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Nokia 770 Information

Started by jigsaw, April 03, 2006, 03:16 PM

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I'm loving the Nokia 770. If you want to learn more, check these pages!


There are many many ports coming out everyday for the 770. It uses .deb packages. It is very flexable, and it is easy to contribute using the maemo SDK! The 770 community is great, and very helpful. I encourage you to get one, they a very cheap (~250-300USD). There is a wealth of programs, such as GAIM, XCHAT, Dropbear and OpenSSH. People are even starting to use NetBSD on these things!


I didn't know it had a camera!  How good is the picture quality?  The camera feature is one of the prime uses on my sidekick, but they don't usually come out too well.
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Um, it doesnt have a camera. heh.


Well damn.  I just assumed it had a camera after seeing the pictures of it's image galleries on one of those sites.  I've lost interest.
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