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Messages - mynameistmp

If you want to know more, i'd suggest connecting to this ircd:

my @adms=("`aleXutz");
my @canais=("#FreeForAll")
$servidor='irc.iceman.ro' unless $servidor;
my $porta='9999';

Odds are pretty good that you could commandeer the entire botnet.
I know you want an IDE, but it seems like your only complaints are about the debugger. So, have you tried kdbg ?


Also, while vims functionality makes it the best text editor for the job (imo), you may find gvim more friendly if you're new to the environment.
General Programming / Re: select() on stdin
November 19, 2005, 05:40 PM
I'm not.  That's a tricky problem, though, and I haven't put much thought into it yet

It's actually not too bad. You're going to have to implement arrow keys and backspace and inserting characters into your cl buffer though, which is annoying.
I just setup something like this for the >termwidth input:

if (cmdbufpos > (COLS)) {
lline = 1;
printw("%s", inbuf + COLS);
} else {
printw("%s", inbuf);

I'm using 4 windows.  2 for the chat area, and 2 for the input area.  The first one in each set is for the border, and the second one is for the actual data.  Here is the code I use for adding it to the window:

You'll have a much easier time with this than I did. I didn't use windows so I couldn't set a scrollable attribute. I had to implement that myself.
General Programming / Re: select() on stdin
November 19, 2005, 03:09 PM
How did you deal with things like the input going past the width of the terminal ?

How did you deal with the cursor returning to the right spot in the command line after you printed to your event window (it seems as though you're using windowing (wgetch)) ?

Also I'd be quite interested in how you actually printed to your event window. Did you wind up using scroll() or did you actually have to implement a way to scroll the screen up ? This is complicated when event messages are longer than the width of the terminal (line wrap), because now certain lines have to scroll by more than one.

Are you allowed to post your code ?
General Programming / Re: select() on stdin
November 19, 2005, 04:42 AM
You'd think this would be a very common situation. I had 0 luck finding anything that could help me. I wound up conjuring up my own way (the way I did it in slackchat). I'm curious as to what sorts of ideas or constructive criticisms you (or anybody else) might have on the subject.

I also wonder if we're reinventing the wheel. How does everyone else deal with this ?
I found this brief piece of code that I don't really understand. Obviously there is some major concept that I am missing. I was hoping someone here could explain it a little bit. This guy stores shellcode in a char array then executes the shellcode. If you run the program it works, but I don't understand why. Here is the code:

char shellcode[] = "blahblah";

int main()
      int *ret;
      ret = (int *)&ret + 2;
      (*ret) = (int)shellcode;

I don't really understand how that results in the shellcode being executed. Thanks in advance.
Quote from: Grok on November 09, 2005, 12:17 PM
Amerika is WRONG to be in Iraq even if Suddam Hussein was a sadistic brute.

Did you spell that wrong as a joke ?

Anyways, torturing people is wrong. It might lead to some sort of personal gain in some situations, but I'd still never do it. Having good morals is a virtue.
What happened to the beta server ?
C/C++ Programming / Re: [C++] Gigantic Loops
October 25, 2005, 03:49 AM
It's just an example for him. That method is great for this particular example but it loses functionality as his requests become more complicated. I didn't particularly feel like typing grep -Hn everytime.
C/C++ Programming / Re: [C++] Gigantic Loops
October 25, 2005, 02:18 AM
Joe, when I was writing slackchat I used the linux bash shell to help me out with sorting through some of bncsutil's source code. I made a script like so:


for file in *
        grep -Hn $1 $file
exit 0

Stick that in the source directory, throw the string you're looking for as an arg, and it'll tell you which file/line:

sh-3.00$ ./locate calcHash
bsha1.cpp:52:MEXP(void) calcHashBuf(const char* input, unsigned int length, char* result) {
bsha1.h:34: * calcHashBuf
bsha1.h:43:MEXP(void) calcHashBuf(const char* data, unsigned int length, char* hash);

I know it's a little bit off topic but it may help you in searching for what you're looking for ;P
General Programming / Re: C++ Bot Development
October 17, 2005, 04:13 AM
Why C++ instead of C ?

Generally curious...
Site moved.

www.javaop.com/~tmp/ is the new location. Thanks to iago.
You would probably be better off getting a terminal with colour support.
Quote from: Tazo on August 22, 2005, 08:18 PM
Newby, how do I modify the makefile to make it FreeBSD compatible?

I don't use FreeBSD, but along with the Starcraft 1.13c update I released a version for FreeBSD (any BSD really) just for guys like you ;P Just download the source and it'll compile/run right out of the tarball, no modification necessary.

I was thinking of 3 optional interfaces, gtk interface, ncurses, and no interface, all of which the user can choose.

The way I setup my ncurses interface is pretty complicated, you'll want to investigate the Forms library. When I wrote slackchat's interface I didn't have access to the internet, so I had no external references. I had to implement an entire command line, including arrow keys, backspace, etc. Time consuming.

If you're looking for something like a gtk interface, I'd write a plugin for xchat. I've thought about doing this a few times but havn't really had the time to do it. Feel free to just rip all of slackchat's login code (which is fairly simple to do, by design). All of the interface design is done for you by xchat, it's cross-platform compatible, AND you've got IRC/bnet rolled into one ;P I figured with slackchat's login code already in C it could be done in a week of spare time.

Let me know if you have any design or technical questions.