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a short question about banning on battle.net

Started by pandaemonium, January 28, 2006, 07:57 AM

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Hi guys, I have a simple question that I hope some of you can answer to me.

Does battle.net only ban based on IPs and/or CD-Keys, or do they also ban based on accounts?
And if there is such a thing like an "account level" ban, where during the logon procedure you would get notified about it?

Thanks in advance for your valuable time


I am not positive about this, but pretty sure that on your first offense, your cdkey will be banned/voided. On your second offense, they ban your account. That is how it works for Diablo II hacking. I'm not positive how it works for other products, but I'm pretty sure that if the offense isnt hacking or using third party programs, they will ban your account and void your key.
As for account close codes, see http://forum.valhallalegends.com/index.php?topic=12371.0


I have to admit, those "account close codes" confuse me, as I have no clue when I should retrieve them.

The earliest stage during logon process battle.net knows about the account I intend to log into is after SID_LOGONRESPONSE.
But according to BnetDocs this packet only knows two responses (Success/Invalid Password)

For Warcraft3 the situation seems similar, the earliest stage the server might know my account is after SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTLOGON.
But still BnetDocs doesn't mention anything about such codes in this or the following packets, so I am lost once again.

Once again I would be thankful for any helping comment.


SID_LOGONRESPONSE does not tell you the close codes.
SID_LOGONRESPONSEEX does tell you the closed codes.
Quote(DWORD) Status
(STRING) Reason

If you account is closed the status will be 0x06. And there will be an extra STRING at the end telling you why.
0000: FF 3A 29 00 06 00 00 00 59 6F 75 72 20 61 63 63 ........Your acc
0010: 6F 75 6E 74 20 68 61 73 20 62 65 65 6E 20 63 6C ount has been cl
0020: 6F 73 65 64 20 28 36 29 00 osed (6).
As for SID_ACCOUNTLOGON I'm sure they also have a status code telling you the account was closed. If they do, the S and V are prolly not sent, there replaces with a string like in SID_ACCOUNTLOGONEX.

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Thanks for this additional info, but there still remains one thing that confuses me.

With a bot, it seems like I can chose myself if I'll use SID_LOGONRESPONSEEX or just SID_LOGONRESPONSE.
But when using a real (Starcraft) game client, I'm stuck with SID_LOGONRESPONSE, aren't I?

So how does my game client get informed about my account being closed?
Or does battle.net reply with SID_LOGONRESPONSEEX to my SID_LOGONRESPONSE in this case?


Starcraft uses SID_LOGONRESPONSE(0x29)
It does not tell you if the account is closed because it just gets a failed logon.
Diablo II tells you the account is closed because it uses SID_LOGONRESPONSE2 (0x3A).

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Quote from: HdxBmx27 on January 28, 2006, 05:29 PM
It does not tell you if the account is closed because it just gets a failed logon.
Diablo II tells you the account is closed because it uses SID_ACCOUNTLOGONEX.



Quote from: UserLoser on January 28, 2006, 11:45 PM
Ya, 0x3A, I haven't memorized the long names, but I have memorized the ID's
And people usually yell at me if I jsut say the ID insted of the full name.

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Looks like Hdx already said this, but at least on WarCraft III, you can get your account closed. If you hack, for the first offense (well, first ban cycle) you'll get your account closed and CD-Key banned from ladder for one month. Second ban cycle (if still offending), you'll get your CD-Key permabanned, and your (new) account closed.

IPBans have nothing to do with hacking, account bans, or cd-key bans, and are only used for protocol/queue violations.
Quote from: brew on April 25, 2007, 07:33 PM
that made me feel like a total idiot. this entire thing was useless.

Mesiah / haiseM

Quote from: HdxBmx27 on January 28, 2006, 05:29 PM
Starcraft uses SID_LOGONRESPONSE(0x29)
It does not tell you if the account is closed because it just gets a failed logon.
Diablo II tells you the account is closed because it uses SID_LOGONRESPONSE2 (0x3A).

It may not be client specific as far as emulation goes, but if your not too worried about your bot being 100% client-like, you can use 0x3A.
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