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Do we have Souls?

Started by iago, September 09, 2003, 12:01 AM

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I believe that the soul idea is very strange. If every human being has a soul, when would the soul be created? I think most of the people who believes in souls, thinks that the soul is created some time between the time when the sperm enters the egg and the time of the birth. Maybe after, what do I know. That means that you believe that the soul is created because there is some kind of psysical material present. Then if there would be an exact copy of a human being, then wouldn´t another soul be created? It is indeed a very strange problem. And if there would be another exact clone, with the exact same memories and everything you mentioned before, there is nothing that could decide which body is to be controlled by "me".

I´ve also discussed this problem with a friend for a long time, and i cant explain it. I understand the thought that by the time they open their eyes, their experiences change and they become different people, but lets say there is no difference at al. Lets say they are put in two paralell worlds that look exactly the same, would I be controlling two people. ... But the mind is located in the brain, and therefor there will be two minds... and there is no "I" or "me" since they´re just the same. But its hard to get stuck with the "who am I controlling" thing. But still, after several explainations i cant say I really understand, one moment I think i get it all and the other I am amazed that there is no solution.   :-\  


Uh, youll never, ever control your clone. It's just similar to you. You'll always only control yourself.


That's the point I was trying to make, Why would you control yourself and not the clone?  There must be something unique about you that the clone wouldn't have.  Since the clone would have the exact same atoms and molecules and everything else, it must be something immaterial.

This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:
