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Warrnet is stupid.

Started by Yoni, January 15, 2003, 07:38 AM

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Well, the source is at the url, but the short answer is:

It's brand new, we decided to start from scratch since bnetd was extremely sluggish performance-wise (Included making a new file for *EVERY* user account, very inefficient). War-net creates several threads at startup (configurable), and each time a new user connects it spreads them about the threads evenly (The thread with the lowest workload handles the user), this is quite efficient we have found.  As for legal issues, we still use the same sort of auth system as bnetd uses, but we simply do not mention bnet anywhere [on the webpage/software], war-net is simply a "Bnetd emulation" (I've been calling it a bnet emulation, but thats only on here :P)


Well if I'm wrong then I suppose I'll have to live with that but atleast when this is a complete failure *Which it more then likely will be* I'll be able to say, "I told you so?"
- Hostile is sexy.


I created www.backstab.ca all by myself (sort've..), but it wouldn't say my name because I didnt' pay for it :-)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I still don't see any basis for your assumption that War-net will be a complete failure, just sounds like flaming to me.