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Messages - WoOdTroll

Gaming Discussion / Re: Zerg is the #1 Race
June 11, 2006, 04:40 PM
Thats why a smart zerg player has his units out. and 2sunken colonies and 1 spore. Ta da and they got little to nothing!

I went for quick hatch and just hid my ovies, i used a drone to scout. I alrdyk now a toss would go for 1 rush, or 2 corsair. Just get 2 fast lurks, rush their ramp or get slow drops while uping lurker aspect, and voila. then when you go attack sneak the 2 fuckersi n the min patch and la de da

if they got a cannon, just move your lurker attack gas, or bettery get attack the gateways from a distance.

Terran is pretty much the same way.
Fun Forum™ / Re: Mortal Kombat
June 09, 2006, 03:13 PM
I've met a kid with 2 fingers, and one thumb.

Fun Forum™ / For you starwrs fans.
June 09, 2006, 03:08 PM
Warcraft / Re: Warcraft the movie...
June 07, 2006, 10:29 AM
I could see an old warcraft1/2 movie since it has to do with 2 races, but blizzard had a way if complicating matters with demons/titans/orcs/ne/hum/gnome/drawf non-stop races. I mean its another LOTR without an ending...
Warcraft / Re: What did you do for fun lately?
June 07, 2006, 10:26 AM
lol titan panel with a few other addons I see.

Reroll a warlock:)

With nice crit with spell gear makes you virtually unstoppable(until stopped). Worst part is I use a PVE build in PVP, and own most PVP build locks. Skill? Luck? Who knows, I just get mad KB's, and live. Only players that give me a hard time is hardcore suited tanks( I mean they need legendary weps), and paladins for their bubble.
Craz3d, you said it yourself that they come here not to pay taxes.

QuoteI DO care that they drive around here without insurance, they use our health insurance, they pay no taxes...all free of charge.

Now you say "I know they don't come to avoid taxes," make up your mind will yeah?

Quit acting like they all do it too.

Personally I wish you were mexican so I could be this prejudice against you. See how you feel after I call you a criminal for what others do.

Fun Forum™ / Re: Google Earth spots flying car
January 28, 2006, 12:13 PM
How about photoshop?
Politics / Re: Google sets a double standard
January 28, 2006, 11:50 AM
He basically skims through the articles, and posts an idiotic opinion. Not only that, but he goes off subject.
It'd be fucked up if people actually wanted to go to jail for those 3 meals. :o
Politics / Re: Canadian Election
January 24, 2006, 11:23 AM
Liberals are retards iago, a (ex)group of helicopters will say we're leaving to go work for the US, and we'll say no stay *flash money, several millions, and more at them of canadian hard workers money* and a year or so later, they'll be down in the US. They don't know how to run shit all. Not only that, but they steal our money, and no one ever got arrested hmm... Corrupt. Why trust people who don't know how to handle or give money to the right things.

NPD Well I don't know too much about them. Except that they want to help the homeless, I really didn't watch the debates.

Conservatives: This moron should shut up, and stop making false promises aswell. Not only that but learn some french.

Personally I wouldn't go voting for con or lib, but I say ndp should have a shot at running the country, its not like they can do w/e they want...

But then again after what the liberals did, and nothing happened, it opens up ideas. And Quebec said it themselves, if this new government isn't better then the other one they will do the seperation thing again asap. Why stick to a country that likes to get fucked around. Just like the states and their leader.

I hear about a huge hurricane, and I go fishing.

And personally I don't want that, since in 30-60 years tops the place will become more english then french imho.
The dinosaur I like is the best because he would simply kill all of you.

Fun Forum™ / Re: How many vaginas have you seen?
January 10, 2006, 10:38 PM

And that will be mine!
Politics / Re: Blame Canada (I mean U.S.)
January 10, 2006, 10:32 PM
We wouldn't die like you guys would. We would die from radiation, and everything toxic going into the air currents.

I just use a simple one, and use Tcpview.