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Messages - Networks

General Discussion / Re: What do YOU do?
January 26, 2009, 02:01 AM
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Remote Bot Linking
January 12, 2008, 03:36 PM
I think decentralization is key here, take a page from platforms like OpenId. You should be able to define which service provider you wish to associate your banlists with.

I would hope we learned from mistakes BNLS made without its open implementations.

In fact, I think it would be interesting to create open, decentralized net interface of sorts to share anything between to bots. Develop a protocol for sharing and let the clients decide what they think they should share. Banlists and such seem rather limited. I am not sure if there's a need since battle.net is a rather limited population but who knows maybe the implementation could be versatile to adjust to any network: Battle.net, IRC, etc.
Quote from: devcode on October 15, 2007, 08:46 AM
Sorry, I have decided to go solo on the project at this current time.

Oh okay, that's fine then.

@Leaky: As stated above, C++ is a language I wish to eventually learn. I code to learn new things, PHP is something I've somewhat mastered to some extent granted I still learn a bit every now and then.

@K: If you see this, do you want to start an open source C++ bot?
Hey everyone, it's been a while since I've been around...a really long time.

In any event, the other thread got closed so I am creating a new one.

I don't actually know C++ at a high level, I do know how to code. I took a detour with software level programming and I've been doing web based for a while now. Nonetheless, I want to learn C++ and I need some project to gear up some motivation for me to learn it, I think this will do for now.

I'd be happy to contribute or help kick off an open source bot project in only C++. I'd be happy to get it started, get an SVN going, etc. I'd obviously need help on the way, someone would have to be the project lead as I'd be learning at the same time.

Devcode, K, if you guys want to do it, count me on the team if you'll take me.

If you don't know me...I guess you could say I am veteran of the battle.net bot days now but I am definitely out of the loop. So feel free to fill me in :P.
Quote from: Newby on August 18, 2007, 11:20 AM
Password recovery. Try it.

If you were previously registered, all data was wiped, you'll have to start over, sorry but it was better that way promise.

It's on the beta list, Newby, thanks.

This may seem rather spam-ish if so, feel free to trash but I am a long time member here so hopefully you won't see it that way =).

In anyevent, this is a project I've been working on for quite some time, some of you have heard of it and used it and know what it's all about.

I've been building a news engine capable of solving problems sites like digg, reddit, etc. currently have. While the news engine is rather social we really do focus on finding relevant content. I always felt what's popular isn't necessary what I want to see, I don't really care what hits the front-pages of these websites so I wanted to build something more useful.

mixpanel is essentially a personalized content news engine that uses semantics. What does that mean? It means if you tell us what you like we'll find it for you even on a broad or highly specific level. What about semantics? Well, in a nutshell, we're a little smarter than the average news search engine or even search engine. We're not REALLY smart yet but we're getting smarter everyday. Basically when you search for "Programming" on mixpanel unlike conventional search engines which look up only that keyword, we understand the semantics of words related to "Programming." In essence you'll be searching for "Python", "C#", ".NET", "C++", etc. mixpanel becomes really powerful that way. Another key to our semantics is we change the meaning of words to, so one minute "Banana" is fruit the next minute it's a viral video singing peanut butter jelly time.

There's actually A LOT more features that I haven't described, I don't want to bore you too much so if this sounds interesting to you, come by and register and check out what else is there. I'd love to hear everyone's feedback. I am really going to try to build mixpanel around the community it harbors. Every voice will be heard no matter how big we get.

Thanks for reading, let me know what you think.
General Discussion / Re: BNLS is down
April 02, 2007, 02:40 AM
Lame, you guys used to do better...I came here just to see what was in store...
Web Development / Re: Web Security
March 25, 2007, 06:50 PM
Quote from: Ersan on March 25, 2007, 07:15 AM
Quote from: Banana fanna fo fanna on March 16, 2007, 07:56 PM
and store that string in the database

Wow, completely missed that part. eh I think you're set without that kind of overhead honestly. I'd worry about actually hardening your code first.
Web Development / Re: Web Security
March 24, 2007, 06:02 PM
Quote from: Banana fanna fo fanna on March 16, 2007, 07:56 PM
Just because you hashed the password in the database doesn't mean it isn't vulnerable to common password attacks. Lots of times, if your database gets hijacked, one can precompute the hashes of many common passwords and bruteforce them. Use a salted SHA-1 to reduce these attacks (essentially append a random string at the end of the password before hashing it, and store that string in the database).

If you appended a randomized string, how could you compare the hash later?
Web Development / Re: Adobe's Apollo
March 24, 2007, 05:53 PM
Quote from: [RealityRipple] on March 23, 2007, 11:00 PM
Guys, guys. This is a markup language, not a programming language. I for one think web applications should be designed in markup languages. Let real software be written in a real programming language. This is all fancy stuff, not true programming, and anyone who knows anything about programming knows that. But that doesn't mean it's not cool!

Actually it's combined markup with actionscript 3.0. Actionscript 3.0 gives much of the heart and soul to these applications.
Web Development / Re: Adobe's Apollo
March 22, 2007, 07:14 PM
Quote from: Warrior on March 22, 2007, 03:43 PM
What's really new with this? Looks like they mash up a bunch of existing technologies. Looks like it'd be slow as hell as well.

more of a step backwards in performance and resource consumption (which is where application development has been headed for the past couple years with .NET) - but that's just my opinion.

