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Messages - nslay

Yoni's Math Forum / Re: Sqrt(-1)
February 06, 2006, 08:22 PM
Now prove or disprove that R^n can be related to R^(n-1) in the following fashion:
There exists x in R^(n-1) and 1-1 f(x) s.t. f(x)=r is not a member of R^(n-1) (and is not infinite!).
Furthermore f^(-1)(r)=x

Find a 1-1 f(x) that could generate an imaginary number relative to Z (call it j).

General Discussion / Re: cmd.exe can make you cool
October 08, 2005, 01:07 PM
Quote from: iago on October 08, 2005, 10:23 AM
Quote from: Yoni on October 07, 2005, 07:13 PM
Are you a geek?
Do you use Windows?

Aren't those mutually exclusive? ;-)

Indeed, Windows was designed for idiots and not geeks...yet geeks still use it, strange.
Ironically, you need to be super knowledgable about Windows to fix one and super stupid to screw it up...kinda badly designed if it was designed for idiots and real easy to break.
C/C++ Programming / Re: File Manipulation
October 05, 2005, 06:44 AM
Quote from: Adron on October 04, 2005, 09:29 AM

// Remove line 72 from a file
// Max line length 255 chars

FILE *in = fopen("infile", "rt"), *out = fopen("outfile", "wt");
char line[256];
int lineno = 0;

while(fgets(line, 256, in))
  if(++lineno != 72)
    fputs(line, out);

On Linux and only Linux, you can use getline() instead of fgets() which is a GNU extension to stdio.h. 

getline man page
General Discussion / Re: Software Request: Backup
October 04, 2005, 07:30 PM
Write a script
General Discussion / Re: Web Hosting
September 30, 2005, 11:58 PM
If these guys can deliver 320kbps MP3PRO stream to thousands of simultaneous users with no breaks in the stream, then they must be pretty good in general...
General Discussion / Re: What is your fav car?
September 27, 2005, 12:16 AM
Quote from: powered by nissan on September 26, 2005, 11:23 PM
Quote from: David on September 26, 2005, 10:54 PM
5k - 3k = 2k,meaning I had 2k to put into my car,  Learn your simple subtraction.  I love it when people who know nothing about cars try and talk big shit, you don't have a Skyline, you never will. I bet you drive some little Civic just like everyone else who talks big shit.

And you're taking this as a one sided thing, I've also pointed out good things about imported cars, and other american cars, not to mention the fact of everyones infatuation with thinking that the Skyline GT-R is the best car on this planet. --;;

And just for your enjoyment, I'll make a videotape of me racing, running my car hard, or whatever, which I had planned on doing anyways along with the Metallica - Fuel video :P
cout<<"metallica is awesome  ::) redneck (shaking my head)  lets see who says im never going to have a skyline, i have a long life ahead of me, im 17 years old, who knows.........you dont know shit, stop assuming.  GTR is one of those cars that will always be remebered in history, for the first time it ran on fuji in 1971, till the time it dominated in the jgtc, its one of those cars that retired on top of the inline 6 engine list.  Please dont tell me i dont know much about cars because you were the one that called the z tune skyline heavy, and you knew it was awd. awd cars are 500+ lbs heavier than most fwd/rwd cars DUH.  IMO 3500 punds a good weight for a awd car"; //what do you have to say now dave muahahhahahha

I've never flamed anyone on this forum, but this one cuts the mustard, you're a total dork.
Fun Forumâ„¢ / Re: Intelligent Design (Parody)
September 25, 2005, 12:23 PM
Wrong Forum: please move it to Fun Forum
Sorry, I pressed Media Motel on accident
Fun Forumâ„¢ / Intelligent Design (Parody)
September 25, 2005, 12:14 PM
On the MSN group DEISM: Belief in God without the baggage somebody posted a funny parody of intelligent design (I hope its a parody LOL!).

