead as well, band wise.

I have to agree.... and yes, I have noticed your avatar picture thingy. Good choice :)

Banana fanna fo fanna


I have 3, been playing since I was 11:

A black 1958 Eko acoustic with mother of pearl fret inlays.

A black Ibanez Performance acoustic (unsure of model)

And my "real" guitar... a metallic Candy-Apple red 1972 Fender custom Strat with pearloid scratchplate.... modified with a Wilkinson tremolo and locking machineheads :)

Was a bitch to find, especially since I didnt know I was looking for it, but I fell immediately in love with the tone.  ;D

You play St0rm? If so, what's your instrument of choice? :)


My favourite instrument to play with is..

well, you can see where I'm going with that :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I feel I should apply Karmic correction for implied vulgarity in my introductory thread :P

However.... since this is a first offense, and you're normally such a good boy, I'll let you off with a slap on the knuckles ;)

*applies kuckle slappage appropriately*

Now sit in the corner and think about what you've done :P

Edit: And keep your hands where I can see them...... dirty boy :/


haha you're lucky you got that edit in, otherwise you would have seen some real implied vulgarity ;-)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


You're in the UK? I'm in the UK!

Studying @ Brighton University. woo.

Banana fanna fo fanna

THAT is a nice strat!

I used to be a Gibson guy, but since my Gibson (Les Paul Jr. Custom Shop) has been in the shop for oh, seven months now, I've converted over to Strats. I own a G&L Legacy (Leo Fender copy of the Strat). I'm getting paid in a few weeks, and I'm trying to decide between buying:

Gibson SG
Fender Fat Tele
Fender Strat
Fender Fat Strat
Squire Bullet SLE (HELL YEAH, $100)
Fender HotRod DeVille 212
Marshall Master Volume 1975-78ish Mk II 50-watt half stack
Ibanez Tube Screamer

I'll have around $1650ish USD, so I'm thinking about getting the SG, Bullet, and Tube Screamer. The above is just my wishlist really ;)


For amplification I usually use my Laney HC50 combo, cuz it has a very nice built in overdrive and 3-spring reverb (I like the mellow bluesy sounds I can get from it).

I like SGs, only trouble with them is that you're more or less stuck with that one distinctive "I'm playing an SG" sound... which is fine if that's what you're looking for, but I think if you have an SG, you need to have a couple of other guitars as well :)

Reason I like strats so much is you have three pickups, 5 selections and two tone controls, so you can get a huge variety of noises out of it... though because they're all single-coil pickups they do tend to lack a little if you're going for real "punch".

Tube Screamer is a nice choice.... a friend of mine has an original Fuzzface.... from way back in Henrix's era, and an original Electric Mistress. He gets some awesome sounds.

I've been looking to buy one of those Line-6 POD amp modellers, cuz I do a lot of direct/multitrack recording on my PC, and you lose a lot of quality if you try to mic the guitar up after amplification. Plugging it straight in sounds crappy and you have to add effects afterwards which is frankly rubbish.

What kinda stuff you play anyway? I'm a blues/jazz man at heart, I have to say :P

Banana fanna fo fanna

Old Clapton blues (yardbirds, bluesbreakers, cream), to Greenday-ish stuff, to Beatles, to Phish. I play through a Fender Power Chorus, it's solid-state but what the hell ;) I've always thought the SG neck was rather thick, is there a reissue with a thinner neck?

Isn't the "I'm playing an SG sound" similar to the "I'm playing a Les Paul" sound?


Isn't the "I'm playing an SG sound" similar to the "I'm playing a Les Paul" sound?

Yes... comes mainly from the double-coil pickups, gives a meatier, deeper tone, but the fact that the two coils phase each other slightly means you get a lot of impurity if you're trying to play "sweeter" stuff. :P

You can get something similar to that sound out of a strat by phasing the bridge coil against the center coil, though it's not quite the same. Yahama did a strat-copy a while back that had an extra pickup setting where you could play the bridge and neck pickups together, which was interesting.

As for the SG neck.... it's only like playing a mid-size acoustic guitar.... not a problem if you have reasonable fingers.... also the action tends to be a little higher... but again, if you're used to playing a LP/Acoustic then it's not gonna bother you :P

Only guitar I know that I cant play is my friend's one.... he plays a strat, but uses a gauge-32 bass string as his low-E... roars like a beast but I cant play it hard enough at speed. :(