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General Discussion / Re: Alive and Dead
February 02, 2010, 07:42 AM
Quote from: Falcon[anti-yL] on January 29, 2010, 10:12 AM
Quote from: MrRaza on January 26, 2010, 10:25 PM
I check back from time to time..
When in Rome...

Quote from: Zakath on January 22, 2010, 05:02 PM
I didn't know you were out of the country.
In Kuala Lumpur for a conference right now... been in Dubai though.
General Discussion / Re: Alive and Dead
January 22, 2010, 09:11 AM
I'll be back state side in about 2 months, hurry up and make them release SC2 and D3, Denial! You're failing at your task!
Denial, I don't think you're going to get a straight answer from the people you want one from.
I'll be on Bnet, possibly not for SC2 but will be for D3.

As for looking into code, eh well we will still provide the forums for all bot related programming, and we consider the Forums a pretty centric place for that.
Game code.... hopefully they don't piss people off with bugs that need fixing again.  :P Either way, a lot has changed.
lol Honestly I don't see them being able to outsmart all the people out there who want Windows for free.
The smartest thing Microsoft can do is just halt Windows Updates for non-legit versions. Which is fair and in theory not unreasonable to do (if youre monitoring a License getting the same update 50 thousand times), without throwing in tons of back end checks (and vulnerabilities) that makes them seems like tyrants, they really have no business putting in secret processes to fix that stuff.
I'm overall happy with what Microsoft has been doing, but when I recently finally upgraded to Vista 64, and found out that they put in backdoors to Windows Defender firewall and "supposedly" gave them to partners (Adobe), so certain installs could send little checks making sure they were legit, they lost my confidence a bit.
Oh well, Zone Alarm is better anyways, even if it doesn't fit in as well.
Quote from: Spht on April 18, 2009, 10:00 AM
I figured he'd end up at blizzard or microsoft.  i'm sure he's been offered a job at blizzard several times.  skywing is modest so i'm not surprised that he's never announced anything here

Damn, should've invested money in his future years ago...

Sucks to be you, I actually own 1% of Skywing.
At first I wasn't very happy with my investment, cause when I tried to collect my annual dividend for 2008, he just sent me a locket of hair.
I got the last laugh though, now I'm cloning a whole army of Skywings.

What now Ken, the move is yours!
Nice of you to show your interest in the Skywing Fan Club... :P
As you can imagine, moving to a new place and starting a new job is something that requires a lot of attention and keeps people busy, perhaps once he settles in he will have some time for gaming related hobbies.
Okay, Spht...
If you go back to using SphT, I'll go back to hosTiLE. ::)
Just keep in mind when it comes to movies:
When its been released on dvd, you'll always have good copies the day after it's release.
When movies come out in the theaters, you'll always have a Cam/Telesync release the next day.
What rarely happens:
The DVD gets printed and some worker steals one to release the DVD early.
A "screener" comes out, which is an early release from the studio leaks it way out.
A movie gets printed to film, but halted to distribution (possibly for political reasons) and it makes it way out.
If I remember correctly, CAMs are just camcorders from someone sitting in the theater (which is why it may be shakey or you'll see someone stand up in front of it.
Telesyncs on the other hand are supposed to come from theater employees that have access to a stable camcorder, and hook the sound input directly to the projector. This is actually the more common one, since most people working in movie theaters are either younger(immature) and can get the movie releases the night before, and stay in a completely empty theater. (I had a buddy manager when I was younger who would get a few of us friends to go catch a new movie on a Thursday around midnight after close up.)
So if you're trying to snatch a movie a week before it hits theaters, just realize what you're actually trying to assume has taken place.
erm, if its not a scam to give you a trojan (and further seed the trojan'd file) then its likely one to get your personal identity or money. -don't do those, you'll probably regret it.
2: you may be on the case for working around it, but like he said, its probably a .wmv, which is even more reason not to. They most likely just renamed the file.
The guys who really put out good copies, do not do that stuff to thier work, its always someone else.
News / Re: New Website
April 06, 2009, 02:58 PM
If you dont get confirmation email, just request new password through auto service.
Ermmm .avi files can't have passwords, and usually even if theres a movie in the file there, its the wrong one with just the file name changed.  Those password sites are always scams as far as I know.
News / Re: New Website
April 05, 2009, 08:17 PM
Quote from: Sixen on April 05, 2009, 05:35 PM
Very nice, i'm liking it. There must be some way to bridge the accounts though... I'm sure you'll/we'll figure something out though...

Any chance you can throw my blog up there on the Blogroll? Technically, i'm not a vL member, but I am a forum mod, =).

stand by on that, theres certain other dynamics that are under discussion right now.
/WHOAMI -- Introductions / Re: Hello vL !
April 04, 2009, 08:57 PM
group hug or take turns?
StarCraft / Re: Fav. Race?
April 04, 2009, 08:53 PM
Brood War really depended on what type of map was in use...
If it was a low mineral map like most blizzard maps, I would use Terran,
if it were a wide open id tend to go with Protoss
and if it were a money map, I'd almost always go with Zerg... so easy to mass with them.
Diablo / Re: Archivist
April 04, 2009, 08:42 PM
No but theyve learned a lot, and stuff changes with patches ect.
Balanced classes despite unique game play styles and replay value go hand in hand in my opinion.