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Messages - jigsaw

Diablo / Re: Battletag List
May 21, 2012, 02:28 AM
General Discussion / Re: Hello
March 29, 2009, 08:32 PM
I am a mercenary for hire, only I've been hired for the US Military and I don't act as a mercenary.... So I guess Im just a lowly DOD employee.
General Discussion / Re: Did Yoni get shot?
October 26, 2008, 07:20 PM
I heard he got shot.....  see link below:
especially like the image on the right.
General Discussion / Im back
September 11, 2008, 09:45 AM
I've been able to locate my login info for this site finally. Anyhow, I'm back to post. How's everyone doing?
A child is a miracle, the creation of life is something that is a gift from a power higher than us, period. I don't believe a human should take another human's life - and yes, that includes capital punishment. I don't care to hear "Oh but technically, its not a human", blah blah! It is, in my book, and the "Good Book" as well.  Look, adoption is the perfect solution to this "problem" a woman might be having. How about this: PREVENTION. It's called a condom, a man or a woman can wear one, or both! Sounds fun! We even have pills now-a-day, to prevent.

The only thing the woman is 'out' is the fact that 9 months out of her pathetic measly life will be to take care of the miracle inside of her. Doesn't sound so bad huh?

Or another solution, that is contradictory, but I think it's rather funny and would detour women from having abortions: the only option is to give the woman lethal injection, I mean atleast she gets to kill the baby right? I think it's fair, eh?
Mynd: You got to ASU?
General Discussion / Re: *nix client
April 04, 2006, 04:47 PM
General Discussion / Re: Nokia 770 Information
April 03, 2006, 09:42 PM
And, its not a phone! Sheesh.
General Discussion / Re: Nokia 770 Information
April 03, 2006, 09:42 PM
Um, it doesnt have a camera. heh.
General Discussion / Nokia 770 Information
April 03, 2006, 03:16 PM
I'm loving the Nokia 770. If you want to learn more, check these pages!


There are many many ports coming out everyday for the 770. It uses .deb packages. It is very flexable, and it is easy to contribute using the maemo SDK! The 770 community is great, and very helpful. I encourage you to get one, they a very cheap (~250-300USD). There is a wealth of programs, such as GAIM, XCHAT, Dropbear and OpenSSH. People are even starting to use NetBSD on these things!
General Discussion / *nix client
April 03, 2006, 03:09 PM
Im looking for a means to connect to battle.net servers, via an embedded linux system. Anyone know of a program that would work with these requirements?
Thing-O-Rama ™ / Re: Tell us now!
March 30, 2006, 03:17 PM
I agree, my cat (muffy) scored better than B+ in Algebra II.
Let me tell you something, I have a neihgbor, whom we all know is mafia-connected.  He lent my sister 25k, with low interest, because he knew us... We all knew she had to make payments on time! But it was all in a handshake, that the deal happened, nothing legal, nothing on paper. Its trust, its how some people operate. Believe me, the diamond business has its muscle too. That guy will probably show up dead floating in the tigris somewhere hah.
Thing-O-Rama ™ / Re: Tell us now!
March 29, 2006, 12:12 AM
Quote from: Explicit[nK] on March 28, 2006, 02:52 PM
Quote from: jigsaw on March 28, 2006, 02:52 PM
I live 20 mins from Vacaville. Where are you from?

My brother lives in Vacaville, and I live in Seattle.  He works at Travis AFB as a mechanic.

Ah airforce man like me?
Thing-O-Rama ™ / Re: Tell us now!
March 28, 2006, 02:52 PM
I live 20 mins from Vacaville. Where are you from?