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Messages - tagban

Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Your bots :)
March 02, 2010, 09:06 PM
Invigoration (Vb6) based on SoupBot Source.

I still miss this bot.. it at the time connected with ALL games. Now it only works with D2. It still connects with war3 but warden gets it after 2 mins.

I have the source, but VB6 doesn't let me install it on Windows 7, and im too lazy to port it. :-P Source is released anyway, its a terrible piece of coding but the bot always worked good. :)
Quote from: Don Cullen on October 18, 2007, 08:14 PM
There is another machine on the network, but it's Win Vista. I tried copying over my bot, but it wasn't able to run the bot.

I also ran StarCraft (edit: on my machine), logged on, with WireShark packetlogging it.

Guess what? WireShark shows UDP traffic at the port 6112.

This is bewildering.

Edit: Tried updating VB to SP6. Update was successful. UDP still didn't work though.

Checked mswinsck.ocx version, it's Compared that to RealityRipple's, he had, and UDP works fine for him.

Also tried rebooting. Still the same result.

Edit 2: Performed a hard reset of router, and set machine to DMZ once more, the results are still the same.

Vista works fine with VB bots. I can still use Invigoration. You need to make sure all the OCX files and whatnot are registered on your Vista machine though just like you would an XP machine. I also have Visual Studio 6 installed on this vista machine.
Spht's Forum / Re: dota
July 24, 2007, 09:19 PM
Quote from: shibby on July 15, 2007, 11:29 PM
you should add channel #dota on east euro and west. it's usaully pretty active on euro/east, usaully 25+ at active times, and sometimes west too. if you have stuff like channel sex on your list you migjt as well add that

Channel #dota?  Battle.net <> IRC.
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Starcraft Bot
July 22, 2007, 09:08 PM
Quote from: MysT_DooM on July 22, 2007, 02:19 PM
go to dark-wire.net forums and ask the admin for the pw to the private section and if he gives u it, it will help you in what ur looking for

That almost scares me. It makes me wonder if you're just like "Go to the guy behind the wally world. If he licks your cheek, you're in!"

lol.. Sorry I had to.
Quote from: raylu on July 05, 2007, 10:05 PM
Quote from: tagban on July 05, 2007, 12:33 PMI get to the point 0x1A is sent back from BNLS and I BELIEVE its telling me I'm sending it properly, but the second I send the data to bnet, it cuts me off and IP bans me. So theres definately something going on. lol
Excuse me for assuming you're stupid, but just output what you're going to send and don't actually send it.

I tried doing that, and everything looks good to me. Thats why I'm kind of stumped. I guess once I get unbanned Imma do a packet log of everything and see whats going on badly..
Quote from: raylu on July 04, 2007, 10:07 AM
Why? 0x1A works for all of them.

tagban: Make a topic about it?
Theres really no point in making a topic. Everyone I ask just sends me to bnet docs, so thats what I've been doing. I can only do trial and error once a week though, cause my IP is bannd right now on all servers cept USEast and I really don't feel like getting that one banned to.

I get to the point 0x1A is sent back from BNLS and I BELIEVE its telling me I'm sending it properly, but the second I send the data to bnet, it cuts me off and IP bans me. So theres definately something going on. lol

Everything else seems solid. And my 0x9 works fine for d2 and war3.
My bot currently doesn't support W2BN, it should but doesn't. I really don't know whats going on with it cause I can't test cause I'm IP banned from sending some probably bad checkrevision data. Was trying to implement 0x1A instead of 0x9, and its not working right for me, even though BNLS is telling me its working.

I dunno whats going on.. its really aggrevating.
W2BN uses "valhallalegends.com" for now.

Im not giving out my address for the site, because quite frankly, its not efficient for most people. lol
I pre-programmed into my bot to check my site for best bnls server for each game. The site checks the servers once every hour or so.

I personally find this very effective, but my bot isn't popular to the point I'm getting 100+ checks a day. So maybe it just works on less-used bots. :)
Quote from: Chriso on June 28, 2007, 11:02 PM
haha nice responses.

Learn BNLS larrynet, it is not too complicated for a beginner once you understand bytes, words, dwords, strings.

One could almost say, its clean and slated. Lets face it, BNLS rocks, and if you develop your bot around that instead of a DLL, then you won't have to update it all the damn time. :-P
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: bnetdocs
June 25, 2007, 09:52 PM
Ersan hosts a mirror of it:

But some of the links are broken. I hope Arta gets it back up sometime, I miss it. :(
Im currently banned on USWest, Asia, and Europe. Been banned for almost a week now. All I did was send a few bad packets. :-P