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Web Channel

Started by PaiD, March 12, 2003, 11:25 AM

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Quote from: Skywing on April 11, 2003, 05:50 PM
Easier to code one which works with bloated, nonstandards-tolerant browsers or easier to code a decent, standards-compliant server?

i was thinking more of like mod_perl overloaded http requests in apache, i dunno if u can do that kinda stuff in IIS but its cool in apache.


Quote from: c0ol on April 14, 2003, 12:24 AM
Quote from: Skywing on April 11, 2003, 05:50 PM
Easier to code one which works with bloated, nonstandards-tolerant browsers or easier to code a decent, standards-compliant server?

i was thinking more of like mod_perl overloaded http requests in apache, i dunno if u can do that kinda stuff in IIS but its cool in apache.
Yes, you can via ISAPI DLLs, which is what I did for BinaryChatISAPI (hence the name).  However, this approach requires the end-user to run a full-blown webserver, with all of the potential vulnerabilities and problems this entails.  Web servers of just about any sort (including IIS, Apache, and just about anything else you'd care to name) aren't exactly known for bullet-proof security; given this, is it really wise to expect every user to run one, especially given that many people won't be security experts, or even willing/able to keep up to date on patches?