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Messages - pandaemonium

with just enough valid keys, you might even try some pattern matching algorithm  ;)
how about a support vector machine or a multilayer perceptron to solve the riddle ?
I have another - yet closly connected question about signed MPQs.
Where is this signature checking happening ?
Is it happening somewhere in mpq-loading related functions in the storm.dll ?
Quote from: raylu on May 07, 2006, 10:32 AM
Yeah, they tell you invalid password when the account doesn't exist...like WTF.

At one point, I couldn't figure out why my 0x51 wasn't sending correctly. On the official BNCS, I would get IPBanned...the odd thing is, on PvPGN, it would send it over and over and get wierd replies. Some hours later, I realized I was sending 0x51 with the ID as 0x50...

I'm perfectly sure that the PvPGN developers might be interested in protocol related bug reports, too.
It's a packet starting with f7 3a, thus its an in-game packet.
Those don't happen to be discussed here too often.

Thanks for this additional info, but there still remains one thing that confuses me.

With a bot, it seems like I can chose myself if I'll use SID_LOGONRESPONSEEX or just SID_LOGONRESPONSE.
But when using a real (Starcraft) game client, I'm stuck with SID_LOGONRESPONSE, aren't I?

So how does my game client get informed about my account being closed?
Or does battle.net reply with SID_LOGONRESPONSEEX to my SID_LOGONRESPONSE in this case?
I have to admit, those "account close codes" confuse me, as I have no clue when I should retrieve them.

The earliest stage during logon process battle.net knows about the account I intend to log into is after SID_LOGONRESPONSE.
But according to BnetDocs this packet only knows two responses (Success/Invalid Password)

For Warcraft3 the situation seems similar, the earliest stage the server might know my account is after SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTLOGON.
But still BnetDocs doesn't mention anything about such codes in this or the following packets, so I am lost once again.

Once again I would be thankful for any helping comment.

Hi guys, I have a simple question that I hope some of you can answer to me.

Does battle.net only ban based on IPs and/or CD-Keys, or do they also ban based on accounts?
And if there is such a thing like an "account level" ban, where during the logon procedure you would get notified about it?

Thanks in advance for your valuable time
C->S: (0x44 subcommand 0x00)

    BYTE            subcommand   /* 0x00 for anongame search */
    DWORD           count        /* Goes up each time client clicks search */
    DWORD           unknown
    BYTE            type         /* 0 = PG  , 1 = AT  , 2 = TY  */
    BYTE            gametype     /* 0 = 1v1 , 1 = 2v2 , 2 = 3v3 , 3 = 4v4 , 4 = ffa */
    DWORD           map_prefs    /* map preferences bitmask */
    BYTE            unknown
    DWORD           unknown      /* some id identifying the client ?*/
    DWORD           race         /* 1 = H , 2 = O , 4 = N , 8 = U , 0x20 = R */

S->C (0x44 subcommand 0x00)

    BYTE            subcommand   /* 0x00 for anongame search */
    DWORD           count        /* same as sent by client */
    DWORD           reply        /* usually 0 */
    WORD          avgtime        /* for some time this was the average search time in seconds */

S->C (0x44 subcommand 0x01)

    BYTE            subcommand   /* 0x01 for anongame found reply */
    DWORD           count        /* same as sent by client in subcommand 0x00 */
    DWORD           unknown      /* 00 00 00 00 */
    DWORD           ip
    WORD            port
    DWORD           unknown
    DWORD           id           /* random val for identifying client */
    BYTE            unknown
    BYTE            type         /* 0 = PG  , 1 = AT  , 2 = TY */
    BYTE            gametype     /* for PG - 0 = 1v1 , 1 = 2v2 , 2 = 3v3 , 3 = 4v4 , 4 = sffa
                                  * for AT - 0 = 2v2 , 2 = 3v3 , 3 = 4v3 */
    STRING          mapname
    DWORD           unknown      /* 0xFFFFFFFF */
    DWORD           anongame_type     /* ie. SOLO, TEAM, 2VS2, etc. */
    BYTE            totalplayers
    BYTE            totalteams        /* 1v1 & sffa = 0, rest 2 */
    WORD            unknown           /* 0x0000 */
    BYTE            visibility        /* 0x01 = dark - 0x02 = default */
    BYTE            unknown           /* 0x02 */
I'll post what I know about this packets structure when I am back at home on monday.
The first on is you doing an anongame search request vor an "1v1 Play Game".
So the 2nd on is just the server reply to this.

The third on is the server telling you it found a PG for you to join in. You are asked to connect on IP "3f f0 ca d8" PORT "e0 17" (6112). It also tells you which map will be played.
With what license is this fine piece of software published ?
May it be redistributed or bundled with other software ?

DWORD         Type of ladder -- 'SOLO', 'TEAM', or 'FFA ' (that is a space, 0x20, NOT 0x00)
WORD          Number of Wins
WORD          Number of Losses
BYTE          Level
BYTE          Hours to XP decay, if applicable
WORD          Experience
DWORD         Rank

are you sure about the XP decay time ? I think this value is for the XP-progess bar being displayed

DWORD        Type of team -- '2VS2', '3VS3', or '4VS4'
WORD         Number of Wins
WORD         Number of Losses
BYTE         Level
BYTE         Hours to XP decay, if applicable
WORD         Experience
DWORD        Rank
BYTE[9]      Unknown, but I'm relatively certain that somewhere within is a FILETIME that says when the last game was by this team.
STRING[]     Partners

if I recall correct, your so far unsure BYTE[9] is:
FILETIME        time of last game
BYTE              size of the AT team