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Messages - Maide

Quote from: Hdx on June 17, 2008, 11:22 AM
Possible that they simply have a new installer? But that wouldn't help people with older cds. Unless when they issue a new CDKey they also send off a new cd... [Never bothered to try it]
You guys know if the 26 char keys are in retail stores? Wondering if I should run over to freddies and pickup a new copy of SC for the key. [Never hurts to use for testing if ever needed]

As for the decode function. Exactly the same? Or did they move over to the wc3 function?

They have a bittorrent based digital download now if you register your cdkey with your Blizzard account on their website.

Quote from: Andy on June 17, 2008, 12:22 PM
Ugh... adding support for this would be a real pain... good thing I'm never gonna get around to it!

Well, that's sure a poor attitude.
So, as maybe a few of you might now, StarCraft can now login via the new 26 digit cdkeys you'll get from either the Blizzard online store, or newly shipped copies.  I've done a bit of research (Packet logging *cough*) and it follows the old login format.  Anyone have any ideas how the cdkeys are hashed?