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Re: SphtBotv3 Help Please

Started by PsychoticPrince, May 14, 2008, 01:11 PM

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Quote from: ReadyTofly on June 22, 2006, 01:51 PM
Im new at using Bots but here it goes, I configured the bot correctly[I think?] and when I try to connect I'll just get this:

[14:28:44] Loading plugins...
[14:28:44] UDP communication subsystem online.
[14:28:44] Connecting to Battle.net server useast.battle.net
[14:28:44] Connecting to Battle.net logon server www.valgallalegends.com...
[14:28:44] Error 10049 connecting to Battle.net logon sever!
[14:28:44] Connecting to Battle.net logon server bnls.valhallalegends.com...
[14:28:44] Connecting to Battle.net logon server!
[14:28:45] Error 10061 connecting to Battle.net server!
[14:28:46] Connecting to Battle.net server useast.battle.net
[14:28:47] Error 10061 connecting to Battle.net server!

And it keeps repeating that, any help would be apperciated and Im sorry if it's such a stupid problem and if the problem was already addressed in another thread. Thank You.  My AIM is Asabache43 if that would be easier.

Yo! i don't understand guy's whats the point of this conversation?
I Have the same problem!like this guy and many other people...i DONT know how to solution this problem!
[20:48:02] SphtBotv3 - Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Spht - version 1.00 build 277.
[20:48:02] A Valhalla Legends production (www.valhallalegends.com).
[20:48:02] Loading plugins...
[20:48:02] Checking for bot updates...
[20:48:02] Warcraft3 clan manager v1.00 built Jul 11 2006 21:00:01
[20:48:02] UDP communication subsystem online.
[20:48:06] Connecting to Battle.net server useast.battle.net...
[20:48:06] Connected to Battle.net!
[20:48:06] Connecting to Battle.net logon server bnls.valhallalegends.com...
[20:48:07] Logon protocol set to NLS v1.01.
[20:48:07] Checking versions and CD-key...
[20:48:08] Error 10061 connecting to Battle.net logon server!
[20:48:08] Connecting to Battle.net logon server bnls.valhallalegends.com...
[20:48:10] Error 10061 connecting to Battle.net logon server!
[20:48:10] Connecting to Battle.net logon server bnls.valhallalegends.com...
Connection Setup|

Username: PsychoticPrince
Password: *********
E-mail: [email protected]
Server: europe.battle.net
Product: The Frozen Throne
CD-key: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX > i Have 3 Official Warcraft III / Frozen throne CD-Key's
XD CD-key: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX > i Have 3 Official Warcraft III / Frozen throne CD-Key's
CD-key user: PsychoticPrince > Optional but i think need it..
Channel Setup|

Home channel: Clan 584c

[v] < Check / Enter/Leave Notifications

BNLS Server: bnls.valhallalegends.com
Timestamp: HH:MM:SS

[v] < Check / Connect To Battle.net

[Select] < / Logon to Account

Look The Image for more detail's:

I try to Fix This Problems two day's now.. i spent 10 ours to fix this problem...but i can't fix it..

so...give some Awnser ..
I try many BNLS servers.. i l take the same error..
I try many Cd-Keys.. I l take the same error..
I try many Nicks / in all Realms Servers on B.net .. same error..
I try edit to Load / Scripts Plug ins .. same error..
i See many photos the program is running good .. but me...can't connect on B.net :/

i think Spht Know the Anwser :)


Way to bump a 2 year old topic. And the solution to your problem is..... don't use bnls.valhallalegends.com, use a JBLS server such as hdx.jbls.org.