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Ways the RIAA can cacth you downloading music

Started by SiMi, September 28, 2003, 10:47 PM

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You were talking about the reason that RIAA was suing people, and you got the reason wrong.  They're suing for Breach-of-contract for illegally modifying Kazaa's software.

This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


No, I was saying that the things that Grok said arn't illegal, what Yoni said seemed to me as he was saying that they are, hence my saying so. *I* never said anything about why they sued the RIAA :P
*Note: Grok was talking about user sue -> RIAA not RIAA -> user*


Quote from: Hitmen on October 03, 2003, 01:55 PM
Quote from: Yoni on October 03, 2003, 11:28 AM
Quote from: Grok on September 28, 2003, 11:12 PM
Sounds more like the user can sue the RIAA for hacking and unlawful breaking and entry into their computer systems, theft of copyrighted material, and so forth.
No, noone can sue the RIAA. They're godly.
I don't see how the RIAA taking files you have specificly set aside to be shared is theft or unlawful breaking and entering. And they're stealing from who? Themselves? Last time I checked that's not illegal :-\

This is the classic internet break-in argument all over again.  If you put a server on the internet, and put files on it, then isn't it OBVIOUS that you're intending to share those files with whomever can get to them, as allowed by the software?

Then explain why people who find these files and download them are called hackers and are sued as such for unlawful entry into a computer system?  They get prosecuted because their entry was not authorized, despite the files being "unprotected".

The RIAA would be no different under the law.  If I put files out there for iago to have, and even if I didn't label them, but I told iago they were for him, then anyone else who entered my server and took files could be subject to prosecution for unlawful entry.

When the RIAA does this, the 4th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution demands that they be treated equally under the law.

Hope this helps.


Where are these files you speak of?  They're for me, aren't they? :-(
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV: