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Standalone .exe's?

Started by iago, December 06, 2003, 04:14 PM

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j0k3r, you're developing a habit of totally missing someones point. I suggest either work on improving your reading skills or getting your eyes examined... perhaps its just your comprehension or denial of being stupid? Either way, we already found a great free compiler for making java standalone executables and the best place to get the VM is on www.java.com so lets leave it at that. :P
- Hostile is sexy.



Apparently, this can run .class files as if they were normal .exe files.  

- Thanks to MorsRedigo for finding this - (I promised I'd give him credit :))
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:

Banana fanna fo fanna

That's no different than an executable JAR...except worse.


How do you make a jar executable?  I didn't even know jar's existed until just recently.

Note: he needs it for a windows machine.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:

Banana fanna fo fanna

Cross platform my friend :)

Look up the docs for the jar tool; my commands might be wrong, haven't done java in a loooong time.

Basically, you have a bunch of .class files for your application. One of them has a main() method. You create a special "manifest" file, which looks like:

Main-class: mypackage.MyClass

Remember the trailing endline! Then execute something like:

jar cvfm MyJarFile.jar manifest packagename