You're still ranting on on something you can't even prove? Why are you trolling?

I am not sure if it's new or not, I am sure some older things came out but nonetheless it's a NEW technology to the masses. Ruby is an ancient language and RoR is about 3-4 years old and it's now picking up speed, this is no different.

In my opinion it's definitely new technology and certainly a step forward based on the things it can do. This is cross platform and it is in flash so many of the elements would probably be hard to do in a normal application language for the average programmer. (e.g. animations, smoothness, ease in moving elements, etc.)

I personally like the idea that some applications are being created so we no longer have to necessarily depend on a browser. I think it's quite interesting. I'd bet it would be slow for intense tasks as well but why would use Apollo for that? I'd use it for rich UI's and deploying applications that easily interface with my web application--nothing processor intensive at all honestly.

Someone was wondering the same thing though: http://www.codeapollo.com/showthread.php?t=278

Guess it's not so bad to some extent after all.

Edit: The things you can do with Apollo's UI is nothing like what you can do in real application programming languages--I love that.
Web Development / Adobe's Apollo
March 21, 2007, 04:45 PM
If you haven't heard of Apollo you really should it's quite an innovative project Adobe's put out even if older competitors were there before:


Google search and tell me what you think. It goes beyond general application programming and makes things highly web oriented if it wants to. Very cool.
Web Development / Re: Web Security
March 21, 2007, 04:43 PM
Quote from: Ersan on March 18, 2007, 06:50 AM
A salted md5 or (if you must) sha1 hash is more than adequate...  Salting renders rainbow attacks innefective.  If someone's gained access to your database you probably have more important things to worry about than stolen passwords that will take ages to bruteforce.

I second this, always salt your hashes and certainly do IP session checks in your cookies to prevent XSS and use tokens in your forms to prevent CSRF. Always escape your SQL queries, I might advise you to use a MySQL escaping wrapper if you can so for future projects this is a trivial thing to worry about.

My .02 cents.
General Discussion / Visual Basic on GNU/Linux
February 21, 2007, 11:42 AM
Source: http://www.linuxdevices.com/news/NS9725385854.html

The Mono Project on Feb. 20 announced that it has developed a Visual Basic compiler that will enable software developers who use Microsoft Visual Basic to run their applications on any platform that supports Mono, such as Linux, without any code modifications.

Though often disparaged by developers, Visual Basic remains one of the world's most commonly used programming languages. According to Forrester Research, 37 percent of enterprises use Microsoft Visual Basic.NET for development and maintenance of their in-house applications. What's more, among .NET developers, 59 percent use Visual Basic.NET as their only programming language. Thus, as of 2006, at least 20 percent of all in-house business programs were still being written in Basic, according to the market analyst firm.

Until now, Visual Basic applications could only run on Windows OSes, without major modifications. With the Mono Visual Basic compiler, however, those applications will be able to run on many more platforms. As a proof point of this new platform independence, the new compiler is self-hosting. That is, the complier itself is written in Visual Basic.

Novell Inc. sponsors Mono, which is an open-source development platform that aims to be compatible with Microsoft's .NET framework. Mono's goal is to enable developers to build Linux and cross-platform applications. Mono's .NET implementation is based on the ECMA standards for C# and the CLI (Common Language Infrastructure).

"From its inception, the Mono project has focused on creating a development framework that allows .NET software to run across all the leading server and client platforms" stated Miguel de Icaza, vice president of developer platforms at Novell and founder of the Mono project. "The delivery of the Visual Basic compiler is a key step forward in this process. Now, developers do not need any Linux expertise to create applications that will run easily on Linux."

"The ability to write software that runs easily across multiple platforms has long been a holy grail for developers," continued de Icaza. "The Mono Visual Basic compiler is a milestone step forward in this direction. Using the software skills they already know, developers can now reach a much broader audience, creating applications that run without modification on all the major operating system platforms."

"The Run-time piece was in place last year," de Icaza told Linux-Watch.com in an exclusive interview. "But it wasn't perfect and it was very buggy. So this was rewritten from scratch from Visual Basic by Mainsoft with some help from Microsoft." Mainsoft specializes in porting programs written in Microsoft languages, such as ASP.NET and C#, to Linux, Unix, and J2EE (Java Enterprise Edition)-based platforms. Mainsoft has often worked closely with the Mono Project.

The compiler, according to de Icara, grew from an earlier, more primitive version of the compiler. "Some people took out .NET compiler and [modified] it to work with Visual Basic."

During the Google 2006 Summer of Code, Raulf Jarve, a Norweigen student programmer who now lives in Spain, finished the compiler. "He turned it from a research [project into] a production compiler," de Icara said. Since then, Novell has hired Jarve.

This new and improved compiler, which supports Visual Basic 8.0 code, is bundled in Mono 1.2.3. In addition to Visual Basic support, this version includes many bug fixes and an almost complete ASP.NET 2.0 API (application programming interface) implementation. WebParts, however, still isn't completely supported.

De Icaza also added that these improvements in Mono owe nothing to Microsoft and Novell's recent technical partnership. "The deal with Microsoft didn't help with this project. Microsoft and Novell are focusing, as they announced, on virtualization, directory services interoperability, document format interoperability, and cross server management." de Icaza hopes, however, to get funding from the partnership for future advancements in Mono.
Ever try a system restore?