Edit: Rule also showed me a while back, I just forgot...he also posted but you all were too lazy to look.
Edit: Wrong forum, please move to fun forum...it was mistakenly posted here
General Discussion / Re: What is your favcar?
September 25, 2005, 12:57 AM
I like my powder blue 1983 Ford Mustang convertible (its not the 5.0 litre one, its 4.2 litre)
Its very smooth to drive, extemely fun...especially with the top down
Here is a good picture of one...I don't like the red
Quote from: iago on September 24, 2005, 11:16 AM
Hmm, I was told by several people, some time ago, that Slackware is the most BSD-like of the Unixes.  But they were probably wrong :)

Yes, and so do many Debian users...and they are probably wrong too!

Based on what TehUser tells me, who uses both Gentoo and FreeBSD...Gentoo appears to be nearly an exact replica of FreeBSD.  It has FreeBSD's minimalistic, more centralized nature as well as a similar ports system called Portage.  I wasn't aware Slackware had any of these features.  Just like FreeBSD, Gentoo emphasizes compilations over pre-packaged binaries, and from what I understand of how it installs itself (which is pushing it for practicality), it also has a similar way of building itself.  The only real difference besides the system and userland tools is that FreeBSD installs a precompiled version of itself while Gentoo compiles itself.  FreeBSD is much faster at deploying methinks...but in both cases, you're going to end up rebuilding world anyways on both systems.
I am in the middle of reading an extremely well written article about BSD and Linux...It is not a flame article, nor does it assert which one to use or any of that junk.  It mainly targets the Linux users but I am reading it to see a BSD user's perspective on Linux.

Get a cup of coffee/tea/soda and have a read (its a long article):
BSD for Linux Users

On the other hand, when I have time, I will load Gentoo on QEMU (as it resembles FreeBSD the most) and have a go at Linux.  No, I am not going to try Slackware or Debian or any of the other distributions.  I am going to try Gentoo because I will feel more at home with it, so don't bother to write which one I should use or not use.  The idea is to expose myself to Linux, not the various distributions ... and I want to do this cleanly, there is nothing clean or efficient about going to the most radically different system than what I am used to.
General Discussion / Re: AIM SN Ip tracking...
September 23, 2005, 03:41 PM
Quote from: iago on September 23, 2005, 03:14 PM
Quote from: nslay on September 22, 2005, 09:01 PM
We're assuming direct connect, in which case they aren't forwarded through the AOL servers.

He specifically said that isn't an option. 

File-transfer isn't a bad idea, though.  I think file-transfers are direct connections. 

They are...it would be terribly inefficient to send through servers.
The next problem is, he could just as easily use a public proxy.
Quote from: Joe on September 22, 2005, 10:09 PM
By the drawing, I'd say he lives in a house. =p

But yeah, 127.x.x.x, 10.x.x.x, and 192.x.x.x is reserved to LAN. Your router's WAN address is set to, which means that any box would try to access that IP on their LAN, and end up either (probably) getting a "no route to host" or whatever error because that box doesn't exist. I don't know how you got assigned that IP address, having your router set up for dynamic IP (or was it set to static?), but thats your problem.

Yes, which means his router is behind another NAT router...he's not aware of that it seems.  In order to remedy this problem, he must get the NAT router his router is behind to forward the ports to his router (and then his router forwards the ports to his computer).
Quote from: rabbit on September 21, 2005, 06:06 PM
I only have 1 router T.T
Notice the detailed diagram and ph33r my network:

I have Verizon DSL, and AFAIK they don't care about running servers.

Yes, but your router's WAN IP is a private IP, which means whatever its connected to is a NAT too...which means you need to have ports forwarded from that router too.
Do you live in an apartment that provides internet?  Some of these cheap apartment complexes have a single cable or DSL modem and use a router that does NAT (otherwise it'd be impossible to share the public IP)
The problem is clear, your router is behind a NAT too. (the WAN IP was or something like that?)
General Discussion / Re: AIM SN Ip tracking...
September 22, 2005, 09:23 PM
Quote from: Ishbar on September 22, 2005, 06:31 PM
I said...he WONT connect with her..I know theres someway though to find it. Obviously AIM contains the sn's ip.

Maybe file transfer?