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Messages - Rabid Rob

Warcraft / Re: Valhalla Legends on WoW
October 11, 2006, 08:47 PM
Get on to Durotan, join the vL channel, and say hi!

Then we'll go, who the frak are you?

No worries! 8)
Warcraft / Re: Don't you hate
March 14, 2005, 07:58 PM
ROLF... great stuff   ;D
Warcraft / Re: ImageGrokker
February 24, 2005, 06:15 PM
i prefer png, but jpg works well too... plus you can put that windows hack into the images  ;)
Warcraft / Re: Grok Takes World Tour
February 24, 2005, 06:14 PM
Encore!  Encore!
Warcraft / Re: Mining Porfesion
February 23, 2005, 06:03 PM
The Professions that use those are Blacksmith and Engineering...  you probably want Blacksmith, unless you just want to sell those for some cash.

OTOH, you should stop being an undead, and join us on the alliance side  ;)
Warcraft / Re: Skywing in the News
February 23, 2005, 06:01 PM
The resemblance is uncanny...  So speaketh the Brother of Skywing   8)
Warcraft / Re: Alas, Andorhal
February 13, 2005, 09:29 PM
Ahh, you needed King Bangalash to help ya, I bet that's it...
Warcraft / Re: Professions for a Priest
February 13, 2005, 08:45 PM
Crafted items are meant to be weaker than findable items.  What makes them good is that they are easy and reliable to make (relatively speaking).

Enchanting is a rich man's skill.  I recommend going with skinning till you are rich, then switch to that.  Rich being, oh, 125-150 gold (you gotta buy a horse, remember...).  The bonuses from enchantments are weak for a long time anyways.  If you really want to level Enchant, you gotta spend a lot of money on bids in the AH (not buyouts), most bids won't win, but by going volume, you get the items you need to skill up.

Really, crafted items + enchanting are skills that can be used to greatly assist lower level chars.  Grok can make decent clothes, for example, and if we had a master enchanter, they could then be buffed up superbly.  That's just something to consider for the future, though.
Warcraft / Re: Valhalla Legends on WoW
January 03, 2005, 10:13 AM
Poor Mitosis, starting a month late.  Use the coupon code mentioned in another thread, and I may give you 1 (one) gold piece   ;D
Warcraft / Re: Server
January 03, 2005, 10:08 AM
What, no one mentions Valhalla Legends on Durotan, for the Alliance?

Oh, there it goes now...
Warcraft / Re: WoW: Statistics
January 03, 2005, 10:05 AM
Name: Robtherabid
Server: Durotan
Guild: Valhalla Legends
Race: Dwarf
Class: Hunter
Leve: 49
The mighty Emperor crab
Bangalash, King of Beasts
Professions: Mining and Herbalism

I am Sky's bro, so the genetic similarities probably explain why I am second highest in levels so far  ;)  Fortunately, Sky just hit 60, so we can start catching up to him!

I am also sometimes on as:
Malvolo, Gnome Warlock Alchemist/Engineer
Vashti, NE Rogue Skinner/Leatherworker
Teldra, Human Mage Tailor/Enchanter
All the professions are cool, and you can get to lvl 10 easy enough to try 'em out, esp with 5 gold from your main  ;)

Anyone who is less than lvl 20, a member Valhalla legends, and references the coupon code TANSTAAFL, I will mail you 1 (one) gold coin to help ya get started  :)

Re: Warlock Pets:
All the pets (except Imp) are quests starting in Stormwind/Mage Quarter/Basement of Slaughtered Lamb.
Voidwalker is level 10
Succubus is level 20