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Started by warz, February 15, 2008, 08:37 AM

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I remember a bot that used to greet people with their ip, was it that? :P
I always assumed it was gathering account names and ips from the game list.
If it was CHAT related, I was never into bot design when CHAT bots ruled :(


Once upon a time, IPs were sent in the user event packet.


Quote from: Andy on February 19, 2008, 09:38 AM
Once upon a time, IPs were sent in the user event packet.
Yeah, I know that there is a space for them, but by the time i started writeing bots, they were not filled with the users IP, thats why i asked if it was CHAT related (IE, if they still were sent in the CHAT protocol or not)


if i recall, you could only get the IPs of users using CHAT. i remember spending a few days finding proxies, and had a solid list thatd let me load up like 30 bots reliably, and when i loaded them into a channel they all got sniffed and were in use the next day. lol

i also remember something about setting DND made them unable to sniff you. so much strategy back then. i loved all the bot bugs that you could exploit, like massbots (i think, maybe winters) ascii dot beeping bug, and it'd make it drop. i also remember snipping ips, and using the ath0++ dial up hang up packet sender to drop dial up users. ooooh man we owned ]$[ with that. they were all dial up almost.

Banana fanna fo fanna

Quote from: betawarz on February 19, 2008, 10:45 AM
if i recall, you could only get the IPs of users using CHAT. i remember spending a few days finding proxies, and had a solid list thatd let me load up like 30 bots reliably, and when i loaded them into a channel they all got sniffed and were in use the next day. lol

i also remember something about setting DND made them unable to sniff you. so much strategy back then. i loved all the bot bugs that you could exploit, like massbots (i think, maybe winters) ascii dot beeping bug, and it'd make it drop. i also remember snipping ips, and using the ath0++ dial up hang up packet sender to drop dial up users. ooooh man we owned ]$[ with that. they were all dial up almost.

bad ass. those were the days.


Quote from: Banana fanna fo fanna on February 19, 2008, 08:57 AM
how about WAY back in the day when nbbot could use the statstring to sniff IPs?
yeah that was like '98 '99ish

I remember when they used to use account numbers for every account..


Tracking account numbers to usernames was one of my favorite features on Topazchat


hehe, yeah, there was definitely a time when bnet was actually pretty damn fun. as 'features' were 'fixed'/removed it just went down hill. i just enjoyed the days of loading up massbots, mass winters bots, heresy chats and even when nbbot started to come around load those up too - then leaving for school, and coming home to see if A) i hadnt disconnected due to dialup B) i was still in the channels i was going for and C) if i had ops. lol.

remember there being like 8 or 9 servers on east, and being able to load 8 or 9 bots to an ip, and when splits happened the strategy was to have a single bot on every server. and when you could dupe peoples names, and knock them offline. lol.

its just funny that me and torque used to joke about this stuff in literally 6th grade, and now we're almost out of college. wow