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when my collage tryed getting us to write small programs (currency converters in this case) i did it... made it modular... gave it rudermentory auto update functions... made the forms auto centre, fade in/out aswell as expanding from the mouse pointers curent location (and then centre itself if the pointer was off to one side) and then added rudementory skining support.

what im tring to say is when denied advanced tools choose somthing small and easy and then baffle everyone with bullshit  ;)

Quote from: TheMinistered on February 02, 2006, 01:23 PM

Private Sub objTCPServer_ConnectionRequest(ByVal requestID As Long)

    If( IPValidationFunction(objTCPServer.RemoteHostIP) = True) then
        'accept connection
        'reject connection
    End If
End Sub

??? OMG how stupid do you think i am?!??!?!? ???
/slaps TheMinistered

right no iv got that out of my system...  just incase you missed my point ill spell it out:

I need help re-packaging or crafting custom packets to be sent to the server spesificly addressing changing of the ip address

lol now can the next posters asume im not a complete n00b please /begs
hi all, I am curently making a server authentication program for authenticating a users IP address but i have no idea how to code the most vital part of the process ie. the programs ability to change the source IP of a packet from what it should be to form part of the validation key.

does anyone know any code or libery that i could use?