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Diablo / Re: Diablo 1 in Private Channe...
Last post by RealityRipple - April 27, 2012, 06:04 PM
Yeah... I even threw in the ol d1 bypass legit char check hack so d1 users can join d1 games through the w2 game list. I'm still working on getting UDP to function accurately, but all SID communication is perfect. D1 even makes operators white-named.

If anyone's interested in messing around with it, you can grab it at http://uploads.realityripple.com/Projects/D1toW2.zip . Be warned, it has bugs and I don't think UDP works right at all right now.
Battle.net Bot Development / 0ms and -1ms ping on Starcraft...
Last post by vector - April 27, 2012, 12:30 PM
I felt like posting this here for the lulz. It's interesting to spoof a -1ms and 0ms ping on the actual client without using a proxy at all.

You'll need to get WPE pro if you want to do this.

WPE filter for 0ms and -1ms ping: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13099063/0ms%20and%20-1ms%20ping%20filters.flt

There are a couple filters here. If you want 0ms ping, tick both filters. For a -1 ping, simply choose the second filter.

The reason for both is because the first part of spoofing 0ms requires me to set the length WORD of packet 0x50 from 0x3A to 0x32. I then replace the last 9 bytes with a null, followed by a SID_PING packet whose DWORD value is 0. This is supposed to prevent Battle.Net from sending another SID_PING packet, right? It actually does send me that packet... That's where the -1 filter comes in. Instead of blocking the client from replying (this actually prevents logging in), I tell the client to replace the reply with two SID_NULL packets.
Diablo / Re: Diablo 1 in Private Channe...
Last post by MyndFyre - April 27, 2012, 11:10 AM
Dude.... really?  lol :)
Diablo / Diablo 1 in Private Channels
Last post by RealityRipple - April 27, 2012, 08:15 AM
For shits and giggles, I created a client proxy for Diablo 1 that turns its packets into W2BN (really easy since they're identical except for SID_CDKEY2).

Currently, it can enter private channels, host and join D1 games seamlessly, and all that jazz.

Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Local Hashing
Last post by MyndFyre - April 09, 2012, 10:55 PM
Quote from: RealityRipple on April 09, 2012, 09:43 PM
That's a... very strange packet buffering method.
Need to find the "Like" button...
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Local Hashing
Last post by RealityRipple - April 09, 2012, 09:43 PM
That's a... very strange packet buffering method. And your Key Length, Product, Public, and key data should all be grabbed from a cdkey decoder, not hardcoded. 0x06 and 0x0A would only allow 16-digit D2 keys... The EXE Version should also not be hardcoded to 0x01000001.
Battle.net Bot Development / Local Hashing
Last post by Brok9n - April 05, 2012, 02:24 AM

in my current project I'm hashing all my values locally, unfortunately I've never done this before thus my code is a bit off.


As you can see it's quick and dirty, unfortunately sending that packets gets me ip banned. I have my suspicions as to why:

I'm not building the packet correctly ( my attempt at copying the cdkey hash array with memcpy, I don't think this is working )
ExeVersion, I got this from heroin library so it's probably outdated, and unfortunately I don't know what this value is, thus I can't calculate it.

Is there a way to debug from within VS C++ 2010, when I'm copying the local hash over? ( As all the values change every connection, debugging it with a packet logger doesn't get me to far, as I can't check the data I'm comparing it to ) I've set a breakpoint, set some watches but Pkt.KetDataX[x] are decimals so I can't compare them to the x_output. If you know how I can, I'd appreciate. Also if there is a better way of copying over the KeyData array, which I'm sure there is, I'd appreciate that to.

General Discussion / Question + Hello old buddies!
Last post by Kore - April 04, 2012, 06:37 PM
Hey long time no see all of you, Its been a very long time.. That is if any of you still remember me i used to run around on the name ]{oRe, Used to be in {][)K} and ]{LiK`..

Anyways I was wondering if any of you are playing SWTOR? And if so was interested in knowing if any of you thought of writing a Chat system for swtors custom chat channel system it has? I'm currently looking for a system such as this to do something with.. I don't think anyone has done it yet that i'm aware of.

If any of you would like to give it a crack i can supply you with a few 7day logins to packet sniff the client etc. I'm willing to pay at least some type of monetary donation to whom ever can PM me that wishes to help with this project.
Gaming Discussion / Re: Diablo III Hacks Released
Last post by RealityRipple - April 01, 2012, 12:54 AM
That reminds me, I should get back to work on sc2 packet documenting... Anyone else wanna do it for me? I'll give you all the resources and current docs you need XD
Gaming Discussion / Re: Diablo III Hacks Released
Last post by MysT_DooM - March 28, 2012, 10:10 PM
cool how our tweets reach the masses. 

dunno how long the project will last.  earlier today the author was mad at someone coming in and saying they were going to reverse teh hack and open source it.  And was thinking about stopping any further public releases.  But I;m sure it will continue.