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Warrnet is stupid.

Started by Yoni, January 15, 2003, 07:38 AM

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See here for a chat log that speaks for itself:

(Yes, I'm lazy and made that page with Word, shh)


Yeah, indeed. And here's some privmsgs which he sent to my MacBinaryBot immediately after being banned... lol...

Macintosh programmer and enthusiast.
Battle.net Bot Programming: http://www.bash.org/?240059
I can write programs. Can you right them?



Biggest load of crap I've ever heard.


What can I xpect from kids. I come to you in good faith beliving what i say and you play around to try to make me look stupid... ok If thats what you want vL to looking. Well i wont bother your any further on this subject I have better things to do. How ever every site that I have worked on has been successful.


*Sigh* UDead you got all the facts WRONG! =/


Quoteyou play around to try to make me look stupid...
You made yourself look stupid.


Warnet is a joke right?


Not so much a joke as a bad lie.


i thought warrnet was that thing moonshine (and others) are working on? A BNCS server for warring?

obviously, nothing to do with Blizzard...


i think there are 2 differant warrnets ^^


No, only one, Udead just got all the facts wrong in that log.


*shrugs* uDead from old cK right?
Warrnet is not a joke its just anouther one of those lame attempts to bring back warring over bnet althought they never work out due to lack of spontaneous events suchs as people *blizzard* working to kill bots and new things instead of admins trying to preserve them?!?! Random Splits? Hardly. If you control and plan when they're going to happen I don't see how the word Random applys. Whether you're lying or not its a stupid idea. Learn from someone elses mistakes. Warring can not be brought back.
- Hostile is sexy.


 No, Warrnet is not a joke.  Warrnet is the domain in which is going to supposedly host our software (Named "War-Net", don't get them confused).  Me, c0ol and Eurijk! have nothing to do with Warrnet directly.  War-net is a battle.net emulation in which will employ various "old rules" from before battle.net started to change.
  The changes will be as follows (But not limited to): A classic moderation system (Non clan channels can have moderation again), Chat bots and other programmes will not be limited to public and or special channels, and spawning will be allowed to join private channels once again.

  Also, we are planning on implementing new features (Clan support is a major addition).  Anyways, the source is available at www.sf.net/projects/war-net/ in the CVS repository.

  Keep in mind, since this new server emulation is naturally the choice for classic warring-style hosts, there will obviously be alot of rumours, ignorance, and just plain idiotic comments about War-net/Warrnet -- please take these rumours/comments lightly.


Hostile Said:
QuoteWarrnet is not a joke its just anouther one of those lame attempts to bring back warring over bnet

  "Anouther" attempt? Lame? Your comments are based on ignorance, and assumptions.  I will show you why:

Hostile Said:
QuoteRandom Splits? Hardly. If you control and plan when they're going to happen I don't see how the word Random applys.

  Who said you control and plan when they're going to happen?  Computers have been known to be able to generate psuedo-random numbers last time I checked.  Also, where in this post does it even talk about random splits?  Where are you getting this information from?

Hostile Said:
QuoteWhether you're lying or not its a stupid idea. Learn from someone elses mistakes. Warring can not be brought back.

Now you're just contradicting yourself, your first sentence was

Hostile Said:
QuoteWarrnet is not a joke its just ......

Obviously it isn't a joke if you know it isn't a lie, furthermore, nowhere did anybody say it was an attempt to bring warring back, it simply will provide a platform for the old style battle.net rules (And hopefully an IPBan free server for testing bot features).  Moreover, other peoples' mistakes?  I believe besides the lawsuit part (in which we will be more careful over than the others), BNETD and FSGS were extremely successful, and not a mistake at all (Not to mention PvPGN, they haven't been sued yet to my knowledge).

  Next time take your head out of your ass before you speak, Hostile.


I haven't been following the BNETD deal a whole lot. So what is this Warnet? Was it created from the BNETD source code with modifications? Or is it a new project which doesn't use real authentication to prevent from legal issues?